Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Nox2100 wrote:
Are they aware that without Harvest, PoE DOES NOT have a craft system at all ?
Gambling is not crafting ! I thought they finally understood it too. I feel really silly for having bought that huge supporter pack now :(

I think I will put PoE on hold for now. Too bad that there are currently no competitors...

Last Epoch probably is the most noteable right now.

By the way... Up until 4.0, ... We're at 3.13 and talking about 3.14. Am I imagining things or is it years until we reach 4.0?
Want to play a beginner friendly, highly expandable and reliable build? Try WreckerOfDays' ! -- My Hideout ->
Portu wrote:
Boonce wrote:
Ballsy move GGG, Good sign for the longevity of the game.

Very happy this is the last Discord league. Endgame gear progression was never meant to be this easy and deterministic.

Gamblers rejoice! Super keen for 3.14

Even if you like it contrary to most of us, you have not fully comprehended one thing.

Next league will have even more "discord trade". Why? Because the high level crafts that rest (augment fire/cold/inf/etc) will have a lower chance to spawn, so they will actually be more expensive. Imagine an augment speed that costs 5-7 ex on TFT, and actually has few outcomes so can be a good "ex slam" to do. It will cost at least 10 ex or more next league.

They nerfed harvest (i disagree how it is but okay, hell even pro streamers like path of math disagree, check his video quite well explained,

You fail to understand that augs will not work on influenced items so it will be not be a discord game as much anymore.

Path of Math talk was out of touch with what he was saying before on his stream and in AT LEAST one podcast. That video he made was a complete clickbait and he shows example on a pdps mods which are next to impossible to roll with T1 mods and always were, for w good reason which btw he also knows. Skills are balanced around fact that physical weapons are hard as fuck to roll high. He was crying that harvest needs a nerf and that it's a mirror printing machine just a moment ago and now whent it was nerfed he actually is angry? You took the bait
That just shown how GGG is far away from players.

>Release new league
>Add harvest to it
>Most of players ignore new league mechanic
>Most of players use harvest and have fun with it
>Delete harvest

Lets be honest, if not harvest ritual would be dead after 2weeks, but yeah, lets delete mechanic that allows everyone to have fun with crafting, without spending hundreds of hours to farm currency to craft one item.
Those changes to harvest will only harm "mid-tier players" - that is most of the players that knows somthing about the game, gets to red maps and doesn't make 10ex/h.

Make monopoly greate again! 1-5 crafters that gets mirror tier item on the start of the league, snowballing money from mirror service to make more mirror tier items - and nobody can touch them cause they'll make so much money from mirror services.
GGG just doesn't care at all - that's how it looks like and its sad.
You guys are missing the 3 core points which are strongly influenced by those, and previous harvest changes:
Impact on casual - medium tier players: by raising/lowering the bar of the accessibility of "strong" items you directly raise/lower accessibility of interacting for those player tiers with end-game content. The stability of the market prices and overall availability of items allowed the survival of the league for much longer then it was before possible without artificially prolonging it. Strong nerfs impact the experience, so if harvest was a breath of fresh air, nerfs a putting strong limits on it. So basically you say - no we kinda liked it when you suffocated more.
Almost ignoring the direct interaction with of harvest with the market. Apart from influence on it, removing the accessibility changes very little, just makes the process much, much, much! more tedious - if the cost of the try increases (btw. you cannot remove the market interaction, there is always a way around it) but the expectations remain the same, (Which they inevitably will, because the more time you spend with the game, the less unusual all of interactions become, and you game ages fast. Very little amount of people close their eyes not because the exalting have lost their value, but because a lot of us have done it so many time already) then the whole interaction just becomes more annoying and costs more money, instead of becoming more rewarding, regardless of outcome.
Streamline the damn market interaction, or kill it completely...
Nothing to say about that. One is necessary, the other is a sacrifice if you have to offer something in return. Don't make the player pay for your design mistakes.

P.s. Wasted around 30 ex on a craft that didnt work multiple tries, please dont tell me **** about how deterministic the crafting has become.
Last edited by Vebsters on Mar 11, 2021, 8:41:45 AM
PATHETIC , harvest is the best way to allow also poor players that have no much time to play, to have high tier items... but you prefer to allow to only little bunch of rich players to have these items.. really this your fury always against harvest has no sense...
[Removed by Support]

THanks again for an other good nerf..
All my builds:
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 9:11:06 AM
LucyanSzilagy wrote:
I always thought that this game was designed to build your character any way you like it

HA! What a joke. This game was NEVER about designing and trying your own builds. This game is actually about copy-pasting actual top-tier streamer builds, because THOSE are the only ones viable in the end-game, because the game is balanced for those and those ONLY... but yeah... I got baited on the same idea...realized it is not the case after not being able to get any rewards in 2 seasons, because I wasn't using a copied build...
this is the wrong approche imo. just make harvest crafted items untradeable.
Wow, i guess this really was my last league . bummer
GGG only focuses on the 0.1% of players.. aka streamers who play the game full time.

for the other 99.9% players who can actually play a 2-3 hrs a day max... without harvest.. hw many can actually pay 100 ex for an item?

talk abt losing touch with the ground..
That solution is "Don't you guys have phones?" levels of disconnect from the actual playerbase.

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