Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

rip this game
I am very sad about harvest getting nearly useless for me as a averrage player.
After 2000 hours of playing PoE, harvest gave me the possibility to craft my own items instead of save up currency till mid league when i can afford the good items for my builds. offcause i could play other builds which have more afforable gear, but for me PoE is all about possibilities, when i again could only play builds which can barely do T16 Maps and i have to throw away my gear every time an Exalted Orb drops, i will lose allot of fun in this game.

I get the point of grinding for good gear and i am willed to do so, but with the latest changes i will stop crafting again, i tried multiple times to craft really good gear but when i have to spend 50ex and weeks of gambling with the risk to loose it all this doesnt seems clever when i can buy a finished one.

Another Point is, when everyone (except the 0.001% of player who could craft there ultimate gear) have to buy there Gear again, Bots will grow again, cause its all about Currency again.

In the Annoucement there was the line: "The entire rest of Path of Exile's crafting system is somewhat redundant with Harvest Crafting in its current form." and i agree nearly all crafting possibilities are so inefficient, that they are useless for nearly everyone who plays PoE (i would say Fossils quite good, but then they possibly get nerved next).

With the current Announcement, me as an averrage player will skip harvest cause the only really helpfull thing is Alch Maps and even this is only needed till some point in the league.
And yes the Oil/Catalyst/Fossil/... gamble is nice but at least i didn´t get something good enough to do harvest just for them.

I understand there are some people who have really fun gamling in this game and crafting really good stuff, offcause they do cause they made a allot of currency in the past (and still do, i still haven´t my end game gear cause i do not get the Augments/Annuls i need)
but these kind of HardCore Crafters will allways craft some legendary dragon sword +2, but i will be forced again to buy there items cause i have nearly no chance to get them which this makes me really sad.
In my mind the people complaining how easy Harvest makes the game need to play 24/7 cause for me who plays ~5-6h nearly every day after work it is not easy it is still hard work of days and days farming Harvest and hoping for the right Augment/Annul/RemoveAdd.

And offcause i could just go somewhere an pay someone who has the Harvest crafts to just finish my items, but why would i do that and break the improvement cycle when i have the option to grind for it? I am still a person who buys nearly all of my Gear but with harvest i at least slowly startet optimizing and this league even startet to craft my first own really good items and now i am again only able to craft maybe even good items but why grinding for good items, when i could grind curreny to buy nearly perfect items?
I grind for improvement, but when the Improvment never ever could nearly reach whats on the Market, then why even trying, this way it is just frustrating to craft, so just buy the finished ones and cry about the prices.

Like said before, for me PoE is all about the freedom to play cool and funny Builds and it seems like i am loosing this freedom, cause i can´t craft myself and most of the time can´t afford to just buy the Gear i want. So i have to play Cheep Builds and grind at Yellow maps and Hope for Exalted Drops to gear the character i want to play which doesn´t sound fun to me.

So i get the point of the nerve, but in my mind it again hurts only the averrage players and takes away the posibility to improve my gear on my own.
What i read in the Manifesto is: Let the 0.1% of players rule the Gear market again and Bots Dominate the currency market and destroy the averrage players capabilities, which makes me sad.

I will try it next league but then maybe switch to Standrd where Currency is not a problem and i have my freedoms.
I am not a forum person, because my english is not good, and I dont believe the GGG team read or care about our opinion here.. but since I am a fairly new player I will show my opinion here.
To be honest crafting in POE for new players is extremely difficult.. is too many ways.. too many itens that we can use to craft, too many options that can show up when we use a craft item. the harvest was the only way I could craft some mid tier itens with enough life and resists to me do red maps for the first time.. I think you are using the wrong approach to this situation, my opinion is that since harvest has a deterministic system, would not be better be a leveling feature to help the players that are starting the game with very low chance of awesome mods, but still have chance to give the mods that a new player need to reach at least red tier maps.. and since you dont want to make obsolete the old system, increase the chance of have a good mod in chaos or exalted craft.. so the new player can have a chance to reach the end game, and the old player will use the old system to get the best craft items. hope this helps!
'Harvest' was no fun, when it was a league and is still no fun to play. Please abandon it completely. Please ...

Agree Harvest is even worse now. You spend 20 minutes in the grove sorting the harvest and pairing to items as to not waste crafts. Talk about a buzz kill in middle of a map.

If they do some type of deterministic crafting needs to be like beasts. Simply farm the recipes from abc monster located in xyz. Fun.

I really don't believe devs play anymore with some of these systems they concoct.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 11, 2021, 8:20:06 AM
nevilpoe wrote:
I have been playing since the beta test. I want to say that "alt|regal|chaos|exalt" craft was a pain for me. Harvest became the salvation! I do not support your decision.

Seriously. No one enjoyed the old way of crafting.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
So, PoE is returning to path of being online casino. It's okay with me, because I decided to drop this game a few weeks ago and skip any following leagues (when I suddenly learned that there actually exists in-game global trade in China).

But one thing from post is bothers me:
Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear is a powerful, risky and exciting way to improve it.

Well, let's forget about ex. slamming, but does orb of chance really that popular crafting option, considering it's chances to yield good item is way beyond 0.001%? I mean, I really afraid of a someone, who can apply a chaos orb 20000 times in a row, while checking result every time... and being excited by it! FBI really should take a closer look at such guys.
Last edited by Somescout on Mar 11, 2021, 8:19:05 AM
oh well... rip this game.
I don't see what is wrong with harvest right now. Bybthe way you describe "the problem", you want more people bricking an item by exalting it because it's more fun. Good luck hitting that one elder mod on a double influences base. At least you could make exalts hitting t1-t3 mods and nothing below. This isn't 2015,the amount of mods and tiers have doubled since then.
want players happy with nerf something that imbalance and then ...its end
Just make the harvest crops tradeable.

Though this league was very fun to play I feel exhausted from encountering the sacred grove.
Knowing that some crafts are worth several exalts means I want to store them at all cost.
However, after doing ~10 maps in a harvest area like Haewark Hamlet I'm kinda forced to first search for buyers in the TFT discord before I can play more maps.

Why not just let us store the crafts like beasts? I know they should be very limited but you can still achieve this from the changes you proposed (i.e. making the crafts themself rarer). But relying on a third party tool and having to trust other players they don't scam you (which is especially a problem early on in a league) is definitely not a good game design and, atleast for me, took a lot of the fun from this league and also harvest league away.

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