Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

It was fun while it lasted GGG, thanx for reintroducing Harvest - which was my favorit league ever :-)

Hm, i guess it is fair to nerf Harvest in some way, lets see how it turns out in the end. I wonder if it still will be possible to craft with augment on fractured and synthesis items !

The change to "The Heart of the Grove" is hillarious, who even cares about that fight unless there is an achievment ! Nothing good ever drops from that boss. How about buffing the drop rate or actually introducing some of the good crafts from boss kill ?
The thing that is stupid is, that they nerf craftig for 99% of the Community. Then the 1% still can craft stupid iteams.....and they no relly try to fix the Problem of Selling the Crafts on tft. They can litterly disabel Portals in the Grove, you had only 1 Portal to enter the Grove and remove the hortingstation. Now you cant sell crafts more and you need to farm SELF for your gear and maby need 100 grove to get 1 remove fire that you need.

I start in Brach league and drop the game 2 weeks later. Then i come back Delirium in the last Month of the League and get teach a bit about the Game. Then i see havest and crafting me my gear and it was fun to do that because i not need to bee path of math that hits day one in 4 Hous maps and make erlay relall fast much money. When i play i get maby over all 100 ex beause poe solo is borring af.

Then they remove havest and i try the game but i drop it 1 month later because Heist was trash for me and my part that made me fun to craft my OWN gear is gone. Then i see 3.13 and was oky havest back and now i play again the game. Because i hate "buy" my gear, i want to craft that on my self.
Ah shit, here we go again. Players have too much fun and "too much fun" is bad. Really, really bad, mkay. Another dead league mechanic incoming...
Last edited by masta_czarny on Mar 11, 2021, 7:12:18 AM
This league was the first time (playing since Perandus) that I completed 40/40 challenges. This isn't because it was too easy, it's because I played a lot and had a reachable goal of gearing a single character with SELFCRAFTED close to mirror-tier items. 37/40 in Harvest. In Heist, for comparison, I had 16 challenges. Go figure.
Last edited by QBass90 on Mar 11, 2021, 7:13:31 AM
"Some mods that had overly-deterministic behaviour have been removed. These include all annulment mods (other than the ones that remove a mod that isn't of a specific type before adding one of that type), and all type-specific divine mods.
Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing mod that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item."

This SUCKS very much!

go and watch...... 100% accurate
Last edited by Nilox1308 on Mar 11, 2021, 7:50:19 AM
I dislike everything about this. Harvest has been the best quality of life addition ever for average players to improve their gear.

The 0.01% that were crafting before harvest will continue to make GG gear with or without it. Everyone else will have to go back to trying to buy their incremental item upgrades through the terrible trade system.
[Removed by Support] if that's the case you can take harvest out of the game completely.
Are you trying to have less players in the game so that your server performance is better again?
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 10:31:29 AM
Olliedk wrote:
Too many streamers whined about they didn't have exclusive right to craft 50+ ex items?

Most trade league streamers don't need to craft items because they just sell crafts to their viewers.

Many streamers have commented that they lose interest in the game when there is less exclusive content and get upset when a new player can beat endgame bosses in their first league.

When the power creep allows noobs to do what the 10k hour elites do that is when they complain.
What's most fun is as pointed out by others: How disconnected the devs are to the actual game and to the community.

Have they actually played the game?

I'm in the 99%ers, and I made most of my currency from blighted maps at the start of the league, then selling my old gear and extra drops and making a new char in which i reinvested the currency. Times 6. SEVEN different builds in a single league, each more expensive than the previous. Now that i've settled on a build i decided to harvest craft a very specific ring to my build. Which brings me to my next point:


I got a grove once in every 6-7 maps MAYBE. Searching for a add/rem caster craft - i've done well over 100 t14+ Hamlet maps. And for what?
Ring had 5% increased cast speed - click add/rem caster - 5% increased cast speed.

Really? In the end i managed to find a rem caster to then slam caster to get a warlord's mark. In those 100 maps i've managed to accrue plenty of "sellable" crafts. Rem life, aug light, you name it.

What the game needs is either:
A) A way to trade harvests which is not a discord server.
B) A way to lock items from being harvest crafted when traded. Account bound sounds stupid, but instead a trade cooldown of 2+hrs (or X thousands mobs killed) where you can't harvest craft on it. Nobody will trust you for that long with your item - no more trading. You yourself have no issues with those hours or mobs killed since you're crafting for yourself.

Gutting harvest is bad. 3rd and last reply in this thread.

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