Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

did 344ex worth of block prefix and slam for +2 arrow mod for bow. got 1 time just tier 2 mod. ggg close your eyes and vaal yourself. corrupted souls


total 380ex slams i said fak it. i use gmp and get DD from cluster
but im pretty sure this bow still sucks for my lightning arrow full shaped phys light to cold covnersion for full shaped-

yeah that one socket :D

fk archnemesis.
Last edited by SuperDrop on Mar 11, 2021, 7:17:47 PM
If you want people to use exalts for crafting then don't make them so rare? Nerf exalts to chaos rarity and make another currency to replace exalts (maybe turn some rare harvest crafts into currency).
Please ggg dont do this and listen to community!

I mean I am just average player and trying to craft just simple jewels for my end game is super difficult WITH current harvest craft and now u just wanna make it even worse?

U will deffinitelly loose a lot of money on this gggg. I am already thinking about quitting, considering how hard it is for me to get currency and into the end game, u have insuffiecient servers or why do u want to make us normal players less comfortable? Forget your crazy idea of "CLOSING EYES AND SLAMMING EXALTS" its just that stupid ...
Last edited by zizizii on Mar 11, 2021, 7:26:09 PM
Draak0 wrote:
Look at all these comments. Now that they got a taste of some OP crafting nonsense, they cant go back living without it, instead they are shaming the developers. People enjoyed playing the game before without Harvest, and people will enjoy it afterwards. You guys complaining are out of your mind, like babies whose toy was taken away and cant get over it. Even worse with threatening saying "im gonna quit", "im not gonna buy packs anymore", cry, cry, cry.
Yea, this is the XXI. century, the age of spoiled grown children.

It was only tolerated because there was no other alternative, and every other crafting method has been nerfed immensely in comparison to how it was when first implemented.
Also the more hilarious bullshit is that they’re doing this to curb the TFT Discord trading...while at the same time doing nothing about it and actually making it EVEN MORE NECESSARY.
This manifesto is a joke.
Harvest by far my favorite part of the game.

Seems like an odd choice to make a change to harvest a part of the game that alot of people very much enjoy when there is so much just really bad content.

Guess I'll go back to playing 2-3 weeks each league, that's about the time you realize how much time you'd have to invest to

A) save up enough currency to buy a decent item or
B) save up enough currency to buy crafting mats by msging 400 different people to buy 20 fossils and then yolo craft and hope you get something decent
Draak0 wrote:
Look at all these comments. Now that they got a taste of some OP crafting nonsense, they cant go back living without it, instead they are shaming the developers. People enjoyed playing the game before without Harvest, and people will enjoy it afterwards. You guys complaining are out of your mind, like babies whose toy was taken away and cant get over it. Even worse with threatening saying "im gonna quit", "im not gonna buy packs anymore", cry, cry, cry.
Yea, this is the XXI. century, the age of spoiled grown children.

Man since crafting is so OP why are you running around with gear that isn't 6x t1?
Terrible change
This nerf is way too heavy on the little players. The craft you are removing from harvest are the one that enables true crafting options. Without deterministic crafting then it's only gambling. It is now impossible to anyone having a life outside the game to get a decent item while crafting. I will not play the next league.
Love the changes! =)

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