Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

realy bad news
Lets not take our pitchforks out yet since changes can still be reconsidered.
Long time supporter, rarely comment on the fora; however, there is an unusual amount of outrage at this post on reddit. Just wanted to post my support and show that this is an INCREDIBLE change and very necessary for PoE going forward. Great job Chris and team.
Things I agree with:
I don't like having to use a discord channel and hand items over for crafting. I'd prefer if there was a better way to do that in game.

Things I disagree with:
Almost everything else.

I think there needs to be a way to keep the power of harvest crafting around for the mid tier items. I honestly don't think there's a huge problem with the high end game items either, not as though I've ever obtained them.

After this league I looked back at my character and some sales to see what I got from Harvest crafting. Mind you, I don't trade on the discord. A few 'priceless' rings as they're super specific for my build, some solid, but not end game, boots, etc.

I think this nerf is too much nerfing. I think a bestiary style way to save crafts is a good idea. Make the exalt ones an exalt to save or something. Nerf one thing, not everything. Too many confounding variables to determine what you can scale back in when you realize most everyone is skipping Harvests in 3.14.
I know what I'm about to say isn't important but gonna say it anyway. I'm not an expert player as the rest, just played 1.200ish hours as of now, gonna keep playing no matter what because I love the game. Harvest crafting, to me, seemed very easy and unfair but it was fun, even though I couldn't have crafted any items so far. Instead of removing of the crafts, I'd really prefer making them very, very hard to get and somehow make trading easier so people don't trade in Discord channels. Worst part of the game is trading. It's super outdated and meaningless to try to sell your items over a website or Discord in 2021 and that's the only way to do it, this is just taking away my will to play the game. Whenever I mention my friends about this game they love it but once they know about the trading system, they just give up, naturally. As I said, none of what I said isn't matter and not gonna change anything, probably no one's ever gonna read this but wanted to say anyway. GG GGG.
Funny, I got used to the regular outcry on reddit. But the reaction here, on their own (normally totally toned down) forums should let GGG rethink their strange opinions about whats fun and what is not in POE.

Don't get me wrong, I love POE, I played it long before harvest and will if harvest is nerfed to trash tier (which will be pretty soon) but I do really not agree with most of the written words in this manifesto. I do even care enough to get kindof angry about it. actually after some hours I am just sad.
Umm... The simple fix is to just make craft's untradeable. Is it really that hard to figure out?
PLease GGG dont touch . this game is good now . stop please or more people leaving.
GGG have changed the name of the Game, now it is called Path of Nerf. You are breaking the Game, continue like this and a lot of people will go, you put New Game mechanics and break another one and so on, you don't know how to do anything else
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."
Im playing for years and only used 2 anul... And i wanted to punch my fucking monitor every time. I dont want to tell you what you should do with your game its your business, but i can tell what the players want and that is not this.
I see comments on Youtube under some 80ex build showcase, they asking questions about how to kill solaris and lunaris, they strougle to get trough the campaign man.People just never gonna slam exalts that is a fact, and the goals they want to achieve is not a mirror tier items, just to play the god damn game. You know that this game will be unplayable if some people not pick up trash from the ground? the whole player base depend from those people. 95% of players use harvest just to try to get some basic items without block recovery and 3 mana gain on kill. Jesus Christ...

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