Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Don't see any reason to play POE any more... ty ggg.
I was starting to loose hope in GGG after all the mediocre corona leagues and 3.13 harvest but this looks promising. Now you need to make heist not the best method to farm any other league mechanics rewards and the base game could be good again in 3.14.
Dear GGG,
first of all thanks for this awesome game, i think it's the best in the market.
However i would love to discuss your upcoming changes in Harvest.

Harvest simply made crafting of very powerful items, easier, making a good number of players able to craft very good items.

Even considered that, the top tier, the most powerful items are still very hard to craft (with fossils etc) in a manner that only the very good crafters are able to manage it.
That makes the mirror-level market dominated by those few top crafter, and i'm ok with it.

Now, if u remove the chance to craft on influenced items, you are making a big mistake in my honest opinion, cause you will make average players unable to craft items for their build. This will create 2 unpleasant situations:

1) average players (who are the majority of the players) will not be able to play builds with influenced items, cause they will cost too much and it will be too hard to craft

2) u will make the exalted market be managed by those few good crafter that ALREADY have control of the mirror market (1 player out of 1000 can earn mirrors by crafting)

Basically u will make the riches richer, and the poors poorer.

Think well before making changes like that, cause the online population will be probably lowered by that.

Historically this season had the highest peak of POE players online, it's time to move on not to make a backstep.

Please seriously, think well about it.

Kind regards,

Enhok_DroppoErMirrorino (my main character on this season)
So, the real endgame is now just for the .1%... again. Like seriously... NO ONE liked spamming hundreds or thousands of fossils then slamming hundreds of exalts to get a mod on an item. Granted, sometimes RNG kicks in and you get lucky, but most of the player base just doesn't grind 8-12 hours a day for currency.

The top .1% are going to control the market again and the value of currency is going to suck... like in heist.

If you REALLY want to hear the thoughts of even a top player about this horrible change, watch PathofMatth's latest video...
Last edited by JayJayxd77 on Mar 11, 2021, 8:29:35 AM
Well makes it easy to stop playing and not play any further. I'm real bad at this game and was able to craft two items (not even close to mirror tier) this league.
Be prepared, exile! The craft system goes back belong to 0.01% of server (it also +plus RNG for streamers! lol)

Take a look what you will try to do with your couple exaltds...

This game is over for avarage player.
221 pages on a manifesto, oh boy !

It's just sad that this is a case where all the fun gets taken away because trade exists. The Harvest chase is a huge part of the fun for all the non-Discord people. But can't have that, let's 'balance' around trade and take away the fun. I wished it could stay in the game and let it be non-tradable in I don't know what form, heck remove it from trade leagues, keep it for SSF in the worst case.
Y'all shoulda never added it to the game. Heavy Item editing you took away once before with all the Jun mods nerfs... what were you thinking adding an even more powerful one? Not so easy to take this one away as player are in riot mode now.

Anyway shoulda just made BOA items touched by harvest. Would slow rolled process and keep players at their computer playing your game a long time.
Git R Dun!
You strip fun in the name of a greater (PoE) good. Imagine streamers (and all what it comes from them) leaving cuz item elitism/swag is less of a thing, right? Harvest needed to be tradeable, democratized, or totally removed, not this. But this is just me.

I really want 3.14 to gave me a reason to come back. Good luck with that.
one of the worst changes


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