Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Fenoch wrote:

Like me good Sir? Have you even bothered to look at my toons for this league?

See anything crazy expensive? Nope. Coz not needed. I have beaten every content in the game as is.

You do not have to fight Sirius A8 to fight against end game bosses in a league?

If you have that little time play Standard? Nobody forcing you to play league and expect to whip that endgame ass all day long.

Why cant people like yourself get it in their heads that item-farming ARPGs might not be the greatest choice for games to play for married, hard working adults?

It is not that hard. You can also just shift your focus. Even in your situation with less time you can get to endgame WITHOUT harvest crafting and minimal time investment. It requires you to learn things about the game. Literally JUST playing it is enough. Even with (Idk what your time constraints are) 1 hr a day or even every 2 days.

Knowledge is key. Aspiring to make your absolute own build and items theory crafting on pob in your situation may not be the smartest choice. However, if that is what you want to do then you should expect failure or less success.

Whether you play 1hr or 20hrs a day, goals are your own.

You wanna play against some endgame bosses? Well watch some youtube and simply pick a skill you like and find a build for it. Follow the guide and just play the game. Even chisel and alch is enough to allow you to upgrade step by step. Mirror tier items are what they are. A Diamond in a box of sand not for everyone.

I and my 200hrs a day dont have mirror tier items and guess what? Still fun.

Alright, let's go by arguments.

1. I'm glad you and your "toons" beat all content easily. Question: how much of those items on your Trickster are self-crafted? Just curious.

2. What if I want to play league? Just because I don't have the dedication I am not allowed to play league?

3. Because Item-farming ARPGs are typically fun, have great depth, and "people like me" are also allowed to partake of games they like. I want to play this game, and that means I will wholeheartedly support anything that enables that, like, you know, Harvest crafting.

4. Oh, I have learned about the game. Plenty, but you know, I play SSF and can't be bothered with hours going through trading, guides, streams, and other related content. I can learn from trial and error as long as it is not extremely punishing (like bricking an item because that annul orb didn't get the mod you needed out).

Your points are limited to "you complain about a free game, you can't" which is invalid because paying or not, everyone's entitled to their opinion or "you're a filthy casual who shouldn't even be playing" and that's invalid too because people can choose to play whatever they want. Whatever allows the most people to enjoy the game more should be encouraged and not shot down by people who think the game should remain a grueling endeavor.

Which, by the way, would be a terrible economic decision, since people who regularly spend money are not limited to the so-called 1% of very hardcore players. Losing players = losing money. Why are you hell-bent on defending what is clearly a poor design decision?
Not really. I just dont think that this breaks the game for anyone at all.

The game is in such a fantastic place right now that even as a casual player and WITHOUT harvest you can nearly do all the content that is on offer.

Sure. You cannot play vaal molten shell moltenstrike cold to fire conversion inquisitor as it wont be feasable but there are SO MANY different builds out there, with fantastic guides and incremental item recommendations it makes the game a breeze.

Harvest was about to brick the game.

Take a market: Ups and downs yes? Economy? yes.

Now give everyone a solid chance to get perfect items for their respective builds.

What happens to the market? It dies. Literally only mirror items would be for sale as nobody would need anything else but.

Everyone smashes every boss in the game in seconds. Powercreep, moneycreep.
End of PoE. Just like D3 and just like many others before. Perfect items should be a thing of beauty, not a thing of a socialist commune.[/quote]

There isn't anywhere near as many people as you think attaining enough gear to flood the market with God tier items. The average player isn't crafting top tier gear. In 640 hours I've beaten Sirus twice. This season has given me the best build I've had to date but it's still nothing compared to other people. I am the average player. You talk about people deleting bosses. Sorry but after this long playing I am leagues away from that. And even with the current harvest mechanic, I average a harvest every 20-30 maps (and that's being generous).

