Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting


Meme skills becomes meme skills again, if at least ' rebalancing most than 40 skill gems' was a thing.

bye fun, hello meta.
I am a kind of casual player in this game with about 40-50ex of currency during the whole league, mostly because I love playing many many many different builds to about 92-94. I am more interested in the concepts of the builds, than in getting level 100. I tried crafting with the old system back in syndicate. I invested all my hard earned currency in one specific item, was unlucky an failed. Then I quit. I was so frustrated I came back this season for ritual. Although Ritual itself is not my favorite, I fell in love with Harvest and am still playing this league. It might even be the first league I played from beginning to end. What a great game! Even my wife returned to the game after several years because she liked the idea of not having to trade stuff.

And this is going away again? Probably wont quit, but it makes me very very very sad...
mkdnpna wrote:
If all that matters for GGG is the number of concurrent players at the league start and total profit from shop sales, I'm seriously considering not buying even a single stash tab and not playing at that exact day.

Actually even from a buisness perspective, that a shot to the foot.
Because of harvest:
>Players play longer
>Players play more builds because they can make them easier
>Players buy more mtx for non-meta builds
Nox2100 wrote:
Are they aware that without Harvest, PoE DOES NOT have a craft system at all ?
Gambling is not crafting ! I thought they finally understood it too. I feel really silly for having bought that huge supporter pack now :(

I think I will put PoE on hold for now. Too bad that there are currently no competitors...

That’s the point. No competitors.
This 6 time luck is bullshit.

Chronicon has a better craft system than the old Poe.
(sorry for bad english)

Another nerf directly affecting the wast majority of the player base.
12-hours-per-day-players doesnt really care about this since they have the currency to buy whatever OP-OP item they want.
Harvest made the game fun for more players. Especially SSF players. Majority of players dont think its fun to farm 12 hours every day to beat the end-game.

I see alot of streamers flying through the maps with 100+ HH Buffs and I cant really understand why you keep a stupid item like HH in the game that makes every mob encounter totally trivial and you nerf harvest crafting to the ground instead.
Whats the point having a character that covers the whole screen and has 200.000ES for example? It just looks incredibly stupid to me.

Make another item to hunt for that's not bricking the game like HH does.

Considering leaving POE because of harvest nerfs and this tarded HH belt.
Last edited by tWitch1e on Mar 11, 2021, 9:08:59 AM
I honestly feel like this is a very important change, harvest crafting was far too powerful and I had no doubt that this was going to happen when it was added back into the game. My primary concern now is how is this going to effect the economy, people are already in a dedicated discord for harvest craft trading that in my mind ruined the economy. I purchased a 6-linked, all white socket Astral plate with explosion, additional curse, critical strike chance to attacks, critical strike chance to spells and an additional curse for 12ex. An item like this last league would've been significantly more expensive if it even existed.
GGG, I have played this game since before Act 3 was released. I have watched this game evolve over time and become the game it is today. And this is the worst decision I've ever seen you make.

From a fun standpoint, from a business standpoint, and from a design standpoint, I am lost as to how you expect this decision to ever blow over well. Look at the player retention numbers with harvest, the amount of build diversity, and the twitch metrics.

I doubt I will be spending another dollar on the game if this trend continues, and that depresses me, as I have really grown to love this game over the years. I want it to succeed, but with every decision like this I watch more and more of the playerbase share the sentiment that the first similar ARPG to release without issues will steal them away.
Last edited by keccakec on Mar 11, 2021, 9:00:41 AM
Why not make Harvest crafts into tradeable orbs? TFT server will go down and economy will get better eventually. There is NO NEED to remove Harvest from the game since you've turned it core.

If it wasn't supposed to be "easy" to craft "mirror items" for the players, then WHY you've even bothered implementing it in the first place, GGG? I can't understand.
O.G. metacrafters be like
"waoh, finally my league revenue from RMT will jump to levels it was before harvest. Hate that league, allowed to "subplayers" craft their own items, instead of RMT buy currency from me, nolife-tryharder. GOOD CHANGE GGG<3"

Literally 1% wants this.

Are you out of your mind?

Why you listen those senceless people? Those want to ruin your game with RMT.


Buff harvest = less RMT.
Honestly, this kind of stuff makes me sick as heck. And I hate to say this about a game that I love.

If you wanna nerf to the ground Harvest just delete it. We all know that harvest is kinda broken for some of the stuff, kinda like beasts have broken the game many times cuz someone finds a exploit and abuses of it to grind the market. I'm not a metacrafter but I don't think everyone needs to be one to get an useful item or to be lucky as heck with drops. The reason why everyone liked the garden for crafting is predictability, even if there was an small RNG factor added to it, but having a bit of control over it I believe it's fair.
I liked the Harvest league and I understood why you wanted to remove it from the game, at least temporally, but with the changes for the next league it just makes the garden a place where you can do anything not related with crafting items. Sure, you can still throw a chaos or normal anul o divine an item, but I see more rewarding the duplicate cards, transform offerings or scarbs, or even the create a facetor's lens.

The only good point I saw in all that manifesto is the fact that the Heart of the Groove is gonna be a separated map, and that's about it. Everything else is a huge nerf to harvest and all the normal player base of Path of Exile.

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