Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting


Im a casual player, playing on avg max 2 - 3 hours a day.

With harvest returning in the form it returned, I felt I had a small shot at aquiring gear good enough to take on the end-game contact and that feeling was good.

Ok, it could take a long while before I finally got a harvest to spawn and then to finally get the craft I needed to take the next step on the item I needed for my build.

Then fingers crossed and hope for the best. If not, back to the grind for a week if I was lucky. Im 4 weeks into a new char, at lvl93 atm and for 2 weeks busy trying to get my next piece of gear in order. Still unsuccesfull but I know I have a small small chance of getting that item.

I could just buy it on the TB on console? Nope, I never have more then 30 or 40 ex, let alone I have the funds to buy something with specific mods. Simply too expensive or simply not available.

With harvest in current form there was at least incentive that it could happen. Now with this manifesto I feel gutted and feel destroyed knowing I will nevr make it to endgame and that being able to run a t15 or t16 map is my only end game.

Its a shame to see the disconnect GGG now has and that they are resorting to actions which destroy the more casual playerbase and in the end maybe do even worse for the great game Path of Exile can be :(

Wow, I can’t help but to feel GGG is extremely disconnected from their player base. Nerfing Harvest is something that will, again, only affect more casual players and is mostly irrelevant for the top end mirror making people.

Terrible terrible decision that only diminishes this overall amazing games.
I was coming back this week, heard of harvest back this league. I'm sad that harvest garden completely disapeared and not "adapted", this garden can be a very nice piece for hideouts, if rightly reworked.

I have quited since mid-heist league, I was tired of trading all the time. In all the time I played (at least 8000h), I slamed maybe 5 exalts and trading was the only way to have access to decent items for me. Deterministic is the right way for me, I don't like gamble at all.

With havest this completely changed, no more needed to trade like hell. Even with harvest it was very hard for me to craft perfect items.

You have to stop making this game for the 0,1% god players. You can do that without making the game casual.

Deterministic craft vs gamble and hard to access perfect items is actually the core question of this game. You have to put all your efforts and minds in that question for the cming times. No right to make an error here. Maybe I don't come back next time, and I'm not alone to have this mood.

The game is simply unplayable (in entirety) for most of us without a better way to craft. There is sooooo much to explore that having easier craft mechanics is really needed.

Maybe it's the end of Path of Exile, or maybe Path of Exile can be our game forever, it's the time of deterministic for all of us, it's the time of choice.
Last edited by Krayone on Mar 11, 2021, 11:53:06 AM
Meh, not the play.
'Harvest' was no fun, when it was a league and is still no fun to play. Please abandon it completely. Please ...
Good job, glad to see the changes.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
Boonce wrote:
Ballsy move GGG, Good sign for the longevity of the game.

Very happy this is the last Discord league. Endgame gear progression was never meant to be this easy and deterministic.

Gamblers rejoice! Super keen for 3.14

Even if you like it contrary to most of us, you have not fully comprehended one thing.

Next league will have even more "discord trade". Why? Because the high level crafts that rest (augment fire/cold/inf/etc) will have a lower chance to spawn, so they will actually be more expensive. Imagine an augment speed that costs 5-7 ex on TFT, and actually has few outcomes so can be a good "ex slam" to do. It will cost at least 10 ex or more next league.

They nerfed harvest (i disagree how it is but okay, hell even pro streamers like path of math disagree, check his video quite well explained,

So yeah, harvest nerfed, but the biggest problem, having to trave using a third party discord to trade not even adressed... (and that goes for betrayal benchs and others, not only harvest)
Last edited by Portu on Mar 11, 2021, 8:12:33 AM
'Harvest' was no fun, when it was a league and is still no fun to play. Please abandon it completely. Please ...

Just don't run it. I don't like blight, doesn't mean it should be removed for everyone. I just simply don't do it.
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

That's the most disconnected phrase I've heard in a *LONG* while.
Remember when slamming exalts on imprinted items was literally the only way to do high-end crafting? I do, and NOT fondly. Those times were absolutely terrible.

As many others have stated already, nerfing Harvest from it's current state is going to affect the casual player base the most, not the high-end-mirror-tier crafters.
I believe this course of action to be a big mistake.
IGN: ShadowMorph_
I have been playing since the beta test. I want to say that "alt|regal|chaos|exalt" craft was a pain for me. Harvest became the salvation! I do not support your decision.

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