Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

N4rk0tyk wrote:
I also wanted to ask, how is that Reddit post have about 30% upvotes, from 75% within 24 hours? Doesn’t this ring any bells? Perhaps your approach on harvest nerf isn’t the best? Please, I love this game and I hate to see what will happen within next 6 months with it, if you fellas will remain deaf. Remember, your game is not only the streamers, Varga with mirror service and no lifers. Your game is shaped by mostly casual and average crowd, and if you will chase them away, there will be no 1%rs.

Nope they won't back down end of story all your doing are tantrums.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Trade Manifesto - 2016
Last edited by SantaClaus1024 on Mar 12, 2021, 4:41:45 PM
HowToGusta wrote:

If you want to cater to the 1% of elite players in SC, why don't you stop going to work? Fair play if that's your vision, but don't bring your 'hardcore' game design ideologies to standard/league softcore for the majority.

I think you misunderstand "hardcore": in some context it is indeed the "1 life league", but generally in the context of PoE game design, it just means "harder game than casuals"

And PoE was clearly marketed, from the onset as a hardcore game, where you could die in the very first map. You cannot just then show up and demand the game to be made "easy". It is supposed to be hard (definition of what is hard may vary), but the seence of the game, its soul is that it is supposed to be a hard, unforgiving game. I may be Marmite or Vegemite, some will love it, some will hate it, but this is fine.
The game is not intended to cater for casual players. When I have too much work or family obligations, I skip a league or two, and that is fine too.
Zepepsico wrote:
Forgot to add:

given the number of very successful leagues WITHOUT Harvest, why is everyone complaining so much? Are they saying that all the million of players who played some really engaging leagues did it while hating the game? Really? Million of masochistic players when there are alternatives?

People got a taste of power and can't let go. Grow up, you enjoyed the game without a crafting simulator, you'll enjoy it again. And if you enjoy crafting so much, there are lots of crafting games out there.

You seem to not understand the fundamental issue here.

People are not upset because they become weaker, as that is always relative if we consider that each new league will come up with a fotm build that facerolls all content, while a certain league mechanic can be abused.

What we are angry about is that a company like GGG dictates us how we have to play and this already did not go well for Blizzard with their "dont you have phones" announcement.

Maybe we just dont want to trade, maybe we just dont want to play that one meta build or abuse mechanics to get through the game? Maybe we just want to be rewarded in a former league content that we enjoyed while playing legit?

I have never been a harvest farming person, I used it mostly to get maps and zana mods. But maybe there are people who want to craft items and fully focus on that? Why take this away from them?

Same with summoner nerfs and lack of new content for that class. Why does every class get reworks and new things to play with, but summoners have only gotten a new golem some time ago, a golem that was nerfed to the ground recently. Maybe there are people who just want to play summoners, so why not let them?

GGG needs to let its playerbase play what they want, else the players will play something else.

But this is just one issue here, the other is the dependancy on trading in an ARPG.

At one point in time, D2 was all about duping runes, as Blizzard did not care about the issue RMT had become. We are moving into the same direction with GGG and GGG´s response to that is not to punish those that RMT; but everyone who doesnt and this just doesnt make sense.

Besides that, I also believe that many people are just fed up that stuff is added and taken away all the time. GGG has to act swiftly in favor of its customers, else they go somewhere else.
Last edited by Ygidua on Mar 12, 2021, 11:43:17 AM
This manifesto is completely out of touch...

It was the FIRST league (skipped harvest league) I actually crafted items, had fun doing it, and was proud of the results. And I played most leagues, since open beta.

And none of those are close to mirror-tier, I'm a casual player. I have 200h this league, which is nothing compared to regulars, I know. Still, I could craft myself (without the discord !! Just with harvest grind and friends) some cool items and kill most bosses with my build (not even top of meta, just a cold dot vortex)

Going back to buying absolutely everything through the trade api ? Nope, count me out.
Is this an out of season April's fool joke?
you make no fkn sense at all. "it became clear that this was a very powerful crafting system"
"We had hit our goals and then some" well no shit and with overwhelming approval from the ACTUAL PLAYERS. you are constantly losing players and need ways to attract them again.... u had it and now you are going to take it away again. lets face it, you're previous crafting system was trash and was just a cash grab as you had to spend a fk ton of real money on exalts in order to buy/craft you're builds end game versions. WORST decision ever. the only players that are going along with this decision with a positive response are the ones that actually spend real money to craft in you're trash system jst to overcharge the fk outta the low/non spenders. LITERALLY $100 per piece of gear per league in order to build an end league build.

