Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

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for once.. i actually tried multiple builds in the league bcs i could craft it myself.. back to playing 2 weeks anf quitting i guess
I wasnt sure if i want to comment on this because probably it wont change anything... but... its already too "funny"

You GGG think the harvest is the problem!? I do not aggree... maybe it is more powerful than it should but its not the source...

I think the real problem is the basic loots in this game... We have --"RARE"-- items in the game... rare.... what is that mean do you know? we dont have rare items, maybe the uniques are rare but everything else is just common trash... Rare items should drop much more rarely because that is what "rare" means i guess... but i am not sure if scroll of wisdom or rare items are more common on the ground after a full map clear. Players "HAVE TO" use item filers to filter out 99.99% of the items while mapping because right now we have trash items and high ilvl items to +FIRST+ use a scouring on it and than try to make something good. People dont even care to read what mods the items have because its probably never ever will have anything good on it. At least in this league they had the chance to make changes, if they found something with 1 or 2 good rolls they could start to target craft the rest of it, but with these changes you took away this option... and what is that mean? it means that we will have our loot filter again on "maximum settings" to filter out the whole fcking game and leave only the currency items in it to buy items what we need from those 0.1% players who got lucky with their items.

Make some changes with these drops and i am sure the players will love it.
Make the rares rare again. Lower the drop chances of the white and rare items dramatically and make them more worthy than they are right now.
--For example make some basic categories for the rares, before they land on the ground, it could choose one of the premade categories... will that be a rare with a few caster mods or with minion mods or with attack mods...
anyway this was just one tip but i am sure you could come up with countless more categories for the drops.

Before you start to nerf items, game content and who knows what in the future... why dont you first try to improve the basic game mechanics, like the loot table... make common rare items "common" because right now there are more white items than sand on the beach, than make the rare... THE RARE items to be "RARE" and not common. Use some braincells please, or a little portion of the money from mtx sales to get a few people to work only on these parts of the game. oh and before you nerf every single unique after the initial release.. did you ever think about leave them unchanged and lower the drop rate with even 500% or whatever % you want so those items would still be amazing but harder or super hard to get because after all they are fcking "UNIQUES"

I dont think the basic POE game loot table was optimized for these new game contents and you guys just keep nerfing everything what is good and you refuse the change the core game.

It feels like you guys care about "mtx and money only" more and more after each league than actually improving the game. I buy a lot of things from you, many times supporter packs and many times only points to spend so i like mtx stuff, but its getting "funny" now.
So once more GGG balance the game based on the 1% players, and basically screw with the casual ones that only got like 1 harvest per week.

-Only some seeds give crafts? So a casual may end just getting 1 good craft per month or league, while TFT 1% guys will not be affected at all, since they were just buying it to start off. Worst case it may give a slight bump on price for the rich boys.

-Deterministic crafting options removed? So what is the point of harvest now? The identity of harvest was deterministic crafting and you're removing it? May just use a chaos orb and pray at this point.

-Cant use certain mods on influence gear? This one is fair I suppose. Even if it only affect the 1% TFT boys that know how to abuse combinations of craft.

-Boosting chance of spawn to 60%? Decent but what is the point since you're turning harvest in a gamble fest anyway?

-Heart of the Groove as a fragment? Who cares? Oshabi doesn't have anything worth doing it for anyway.

Honestly I'm really starting to wonder why I should keep supporting your company, if your solution to every single problem, is this kind of crap we are seeing right now?
Cool, makes my decision easy: Burn out at maximum velocity this league, then stop playing until real Harvest crafting comes back.

I have put my money where my mouth is: Purchased multiple supporter packs this league and my hours spent so far this league are higher than ever. Harvest feels so freaking good, that I have a clear path to make the really awesome stuff for really awesome builds.

Now I will again put my money where my mouth is and 1.14 will not see a cent of support or a minute or gameplay from me, and further leagues beyond that until GGG figures out why their community is reacting this strongly.

GGG, ya dun goofed.
The majority of players (me too) want harvest merchanic to stay as it is right now.