The 1% have ruined it for the "average" player. This is the first league many of us have actually had a chance to try and complete most end game mechanics because it's actually accessible. All thanks to harvest. GGG are seriously shooting themselves in the foot
Terrible change for player retention. No supporter pack purchase for next league from me.
I hate this change. Keep the Fragment, don't do the rest. Why remove specific annul? Why only non influenced items? Why? I want to get my gear done during the league.
While I only have over 800 hours in this game it is mostly because of the crafting system. I don't have time to invest crazy hours into path of exile as most I have real life commitments that have to take priority, but when I tell you that usually per league I'll level one character and use that to the end whereas this league with harvest crafting I have tried a total of 5 different builds with 3 characters really tells you something.

Items have been attainable and I've been able to get things rolling far faster than I normally would, I actually learnt how to craft good bases, how to use essences well, how to fossil craft etc all because harvest let me get rid of rolls I would not have wanted and let me play the game with that little bit of freedom making this league my most played one yet.

But with this "manifesto" I honestly am just going back to square one. You guys are literally shooting yourself in the foot as you are beyond detached from reality. "Hey our numbers are up so much that even our servers can't keep up" to me doesn't signal lets make the game worse but rather "hey we did something that has made player retention high and increased volume of players". Don't cripple yourself and stop trying to fix things that aren't broken. Fix the performance and general loot vomit of the game before you address anything else.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Lol nobody crafts by slaming exalts since the crafting bench was introduced in 1.2 August 2014!!!

Does your team even know what happens in the game,or do they learn everything by watching meme videos with people burning currency?
"Just let Exalted Orbs and Anuls drop like Chaos orbs, what is the worst that could happen right ?"

I´m asking myself if this was a point in the Harvest developingprogress ?
I would like to spam my Exalted Orb like Chaos if they were worth the same thing and another currency would be used for trading like Divines.

I would like to try more different Builds with my self crafted ITEMS if i would have a easier method for getting my gambling ORBS.

BUT now i will have to go back to my limited UNIQUE ONLY Builds because the amount of time and fun with RARE ITEM CRAFTING will be over.

Lets say goodbye to Build diversity, because the time in which i can make that work with a harvest solution is over.


Rejoice nomads, Savour your remaining time, I urge you. Prepare for its arrival, I urge you.
Bro I play 10 hrs evereyday and I do not think this is good. This was the best league i've ever played and the most play time. We have a lot of player retention we have a lot build diversity. With this nerf to harvest they are ruining both of those things, and sending players to D2 R, and D4 , I'm in shock of this manifesto man it makes no sense. Even with 10 hrs a day I do not have any mirror items.... for one even with playing 10 hrs a day it's not easy to get to mirror tier requires specific dedication and knowledge. It actually offensive that they said it was easy as if I'm doing something wrong playing the game and enjoying it the way I want.
Is this change made by the same person that nerfed alternate quality gems??
So since i got my original posted deleted.

Im NOT being hatefull nor being needlessly negative.
IM AM DEFFINATELY BEING NEGATIVE but not needleessly negative.
And stating facts doesnt makes my words hatefull.

GGG didnt need to add harvest to the game. They tested it and had enough data on the subject in the harvet league it self to decide how they would go about it if it actually came to core.
THEY CHOOSE to add it to the game, more powerfull than before. Because they removed the garden, kept every craft the same. And also added a way to improve it even futher with maven passives on the atlas and sextant mods. So this dumpster fire we have here was 100% deserved and predictable.
It was obvious that Harvest didnt fit the game philosophy from the get go.

So just based on that, GGG deserves EVERY LAST BIT OF BACKLASH the community can give. And i hope it will be enough to make you guys actually think things trough before adding it to the game just because.

Lets go folks. This here is almost blizzard level of incompetence.


And voiced by the man himself.


And btw who ever on the design team said this
"This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

One could argue he is so out of touch and disconected to the game he is working on, and the playerbase that loves said game, that he should be fired or something. Im sure Actvision Blizzard is always looking for out of touch completely disconected people to join them.


Last edited by HkDrOn3 on Mar 11, 2021, 6:54:25 PM

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