Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

This league I made more than in any other league combined from 2017, and thanks to harvest, I finally understood crafting and how items work in 3.11. Now I have alot of crafted as you call them "OP" items, I only managed to kill maven yesterday, 2 months from league start, yeah... only because I play direct damage melee build and suck at this game, not totem or minion build, but it's my choice. The difficulty curve is now at the peak, It takes ALOT of time to get somewhat decent gear, and to harvest craft some of them is the only option for me.

GGG, look at those guys, they are all supporters who trust you and coming here to play this laggy instance-crashing game with unlimited possibilities and harvest is one crucial thing that makes it possible, if you know what are you doing.

TLDR: Stop nerfing FUN.
Oh, it is hurt, GGG. You gave us pure heroin and now you take it away :D

Once again that's perfect !!
So casual players (like me) with a work and a family just return to the 5 builds that cost less than 5ex, and will not be able to see end game again...

I think you'll actually loose a good part of players if you continue that way:

- 1% people can craft
- 1% people can play end game content

I've loved your game since immemorial time now, so if you're willing to pay me to play instead of me going to work, i'll gladly accept it ^^ If not, i'll be in the same situation of so many people:

- Dealing with weeks to level up till' 80ish level
- Litteraly just dreaming to buy the items you need
- And most important, playing the same 5 builds forever (wich, for a really complete game like yours still seems a big failure to me...)

I really hope that you'll read that, and think about those who can only play a little amount of time "every" day, and do not spend hours on their computer...

Fireslap wrote:
codagain wrote:
Chris & All GGG devs.
You should watch this Math`s video.
[Removed by Support]


Yes, he is really sensible about this. :)
Or you could have simply integrated a probability of success/failure to the annul/ex crafts depending on different factors, like amount of t1 mods, amount of influenced mods, item type and etc... making it almost impossible to get perfect item, but leaving us a possibility even if infinitesimaly small
To be honest my suggestion would even fit your reasoning better then your own fix, but I suppose me, writing all this, is pointless and you would still move on with your unreasonable change, not even letting us annul/ex for life, defences and resses
- make the gear pieces that receive harvest crafting as non-tradeable, entangled, account-bound
- increase crafting storage by a lot
- nerf this only when you do a proper loot system, not like current when 99% of gear is fucking trash

what a fucking garbage manifesto and what a huge disconnect from playebase and what a garbage design decisions

this game is gonna flop so hard
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate on Mar 11, 2021, 5:13:41 AM
Ahhh... GGG is again giving more reason to not play trade leagues. Thanks for that, as if HC trade wasn't dead enough.
If the philosophy that is supposed to be retained by this is, that great items should be restricted, so be it. But giving the average player base a glance at what playing this game with actually powerful equipment can feel like, just to take that away and restrict it to 1% of the player base again - that just seems cruel.

Everything else on this matter has most likely been said already.

One question bothers me: With the power creep spiraling out of control and now a massive step backward: How do you expect the average player to handle the bosses that were introduced on the foundation of that power creep?
incredibly easy crafting

like 5 wasted mavens orbs (before rng aw orbing with other maven orbed item)?

"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

KEKWhat? Still sane, exile (c)? Grind those mavens orbs, grind aw orbs, and we will talk about your mirr tier (incredibly easy crafting btw) items. otherwise you are out of touch with reality.
Watch path of math video "GGG is about to NUKE Harvest... Crafting ONLY for the 1% AGAIN?" He explains everything and why this is a big mistake flawlessly.

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