Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Been playing since 2017 and was a casual until harvest league. I grinded the entire league thanks to covid and I actually learned the crafting system. I got to make items I could never afford before by playing the game; I hardly traded with people except for certain bases and awakener orbs. I still struggled with the endgame because it was the first time I actually had the power to experience it. I truly enjoyed more of the game and considered playing more standard with harvest going core. You guys (GGG) are seriously out of touch with the players that aren't the top 1%. Do something about the discord crafting, don't punish more casual players. I'm maybe top 10% now because harvest taught me how to craft but I definitely can't get to maps within 3-4 hrs nor do I enjoy any build with HH because it doesn't feel like a real build to me (I already have one, btw).

The whole maven orb thing WAS fine before the manifesto because you could still grind the item you want if you put the time in (as a player without 100's of exalts). If you can't target craft after you successfully awakener orb 2 maven influenced mods together, what's the point? No normal player has the luxury of using an exalt randomly on items, I'd rather use it on bench crafts because they're deterministic!

I really have to reiterate how incredibly tone deaf you guys are by allowing the streamers to discord craft perfect items and using that to punish the rest of us that aren't playing at that level because we simply don't have as much time.
Since i mainly play standard SSF i will quit once 3.14 hits. Harvest made me come back to the game and not some league crap like click X and monster spawn. Such wow. Every second league the same since forever. I think it's pretty stupid to balance a game around trading when trading itself is crap since game release. And using chaos orbs or exalts on gear in SSF? What a fun!
that was sarcasm
Last edited by loardpcm on Mar 11, 2021, 5:32:10 AM
Well done GGG you have destroyed your game.
Most of the ones who actually get to the endgame and get into crafting are those Players who buy your supporter Packs and bunch of MTX.
All the other 95% doesnt even get to endgame and therefore doesnt buy much. (Those are actually the ones whoe dont even care what u do to harvest)

Im really looking forward how many Players you will loose with this huge Nerf.

Those who already made Hundreds of Mirror abusing this will get even more money for their existing items, but those like me, who has like 8 Items to finish for all my builds will never get them done.

So like always the best items are only for the Mirror Hoarders and Streamers.

This is such a huge step backwords.

Better would have been to increase the rates for good crafts but make them Account bound. I dont care about Profit crafters, im just talking about my own items i want to craft for myself.
Terrible decision, wont come back next league.
Jesus Christ this manifesto is bad, as a first day player of this game i cannot disagree more with pretty much the entirety of this post.

First off the situation you GGG created about both the drop and crafting balance in the game completely shifted with years of development. What was a concept at the beginning of the game, and mind you, actually never worked, because of the heavy sided rng you put in the mods of items for the lower end of the rolls. Well the currency = crafting possibilities never actually worked, it was and stayed a item flipper dream and a leveling nightmare for 99.99999% of the players.

The only time you actually become aware and willing to change this aspect was with harvest and this took patches after patches on crafting that were all pretty bad because they never actually tried to resolve the issue pointed up.

So now we finally have a deterministic mean because lets be honest, rare item mods are in such quantity, their rolls is so heavy on the lower end, and this was never even touched or changed. Making rares so useless that people just don't pick them up since years now, except for the few first day after reset, because well you need to gear up when you start from nothing.

Fix your mods on items, the rolls on them, and then you'll fix both drops and crafting, fail to do that and you'll continue to ping pong between shitty patches nobody likes.

This manifesto is yikes, a big fucking pile of horse crap. Stop being so in love with your lottery rng and maybe actually do something worth people time (yours and ours) that is neither a lottery nor a shitty mmo quest item snooze fest. Fix your item mods and the weighting on them.
Last edited by Halagaz on Mar 11, 2021, 5:42:08 AM
They actually dont play the game from a normal person his POV, i used harvest and i still played over 220 hours this leauge. and istill have alot to achieve... how can you say that because of harvest people would be stuck with nothing to do, thats total BS! this is the only game i know that with a normal job you CANNOT run out of things to do ... know the playerbase lol :p
Your solutions don't help with a lot of the problems you identified.
Harvest crafting will still be the best crafting. People will still use discord. People still won't slam with shut eyes more. It will just be a tad harder, the 0.01 % will maybe take 3 days longer to get their (almost) perfect items.

"But then there would quickly be nothing left to achieve." There will be. The next build.

Here are my ideas:

Make crafts save- and tradeable (via the official trade site!)
Make them cost currency. Want to rem/add phys? Gotta pay an annul and an ex for that.
This should be the title of the post.
How to kill the game for 99% of all the people playing 101 by GGG.
Nice changes.
Deal with the item bloat, deal with the mod bloat, minimize layers of RNG. THEN AND ONLY THEN will this nerf to harvest actually make sense. Because right now, it's effing bs.
.... Few people that use discord crafting and believe their items don't get yoinked got OP items. Meanwhile casual players like myself got OK item for my build but still didn't get at least more 10 crafts i need in like 100 hours i put to this league.

Again you are nerfing content, that casual players barely have access to. Top 1% - 5% players use and get OP items that's, true, but 20 % that try to use it get scammed in process, because there is no option for casuals to believe that other player that is crafting do not yoink it ...

Conclusion: It is deterministic, but it requires a lot of work and knowledge of game to do it right ... (and luck to not get scammed ...)
You should do the opposite and increase number of crafts (after defeating Oshabi or somthing )...

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