Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Gaspardwc wrote:
smplx wrote:

Exactly. We are all doomed because of a small change in one mechanic out of many and POE will be a barren wasteland. And our life in ruins because we wont be able to add/remove life to roll tier 1 on a 6 prpperty multi influence elevated explode chest to take it to the next level. The game will surely be unplayable and meaningless without this. Very amusing reading the comments. :-)

You lack a severe understanding of the overall sentiment of the posts here. They're making the game less fun and detracting from their own game. It's the overall direction GGG is taking with their game that is troubling rather moreso than the one change.

Not troubling for me at all. The way I see it the game will not be less fun because of this change. It has almost no effect. People are overreacting like always, come next leage and noone will care about this change at all.[/quote]

Fortunately, you are the minority. [/quote]

This change wont affect the majority of the players. Most of the players wont even notice this change, and most of the playerbase don't even know yet it will happen because the majority don't read this news post let alone come here and write a comment. But you are right that I am part of the minority group that reads news posts and comments - just like you. Vast majority of the commenters here are a subset of this small group who come here to write they are butthurt because of this plan of a change for some reason without even trying it in game. The rest will read the news post, acknowledge with "whatever" and continue their day. Thinking that this shitstorm of hate posts are in any way representative of the playerbase is wrong in my opinion.

But entertaining read nontheless.
In over 1,800 hours since I joined PoE in mid Essence league I have used maybe 3 exalted orbs on my gear. Every time it ended up being not worth the cost of the currency used.

I played the most I have ever played this league and the sole reason I kept playing was because harvest allowed me to incrementally upgrade my gear.

I don't understand how anyone can like 100% rng "crafting". I've "crafted" in the past spamming thousands of alterations, augments, and regals and the end result is a negative experience with wasted currency. I've dumped 2,000+ fusings over the first two weeks of a league and failed to 6 link an item (and then quit the league). For me, random crafting is not fun and in nearly all cases I'm better off trading the currency for items I want rather than "closing my eyes and hoping".

I want the ability to incrementally upgrade my gear (and harvest allows this). If I spend 10-15 hours worth of currency on an item and it never improves that's the ultimate waste of time and feels terrible. Yet, with harvest I can gradually improve the same piece of gear over time. I never make insane mirror items...I just want the ability to gradually improve my gear whether that is adding a 2nd or 3rd resist, upgrading the tier of a resist or changing my t2-t3 life into a t1 life roll.

TLDR: I usually earn around ~60ex per league playing 200-300 hours per league and I never use my currency for crafting. PoE "crafting" is too much pain and not enough profit.

... and there I was eyeing that Harvest Core supporter pack.

The sweatshirt is the only thing that didn't get nerfed :(
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile on Mar 12, 2021, 7:56:29 AM
They could just have made the Harvest Crafting "costing" the currency it represent instead of Gifting it.... and could have made the "craft" itemisable so you could sell it the treaditional way... and would also "sink" currency as they want us to spend our exalts. For average player exalt are a Huge currency value... and not a conssumable like for the Highend player.... but we all know that the High end player are the ones buying most of the Mtx points... so they are the real customers, the elite of the game... we average player are the pheasant who mine for ressources like chaos and exalt to sell them to those highend players!
Please look at the path of Matth video
I am 100% agree with him. I am a 98% player and I loved with harvest to be able to craft my own item. I fear to loose passion about the game without it.
LOL. Chris thinks people get items by chaos spamming and exalting.
Leaked footage of the new harvest.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
Looks like only ones that closing their eyes are Officials LOL
They could just have made the Harvest Crafting "costing" the currency it represent instead of Gifting it.... and could have made the "craft" itemisable so you could sell it the treaditional way... and would also "sink" currency as they want us to spend our exalts. For average player exalt are a Huge currency value... and not a conssumable like for the Highend player.... but we all know that the High end player are the ones buying most of the Mtx points... so they are the real customers, the elite of the game... we average player are the pheasant who mine for ressources like chaos and exalt to sell them to those highend players!

But is is ok i understand GGG want to be the ONLY one deciding aboutr THIER game..... I am a supporter since closed beta But EACH and EVERY nerf is only making the average joe's game harder and less FUN. You game are to be FUN not a full time job!

But is is ok you can keep your game to yourself and to you ELITE base....
Atleast Diablo 4 is comming and we will be able to enjoy back our FUN diablo II angain soon...

GAMES are meant to be FUN not a Dayjob!
I feel that the nerf alone isn't enouth, they must add something to compensate in a way.

I don't need the game being about deterministic crafting, but i need to be able to grow in power with some mechanics i can relate to.

I'm never gonna exalt an item unless for trolling purpose, cause it never was a way anyway.

Path of exile crafting system without harvest is too random and with it's too deterministic for some crafts (i can agree with that).
Maybe just too heavy handed or something is coming to compensate in a way that serves better the feel of play GGG intend. If it's just a nerf without anything,it's just for the worse.

And maybe just buff some skills so they can compete without 2 mirror investment. I always found dumb that some skill lack power so hard, same for some unique mechanics that are cool but just too weak to be used.
I don't care about having the 6T1 GG perfect gear, even i loove crafting them now. But I would like the changes to crafting not being at the cost of build diversity, that was one of the strenght of the game (and yeah you laught with memes build, 2hours, then you reroll).

Also, you can't talk about the issue of harvest's crafts traded on TFT and not giving any solution about it, especially when you make such big nerfs. Just make harvest's orb a thing.

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