"As our concern over this grew"..... are you fkn serious? THIS WAS YOU'RE OWN GOAL!!!! "We had hit our goals and then some" remember? you want something to be concerned about??? how about you concern you're asses over to the complaint department and go over the repeated complaints about you're servers being unstable, this stupid "1 hit death" mechanic you have going on no matter how the character is built, EVERY league starting with some sort of exploit that players take advantage of just to get ahead and fk the community, the crafting system (pre-harvest) being extremely expensive due to the random bullshit you roll.

there are issues with the game, yes. you are losing players and need to get them back, yes. taking away a crafting system that 95% of players could actually use and enjoy all game content with is NOT a way to keep/attract players. WAKE UP!
I demand a "But if you close your eyes" meme, poe version.
Zepepsico wrote:
Ch4dwick wrote:
Good day everyone,

i am writing this from a PoE beginner standpoint playing my real 1st league in Ritual.
Obeserving all the talking unfolding on different media about the upcoming harvest changes is quite numbing for me.

1st of all players seem to ignore the fact that harvest (besides its impact in PoE) was and still is a test for the upcoming PoE2 crafting system.

As far as i understand end game crafting in PoE was and still is heavily RNG dependend except the determenistic crafts offered by fossils & harvest.

PoE content creators tend to say that harvest is dead and the average player will not be able to taste endgame at all.....

My personal experience of my first league comes down to this:

I read some guides recommended by some friends ending up following Enki's arc witch guide for 3.13.
I cleared the acts, did quests and reached maps.
Due to some lucky drops (awakened Spell echo, some ex orbs etc) and good trades i got very good unique items to work my way up to read maps and nearly killing Sirus on A8.

After hitting my first real wall (surviving in chiselled, alced and vaaled T14++ maps i was looking for a new build to switch to, ending up with Bergerbrush's Impale Cyclone - Slayer version.

Back to leveling up getting basic gear, getting familiar with the play style, reaching maps doing labs for ascendency etc.
After getting to red maps beeing able to clear T15 canyon i started to improve the build a bit for my own taste and needs: adding movement speed, changing flask setups adding 4 different nodes in the skill tree.

In the end my cyclone was running 100% delirium maps slow but was able to clear the content, maxed out passive trees, encountered the uncharted realm including a bossfight wall and failed a few more Sirus attempts.

What does that have to do with harvest?

Was Harvest the reason why i reached red maps and nearly killed Sirus? No. Enki's arc witch build does not rely on any complex crafts you need harvest for to reach red maps and beeing capeable to kill Sirus.

Did harvest make the tailwind boots I have on my cyclone cheaper to purchase? Probably but after talking to some experienced crafters the tailwind boots i am using are also easily craftable with the upcoming changes and i would have been able to afford them.

Exactly. You can finish 90% of the game on budget builds. My own build is made of 90% uniques. No need to worry about a single damn craft.
But no, everyone wants the 1 billion dps build they saw a streamer use (you know these guys who do it for a living, have a massive support network, knowledge of the game, skill, time, etc...)

The reply to one of my earlier comments almost seems to imply they used to "bear" with the game before the introduction of Harvest. What can you reply to this apart that it may not be the best game for them?????

It's amazing how you got everything wrong. The point of Harvest is not making OP builds, but to make non meta/weird/just for fun builds more viable. It's about build diversity. It's not that players didn't like the game before, but they introduced a mechanic that is fun for the vast majority of players, including casuals, non casuals, trade, ssf, and are taking it away. In a league that had a ton of server issues, graphic "improvments", issues, Harvest was one the thing pretty much EVERYBODY was happy about. What do they do? Adress the server problems? No. Fix bugs? No. Take away the one thing nobody has a problem with? FUCK YEAH!!!!!
Last edited by bauermayers on Mar 12, 2021, 11:47:21 AM
What I'm worried about that this "philosophy" the "design team" seem to share imply that this game shouldn't be designed to hook players tru gratification but by frustration instead.

A) If you worried about item chase with std in mind, these items ARE ALREADY MADE so this is a null point. All you doing is forcing peoples to copy already made stuff even if they would like to farm their own progression. If you talk only about league, I can assure you no single one is going around with 100% perfect gear - there is always that single mod that could have been better, that item that could have been corrupted etc.

B) Even if you somewhat achieve perfection, i'm telling you what come after - a new build. That's why we have character slots I guess?

C) About poe sticking to his "randomness". It already does that. Not a single thing in POE is truly deterministic. Even harvest isn't as deterministic as you wanna us to believe. It just cull the chance to ruin an item, wich imho is a good thing specially for the players who CANNOT afford to lose it in the first place.

Also Maven's orb somewhat limit this whole point as to make truly "perfect' items (4x elevated mod) is still incredibly rng heavy. I did see standard peoples mirror such items just cuz the cost of making beat the mirror price + the fee heavily. So "chased' items already still exist.

I'm never soo vocal about any of the changes you make even if it happen I'm in disagreement but this time the disconnection is simply too evident to stay silent.

Again you seem to want poe to hook players by all the wrong reasons - this is a game not a slot machine. Stop trying to prey on people's mental weakness thx.

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