Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

helldunkel wrote:
Fenoch wrote:
namespace wrote:
Breaking my many, many year forum silence to point out that this kinda sucks. All this is doing is, one again, catering to the absolute top 0.01%, streamers and 15 hour a day players, complaining that the plebs may perhaps get a chance to get some ok items; Not mirror-tier (come on lol) but like, influence and some good rolls.

It's weird how progress like shards are good, but progress like tinkering on an item without bricking it is bad? I guess thanks for saving me the MTX costs by posting this early, I and friends were getting back into the game because filthy casuals such as ourselves with only 1-3 thousand hours were actually able to build some neat stuff without being 100% glued to the meta and just trading all day.

And as others said, "This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - This is AWFUL this is "Don't you have phones" no one does this I have been playing since alpha and I've exa slammed like... A jewel once with three good mods because I just didn't care about mod4 because of an odd build.

Same goes for you. Many many many years of enjoying a free game. Yet you feel the need to jump on the complaint bandwagon. Cool-. You should know better and know that this not even half as bad as the crying babies make it look to be.

So, you're just being antagonistic because... reasons? Regardless of the status of the game as F2P or how many bucks have you spent on it, you are entitled to an opinion about it, about the changes it undergoes, and how they affect your ability to play and enjoy the game. That, my antagonistic non-friend, is called feedback. And it's something GGG DESPERATELY needs to listen to. Filtering random comments antagonizing other players, like yours :)

Not really. I just dont think that this breaks the game for anyone at all.

The game is in such a fantastic place right now that even as a casual player and WITHOUT harvest you can nearly do all the content that is on offer.

Sure. You cannot play vaal molten shell moltenstrike cold to fire conversion inquisitor as it wont be feasable but there are SO MANY different builds out there, with fantastic guides and incremental item recommendations it makes the game a breeze.

Harvest was about to brick the game.

Take a market: Ups and downs yes? Economy? yes.

Now give everyone a solid chance to get perfect items for their respective builds.

What happens to the market? It dies. Literally only mirror items would be for sale as nobody would need anything else but.

Everyone smashes every boss in the game in seconds. Powercreep, moneycreep.
End of PoE. Just like D3 and just like many others before. Perfect items should be a thing of beauty, not a thing of a socialist commune.
Fenoch wrote:
helldunkel wrote:
Fenoch wrote:

Same goes for you. Many many many years of enjoying a free game. Yet you feel the need to jump on the complaint bandwagon. Cool-. You should know better and know that this not even half as bad as the crying babies make it look to be.

So, you're just being antagonistic because... reasons? Regardless of the status of the game as F2P or how many bucks have you spent on it, you are entitled to an opinion about it, about the changes it undergoes, and how they affect your ability to play and enjoy the game. That, my antagonistic non-friend, is called feedback. And it's something GGG DESPERATELY needs to listen to. Filtering random comments antagonizing other players, like yours :)

Not really. I just dont think that this breaks the game for anyone at all.

The game is in such a fantastic place right now that even as a casual player and WITHOUT harvest you can nearly do all the content that is on offer.

Sure. You cannot play vaal molten shell moltenstrike cold to fire conversion inquisitor as it wont be feasable but there are SO MANY different builds out there, with fantastic guides and incremental item recommendations it makes the game a breeze.

Harvest was about to brick the game.

Take a market: Ups and downs yes? Economy? yes.

Now give everyone a solid chance to get perfect items for their respective builds.

What happens to the market? It dies. Literally only mirror items would be for sale as nobody would need anything else but.

Everyone smashes every boss in the game in seconds. Powercreep, moneycreep.
End of PoE. Just like D3 and just like many others before. Perfect items should be a thing of beauty, not a thing of a socialist commune.

You sound like a person who never played Path of Exile.
I actually came back to the game after skipping a couple leagues because I wasn't happy with the direction GGG was taking. Then Ritual rolls around with all these awesome changes! Yay, a casual like me can craft some cool items? Oh no, time to nerf it.

Guess it's back to playing other games.
Fenoch wrote:

How you ask ?


