Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

This is dumb, I only play SSF and harvest is something that gave me reason for long term plans for my characters. If this changes will be applied I propably will be done with the game because there is no way i will get better items without investing 10+ hours of gameplay each day to get significant updates.
Please GGG rethink your decisions.
Hakuna Matata

When we were designing Path of Exile, a critical aspect of item acquisition is that it is through random (rather than deterministic) means. When you defeat monsters and bosses, you receive random items.

Correct, your game only offers vendor trash as loot, thats why People use Crafting.

Harvest was the reason why many players could reach decent gear over time (even without trading)

Now you spit in the playerbases face by nerfing Harvest to shittier-currency-spamming-rng-fest.

Thank god I quit over a Month ago, otherwise now I would feel really mad.

See you all in PoE 2 (maybe), but at the current rate, GGG will piss off half of the playerbase to a point of no return.

Lets see how that turns out for Chris...
GrafZahl79 wrote:

So why on earth not let them play the game they like but instead forcing them to something you might call path of buy-your-item?

Best and farewell

This is the only real question. It's logic that harvest crafting is a danger for RMT, so why GGG should remove it if it's an extremely fun mechanic that almost all playerbase enjoy?
"nothing left to achieve", so in PoE the best achievment is to craft 1 item instead of crafting 100 and try 10 different build? Also, do they really think that masochistic sensation in trashing an item after slamming an ex that has 0,05% chance to be sucessful is a common desire?
Nah, just a matter of money, as always.
Came back after 2 weeks off, finally feels the fun again.

But now its time to quit i guess :))))) i agree that harvest make exalt and chaos useless, but you just need to make harvest craft cost exalt/chaos for some op mods like rem/add or influence craft.
[3.2]Muh Sprinkler - /view-thread/2117962
[3.2]Muh Poet's pen elementalist - /view-thread/2105455
[2.6]Unethical Voltaxic -6mans shaper - /view-thread/1882958
[2.4]LULFinder CocDischarge - /view-thread/1753207 (sucks now)
[1.3]JustAnotherCritMjolner - /view-thread/1181110 (relics of the past)
Here my suggestion to allow Harvest to stay a useful league:

1.Allow to store mod on orb like beastiary league

2.Make the less deterministic mod be stacked without limit

3.Make it so that deteministic mod that augment very precise thing can only be used a maximum number of time eg:lets say that you crafting a sword that sword would have 6 augment charge.Once you used the 6 augment charge those mod cant be used anymore on said weapon.Will make thing harder without removing the control player have on they crafting

If anyone got more contructive idea to add to this or change to my suggestion please quote me.

p.s GGG a company stuck in the past and refusing to evolve is doomed to fail in the long run.
nothing new to see here. add something remove it. only way ggg knows how to balance they've been doing this for years
The world is crazy. The minority is oppressing the majority, they dictate your behavior, your clothes, your language, your thinking, even how you PLAY.
They are the GODS of the internet, the Gods of Streamers. Don't complain about us, I can cancel your thinking.
Sarutobii093 wrote:
I honestly feel like this is a very important change, harvest crafting was far too powerful and I had no doubt that this was going to happen when it was added back into the game. My primary concern now is how is this going to effect the economy, people are already in a dedicated discord for harvest craft trading that in my mind ruined the economy. I purchased a 6-linked, all white socket Astral plate with explosion, additional curse, critical strike chance to attacks, critical strike chance to spells and an additional curse for 12ex. An item like this last league would've been significantly more expensive if it even existed.
Thats 200-250ex in standard. But I'd never sell it can only go up.
Git R Dun!
They just design the game for the 0.1% who play 20h/day it seems. What a joke. - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
Deleting my fuckign post, how lame can you be? Is this an early April's Fools Joke?

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