Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

what next? nerf headhunter? Chris, really?
krzkn wrote:
Harvest was only the reason I keep playing this game. Time to move on, boys!

What was the reason you play before harvest was a thing? From your profile, you joined since 2016.
Great remove the only thing that makes harvest useful and make another dead leauge mechanic
I find that idea terrible.
Playing this game A LOT and managed to grind 3 mirrors this league, yet still, I dont own a mirror tier item. Sure, it wasnt a big focus for me, but even people that trade a lot on discord need MANY exalts to get one slot right (right mod with right tier) and spend up of 20 ex and a lot of time for one slot of an item. That means that an average player can use harvest and many exalts to create a really good item, but surely not a mirror tier item.

The first flaw therefore is, that harvest crafting and trading on discord takes way more effort to create a decent item than the analysis suggest.

Btw. slamming an exalt on an item, especially since the mod pool had drastically increased with double influence items is one of the worst experiences imaginable. I dont see anything positive about it and I am very sure many see it that way, because the chance of hitting anything useful is not only slim but pretty much non existant when you are dealing with bases that are actually worth wearing in the end game.

Harvest crafting also makes other item drops more exciting because you can look out for items you can salvage with a remove, or reroll prefix etc. Without harvest that excitment is gone again and 99.99% of all rares that drop are useless again.

So yeah, it is a terrible idea, and I am really not sure even 1% of the player base enjoys the concept of exalt slamming at all. Alt spamming might be a different ball game but exalt slamming is so expensive and has close to 0% chance to give anything useful that it creates more negative than positive emotions. Even fossile crafting, even though i do it, often leads me close to a burn out when you spend time and many exalts to literally get NOTHING useful, which is even made worse when you cant even build upon a decently hit item via harvest crafting.
" it's unfortunately going to have to change" you know what is also going to change? The game i'll be playing. While I can understand that Harvest was powerful, It was amazing for the average player.

At least you got some balls to do stuff like that when D2 not only is being remastered, but allows for old saves to be loaded. Because its going to take a huge portion of the playerbase including me.

So Chris, close your eyes and Hope for the best outcome when D2 comes knocking at your door.

I'll see you in PoE2, maybe
ZetaAurigae wrote:

On a side note, if any staff member reads this: Please keep in mind that the majority of players is "silent", meaning they are not posting anything pro or contra Harvest anywhere. I think it's important for you to figure out what this silent majority wants. Since most of them, I assume, are "casuals" (not even in the sense that they don't put hundreds of hours of playtime into a league, but rather that they don't want to deal with TFT and scrolling through Affixes on poe.db etc.), I believe a not so small portion of them feels somewhat like me.


I am a casual player. I always reach lvl 94 with 1 or 2 characters each league, but I never quite reach end game (no Sirus AW8, or Maven for me). I have not seen 1 targeted annul are 1 aug mod during my harvests. So this nerfs mean nothing to me.

I don't want to ruin other people's fun though. So I don't mind them finding augs and annuls in harvests. The one thing though is that harvest makes the rich even richer. So for trade league harvest crafting can make an impact on the economy.
NexiieQT wrote:
krzkn wrote:
Harvest was only the reason I keep playing this game. Time to move on, boys!

What was the reason you play before harvest was a thing? From your profile, you joined since 2016.

If you eat meh food for your whole life, then you get something amazing, like pizza, you would go back to eating meh? :))
Hey, GGG, you're wrong and you can still admit to it.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
thep10xer wrote:
The only way around this is to introduce account bound items.(Which China Version does have), but many would not like this idea.

Ideally, crafting and selling the items would be more profitable than selling the crafts on their own. Unfortunately this won't be possible as long as the majority of players are willing to risk trading crafts/items outside the trade window.
I have some serious problems with this change:

Harvest made end-game crafting accessible to casual players (the ones who "only" play 20-30h per week) and at the same time it made a wide range of builds more accessible. With the announced changes casual players might again find themselves locked into a handful of budget meta builds while crafting stays too risky for them to use high-value currency themselves (*), therefore reducing their motivation to play PoE over longer stretches of time.

Sure, Harvest is broken right now because of 3rd-party trading but the fix that you propose does not address this problem at all. Either Harvest turns out useless after the changes and you could as well have removed it from the game or it is still worthwhile and the problem persists. In the worst case, it's still so powerful that perfect normal items dominate imperfect influenced items and then you screwed endgame equipment progression, narrowing the meta of powerful builds even further.

I suggest to make Harvest crafts tradable in one way or another while maintaining the power level of the crafts but limiting the amount of Harvest crafts on an item, e.g. by using the crafting slot.

This would solve the problem of Harvest dominating all crafting and at the same time allows players to get this one defining mod on an item. Then an explode chest is still in reach for casual players but a near-perfect explode chest will be extraordinary expensive.

(*) The higher the variance in crafting, the more items you need to craft to achieve a consistent return of investment. This in combination with a crazy amount of game-knowledge (compiled in 3rd-party crafting websites) splits people into crafting power-gamers (1%) and farming casual-gamers (99%) (without Harvest).

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