Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

You guys are playing with fire and the future of your game by doing this I hope you know.
Fenoch wrote:
Redd_Barr wrote:
GusTheGamer wrote:
They remove this bad news from the main page news and push a bunch of microtransaction posts. WTF Seriously

I noticed that too. Cowardly. Reminds me of how they postponed the league launch because of Cyberpunk; their spurious explanation didn't hide their weakness then, nor does it now.

My fucking god. They did that because the event is up and winners should be seen.

Take of your tinfoil hats and keep watching the stars for your alien friends.

I'll take off my tinfoil hat when you remove your blindfold.
"This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." "

The statement above does not make sense when reading the changes. You want people to go back to gambling, no problem, but have the decency to say so.

The rich gets richer once again... The average player gets shafted and the 1% will still be making mirror items.
ZettaSlash wrote:
"This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." "

The statement above does not make sense when reading the changes. You want people to go back to gambling, no problem, but have the decency to say so.

The rich gets richer once again... The average player gets shafted and the 1% will still be making mirror items.

Yeah that's how it should be if you're not committed to it then quite frankly why should you have the same access because you have a family? You can only do 1 hour a day?
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Mar 12, 2021, 5:04:56 AM
Imagine making the game less enjoyable for the 90% of the people that dont have the time to grind all day to get first week HH and god items by taking away the already nerfed harvest content.

I guess this is the last league im gonna enjoy playing. It is a sad time for path of exile.
As a guy who works most of the week and wants to enjoy the game the few hours he has , harvest was a godsend thing that would make me not play another cyclone / minion / top 5 build.

Oh well.

Do agree with the way heart of the grove changes where there are going to be shards instead of instant boss fight.
I hate the harvest nerf although I do not use harvest crafts myself. I tired only once to craft something but I don't like it since it eats lots of ex in the proces while re-rolling stuff.

I enjoy the possiblity of finding good craft and selling them to others who like making goodlike gear. I don't see the need of making mirror tier item myslef but like the options for others to do so. With currency I madeselling harvest crafts to my guild mates I empower my builds with high mid tear gear and have fun this way. Now it will all be gone.
Black_Baobab wrote:
Kairuto2020 wrote:
Let's let them implement what is intended first and we will see if it really hurt the whole game play. What if few weeks into next league, you see many top tier gear easily and everyone will be forgeting this whole episode. If it turn out really bad, GGG can always re-tweak again the following league. It is a free game after all and we already know GGG is using all of this year to fine tune the mechanic for POE2. Lets give them a chance for it to prove their tweak. One can always skip the league if it is that bad. Don't murder them on just 1 adjustment when they have already provided 8 years of countless new league mechanic and gaming enjoyment.

A lot of people are reacting because, if you look at a lot of unhappy players here, the manifesto feels bad for multiple reason. I'll only note two :
- It is surprisingly out of touch (slamming is fun and the way to craft ??)
- It wants to kill determinism and go back to gamble. I hate gamble, many people hate gamble. With harvest, we had a way to make progress while crafting that suits our liking and style of play. With the change, we'll revert back to the old gamble system that feels so bad for a lot of people (In my case, I'll just revert to buying things). But now, I'll have the bitter taste that it WAS fun. I would prefer it was just not implemented and stay in my blissful ignorance.

I still love the game, still love the gameplay, and I will still be around. But reminding me that the trade and the crafting system is bad AND mandatory is not fun at all, especially now that we know that it can be better...

Determinism is not the issue. The issue is the value of determinism. What they fail to admit is they made a mistake by under-valuing determinism. Example Jeweller to make 6 sockets. You can RNG it or you can use crafting bench at a cost of 300 Jeweller. Or Fusing - you can RNG it for 6 linked or you can spend 1500 Fusing to instant 6linked it. Everything has a cost attached for determinism. Harvest is under-valuing them.

If you go by slamming 1 ex to add a random mod, then Harvest Aug specific type mod should cost a lot more than 1 ex to do it. It should probably be 5ex or 10ex per craft. GGG knows this but if they take this route, the casual players will still complain and say GGG is catering to the super rich who only they can afford to use Harvest. This is where the dilemma lies.
ppl are so easy to anger nowdays.... cmon calm down:PPP
AND PLZ dont nerf harvest to much
I can understand, that this league GGG implemented so big buff to end-game content, that raised farming to the much higher level. Farm 2-5 ex for casual player? Easy, just get cheap clear mapping build (ED for example or obliteration explosive or any other cheap explosive build), go to Valod\Glennach\Vastir, spend like 15 c per map and get at least 40c in a return from strongboxes, legions or harbringers. Almost no investment, no risks, good for casual player. From other side, Harvest of other players will give plenty of good and cheap items on the market. So in the end, even casual player with 2-8 hours in a week can get ok build, which will give fun without min-maxing. I can understand that by this logic, anybody can receive a lot of currency, which they are not using in reality and GGG want to force using currency instead of trading.

The problem is, that using currency only profitable in a very rare occasions (alt\aug slam to get tailwind, on cluster and common jewels, but not other big options), in other way it is useless. Using exalt on item, which will cost more than exalt only if specific roll will appear is useless. If you have 80c item (compared to 100:1 rate) and trying to do exalt on it, the price should raise to 1.8 exalt anyway and if the roll is not ok (it will not in general be ok at all), then price will raise to 2.8, 3.8 and later with lucky augs. So cheap item is not worth exalting at all. If we are talking about expensive items or at least even middle tier (10ex for base) we receive the same situation. With exalt we raise price by default to 11ex and if you brick item by that, you lost 11ex at least. If you break item, then you need buy base again. With 10 bricks you lost 110ex, which affect price on market for anything valuable. Nobody will ever do exalt slam and I am not saying anything for items like 80ex each. You can only buy, but not fix the item.

GGG go to the reddit to see how people are crafting. They buy base, which is RNG drop or use essences or fossils craft and then fix item by Harvesting. They are not using Harvest for the full flow. Also, they are spending not one but a couple of Harvests to make good item (100ex+ on current trade). The process is long and not so determenistic. You know what you should use to get the item, but you don't have feeling that you will do it fast enough. It is same with fossils. With 4craft fossil you have more chances to get what you want, but still you need to gamble. With Harvest gamble is a bit reduced, but compared to delve, you need to find exact harvest craft recipe, which is rare and Harvest is not so frequent (compared to the delve, when you can reach 300-400 level at minimum and get much more fossils doing similar determenistic job).
hear our voice ggg

ı play every day 2-3 hour ı'm not make elevated item yet and ı buy 1 mtx for this season for liked my storm brand build if i cant make again this build for 2-3 hours play why ı make this build just waiting 2 week after league and ı will make meta build.
ı will start after 2 week learning the meta ı dont have wasteing time for try new builds
Last edited by LizaromFatality on Mar 12, 2021, 5:16:45 AM

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