Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Draak0 wrote:
Look at all these comments. Now that they got a taste of some OP crafting nonsense, they cant go back living without it, instead they are shaming the developers. People enjoyed playing the game before without Harvest, and people will enjoy it afterwards. You guys complaining are out of your mind, like babies whose toy was taken away and cant get over it. Even worse with threatening saying "im gonna quit", "im not gonna buy packs anymore", cry, cry, cry.
Yea, this is the XXI. century, the age of spoiled grown children.

Nice t2-t4 mods on your gear... XD
Just adding my voice to the outcry over this. I've been playing this game since 0.9 or so, and nobody enjoyed the old exalt slam crafting. The quote about the enjoyment of exalt slamming is so out of touch that it seriously has me questioning if the development team has actually played their own game, with the same restrictions as the live realm to level 90, even once within the past year.

Horrible change. I remember an interview from a while back where one of the dev team, maybe Chris, mentioned that they hadn't considered how much fun old CoC was back when they nerfed the shit out of it, and the playerbase dropped off a cliff as a result of said nerf. I feel like you guys are making a similarly baffling mistake here, only it's even harder to recover from than just blasting one type of skill as it will drastically reduce the range of viable, off-meta builds.

I hope you reconsider this course of action.
This is stupid.... this league has been the best for SSF EVER. You are telling everyone, you balance around SSF but the only best thing that enables huge fun in there has been Harvest. Now it is gone. I would love to see your thinking cause this just looks like you have disconnected from the community af or you just straight up said, fuck anyone who playes less than 6h a day. I have been only loving and supporting you(both promoting and paying). But this one here, I am giving up on next league because I just cannot do anything in SSF unless I pump 2x the time that I did this league and that I just don't have (nah nah, unless I can get to some good endgame or I can see a chance getting there, I am playing but this one is just "Fuck you" to all of us playing)

Fuck I am so angry and disappointed that my mind is not straight

PS: noone loves the old crafting, that is just bullshit. The reason we used it was because there were no other options. The only other deterministic option are fossiles and they have been gutted instead of giving them the harvest part or anything.
Last edited by Hacep on Mar 11, 2021, 7:20:19 PM
I disagree
This has been such a great league for SSF. Now what type of goals will I have for future SSF leagues? This change reduces my build diversity to playing the same cookie-cutter builds in order to even consider doing most endgame content in SSF.
Last edited by Nicksiren on Mar 11, 2021, 7:20:33 PM
Such a bullshit change. This is your most successful league ever and you're gutting the best part of the league.

I swear, sometimes I'm convinced that this game thrives in spite of Chris, not because of him.
astrartea wrote:
Draak0 wrote:
Look at all these comments. Now that they got a taste of some OP crafting nonsense, they cant go back living without it, instead they are shaming the developers. People enjoyed playing the game before without Harvest, and people will enjoy it afterwards. You guys complaining are out of your mind, like babies whose toy was taken away and cant get over it. Even worse with threatening saying "im gonna quit", "im not gonna buy packs anymore", cry, cry, cry.
Yea, this is the XXI. century, the age of spoiled grown children.

Man since crafting is so OP why are you running around with gear that isn't 6x t1?

He's not even Level 100, oh nonononono.
astrartea wrote:
Draak0 wrote:
Look at all these comments. Now that they got a taste of some OP crafting nonsense, they cant go back living without it, instead they are shaming the developers. People enjoyed playing the game before without Harvest, and people will enjoy it afterwards. You guys complaining are out of your mind, like babies whose toy was taken away and cant get over it. Even worse with threatening saying "im gonna quit", "im not gonna buy packs anymore", cry, cry, cry.
Yea, this is the XXI. century, the age of spoiled grown children.

Man since crafting is so OP why are you running around with gear that isn't 6x t1?

dont bother hes quins brother :D
fk archnemesis.
Last edited by Omeguh on Aug 17, 2022, 12:35:38 PM
Darkxellmc wrote:
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

That's... not something 99.9% of players has or will ever do. Does the game have to be balanced for the absolute top of the top of the top of the top of players?

I am a wealthy player. I have maybe done this once in 4000 hours of playtime. This experience described here simply does NOT exist. Yes, it feels good to gamble items. No, it does not feel good when the only way to make comptetitive powerful stuff is gambling. If the tradoff for "crafting to be slightly more fun and engaging" completely breaks" crafting endgame gear "for 99,9% of the player base, it's NOT a good tradeoff. Vaaling is currently filling this niche. Original fossils, awakener's orbs and maven orbs are going in the right direction. This is running backwards.

Do you see players vaaling mirror worthy items on a regular basis? No. Gating crafting behind rng simply means only the most wealthy will engage in it because they can invest enough to average things out. Balancing this experience isn't something that should be done at the cost of the experience of the overwhelming majority of the rest of players.

Harvest crafting needs to drasticly change, and some of the nerfs here are completely adequate. But the reasoning behind these decisions seems random and based on very out of touch information.
Crafting has become the only way to make powerful gear since the conqueror's expantion. If this isn't completely removed (it won't), there NEEDS to be a way to obtain powerful gear that isn't gated behind something only the absolute top of players can do. Before nerfing harvest, remove the freaking split beast from the game that's been breaking the endgame economy every single league since it came out.
This post HAS to be accompanied with "How we are going to implement other crafting paths to make endgame items".


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