Imagine you give me a free tangerine or 2. I eat it. Then tell you it wasnt as tasty as I had hoped and I would like you to now give me 10 Euros for my effort.

Hint: It is a metaphor.

I disagree. The majority of players likely have not spent a dime on the game. It's people like you, myself, and others who want to and are able to support the game that do so. However, I believe that the majority should have at least some voice in the end result if the game is to be in any way shape or form community driven. I feel that in this case, they listened to maybe a few streamers, saw a few Reddit rants, and made an opinion based on that, and their own ideas of what this game should be. I'm confident that, were they to open a poll, this would be 80% against this change or higher. In all likelihood based on the overall responses I have read, we are looking at upwards of 90+% who disapprove, and that includes many of us who have spent money on the game.

I'm not going to sit there and call Chris names, or anybody else. I have moderated for videogames for years as a free service, and I know precisely how much of a pain it can be at times. I will, however, strongly recommend against this change. Not just because I do emphatically dislike it, but because the vast majority of the community is in much the same situation. Some are ready to walk off, and I don't want that for this game anymore than you do.

Like it or not, non or low-paying customers will always be the majority in a game like this. Their voice has a say because without them there is not much game left, especially when people who have spent upwards of $600-800 USD on this game feel much the same.
Last edited by Miraille on Mar 11, 2021, 6:25:56 PM
Carthuun wrote:
I actually came back to the game after skipping a couple leagues because I wasn't happy with the direction GGG was taking. Then Ritual rolls around with all these awesome changes! Yay, a casual like me can craft some cool items? Oh no, time to nerf it.

Guess it's back to playing other games.

That's literally me too, going back to other games and to think I was about to buy the 480$ Supporter pack because I was enjoying the game again. I guess it goes into buying some other games. :)
didnt play hiest cus crafting feels like cancer after getting a taste of harvest

now i have very little motivation to go back to fossil, essence and chaos spam crafting after having an actualy crafting system regardless of how poorly it was implemented

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Last edited by Al_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 6:37:04 PM
Only people who play 10 hours a day get good items. Got it. Doesn't seem like a good design strategy, but then again I'm not a game designer.
those change blows , the real probeme was the pre harvest crafting system.
i have been playing since 2012 and i never enjoyed the old crafting system as i felt it unrewarding and incredebly time consumming + frustating , consider not making those change even if harvest make up complete items faster result is still better as we want to try out other build cause we can with harvest, without harvest most player will min/max 1 or 2 character per league, with harvest you can try as many build as you want cause you know you wont grind items for 1month before trying the new build... just m two cent but i feel ike this give more player retention
Fenoch wrote:
namespace wrote:
Breaking my many, many year forum silence to point out that this kinda sucks. All this is doing is, one again, catering to the absolute top 0.01%, streamers and 15 hour a day players, complaining that the plebs may perhaps get a chance to get some ok items; Not mirror-tier (come on lol) but like, influence and some good rolls.

It's weird how progress like shards are good, but progress like tinkering on an item without bricking it is bad? I guess thanks for saving me the MTX costs by posting this early, I and friends were getting back into the game because filthy casuals such as ourselves with only 1-3 thousand hours were actually able to build some neat stuff without being 100% glued to the meta and just trading all day.

And as others said, "This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - This is AWFUL this is "Don't you have phones" no one does this I have been playing since alpha and I've exa slammed like... A jewel once with three good mods because I just didn't care about mod4 because of an odd build.

Same goes for you. Many many many years of enjoying a free game. Yet you feel the need to jump on the complaint bandwagon. Cool-. You should know better and know that this not even half as bad as the crying babies make it look to be.

Feel free to piss off lol, you have no idea what I've spent just because I don't have supporter pack badges. Newsflash! other MTX exist! Stop posting your copy-paste copium in response to every criticism in this thread, it's boring
Fenoch wrote:

How you ask ?


Imagine you give me a free tangerine or 2. I eat it. Then tell you it wasnt as tasty as I had hoped and I would like you to now give me 10 Euros for my effort.

Hint: It is a metaphor.

Hint: Try playing the game without the players that haven't spend a dime in this game.Would you enjoy a game with 2k ppl?I dont need you to answer me.I know the answer.

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