But i understand that there are a few major problemns:
1. the tft discord harvest trade thing is annoying.
2. the market is flooded with "too powerful" items
3. top tier items are too easy achivable

From my perspective there are better ways to solve the problems than to nerf the whole harvest crafting. We can keep targetable remove/adds and go around all of the above problems with:

- harvest touched items are from there on account-bound and not tradeable any more (targets problem 1 and 2)
- let harvest crafts can be itemised like beast-crafting and tradeable (targets problem 1 with tft). If there are concerns that this would lead again to overpowered items that are too easy to get, then leave this out. From my part it would be fine to have no harvest trade at all. Grind the crafts yourself, use it yourself to improve - that is a goal i can follow
- and let us save more crafts on the hortistation.
i feel forced to sell rare crafts if hortistation is full and if i cant use them on my currenct gear. deleting the stuff feels bad
deuxcreed wrote:
This is just me. I suddenly lost the urge to play POE. Chris used to be my hero,

but this totaly turned the table down


"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Same here. Woke up this morning planning on working on a couple pieces on my character and suddenly have no motivation to open game.
this isn't releavant,but..


so keep it that way, will you :)
While i think this is a terrible change which i would categorise as the "no fun allowed" and is imo just another round of screwing the average player by balancing around the 1% / people who play PoE as a job...

Lets adress your points:
1."Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear is a powerful, risky and exciting way to improve it..."

more of a comedic paragraph... shows how out of touch you are with reality


2. "Players also expressed frustration that the most effective way to get the best items in Path of Exile was to join a discord channel and try to trade for these incredibly crucial crafts."

That is because you imposed draconic limit on the crafts stored so people unless they have 10 crafting projects at the same time each needing different crafts they will hit a brick wall of the limit or have to wait for good RNG to progress their project.

If the crafts were tradable similar to beasts which would limit scamming potentinal nobody would care about discord... Also the manifesto does exactly 0 to adress this point...


3. "It was possible for up to 100 or so crafts to be given to the player per grove, and this caused people to feel obliged to consume them otherwise they would be wasted."

Most people quickly realised that most are low value and are only usefull to re-roll maps, jewels and some specific types of items (fractured for instance) as free chaos orb.


4. "The first part of this that concerned us was that Harvest was critical in making the best items (and hence made many other game systems obsolete)"

That is because harvest and the bench are the only two crafting options, rest is pure gambling and it is a joke to call most of it crafting. Yes you can improve odds a bit by various means but lets not kid ourselves what you call crafting means being rich enough to gamble enough times to get a favourable result. If the other systems didnt suck so hard they would not be invalidated...


5. "Previously, every seed in a patch granted an instance of that seed's craft. Now, only some of the seeds do..."

Oh god please don't with your spotty QA record this is a recipe for disaster in many ways. Just lower the number of seeds per collector, increase number of monsters spawned per seed if needed.


6. "The chance of encountering a portal to the Sacred Grove in a map has been increased by 60%."

Make it it 100 so it is in line/consistent with other league mechanics since you are already neutering it...


7. "The Heart of the Grove encounter is now a map fragment that sometimes drops from Tier 4 Harvest bosses"

Nice one, finding Ohsabi should not be a punishment, now if she had any worthwhile loot that would be nice too...


8. I just want to repeat you did nothing to adress the reasons why people were using discord (scams and "ease" of trading)


9. I actually stayed longer this league since i had crafting projects (didnt use discord). Won't say i will not play again as that will depend on how fun each league is, thou i will be more judgy when considering support packs since your idea for the game differs from mine.
Last edited by OSik83 on Mar 11, 2021, 10:16:06 AM
Incredibly poor decision. [Removed by Support]

Please query your database for item modifications where an Exalt is slammed without the affixes being locked before making such ignorant comments publicly. Or play your own game in the evenings so you understand how your players are actually crafting items.

Harvest is the best game system introduced in the last 5 years because it allows SSF and casual players to have a sense of accomplishment by crafting their own powerful items. Otherwise, we would save up our Exalts and trade them for items we need WHICH IS NOT A GOOD FEELING. This is the exact reason Diablo reneged on the Auction House.

Crafting items yourself with Harvest = feeling of pride and accomplishment.
Saving currency and buying items = mediocre experience.

Please reconsider and leave Harvest alone. The majority of players love it. Engagement and retention are high.

Stop shooting yourselves in the foot, [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 10:21:36 AM

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