Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Good riddance..
so what we gonna sell ? lol


because 0,1% made really good items 99,9% of all Players now have to suffer?

you are annoyed that people use discord to trade annul and exalt craft you completly remove them?

i can tell you people use to also trade everything else in the game, better remove all these items too or better trading completly from the game now.

Harvest was the one thing that made this rng items grind bs playable for me...

codagain wrote:
Chris & All GGG devs.
You should watch this Math`s video.
[Removed by Support]

Fireslap-> Joined: Jul 28, 2012
i high disagree in many points
hopefully you guys overthink that
Jagu wrote:
Extremely disappointing changes from a team that clearly don't test or play the game. Harvest is now the only reason I still play the game after reaching 40 challenges. Removing those crafts will make the game dull and boring. Old times... play for 3 weeks and skip PoE. Here we go again. Please reconsider this.

I 100% agree. First league I kept playing after 40and lvl100 and probably the last too...

This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Makes perfect sense... If you're some sort of lunatic.

To learn is to live...
The reason I play this game is to develop and test my skill, such as it is. Closing my eyes and being scared I’m going to break something important/valuable on a roll of the dice is not a matter of skill, and it is not fun.

As I play more and realize that gambling is core to your philosophy, the less respect I have for the game and its development. Right from Lyoneye’s Watch, it’s seemed wrong, but I didn’t realize it was so intentional.

I thought the randomness was intended to facilitate trading, but you also make trading intentionally broken. If all players could make/acquire equally powerful items, but ones that are not useful for their builds, then they could trade to people who need their items, for items that they need.

Allowing only some “players” to make ultra-uber-powerful items only encourages botting and RMT. When I meet a level 98 player when I’m struggling to get past 88 (primarily with found/self-crafted gear), I don’t know if it’s because of (my lack of) skill, or because they bought ultra-items. That’s extremely de-motivating.

On the other hand, the game is apparently doing well. It’s a sad comment on the nature of humanity that manipulating people with gambling is a great way to make money, and it’s a sadder comment on GGG that you would so willfully exploit that.
As for things left to “accomplish”: Why don’t you have the race leagues anymore? 2 hour to 3 day or so things that let people show off what they can do, their understanding of the game mechanics, and to win cosmetic rewards? Now that the game is bigger, you don’t even need to start at the beginning. Use the mod system to adjust difficulty, start with either well-defined builds at certain levels in certain places, or make a measure of power that people can build up to, then enter a race with similarly powered players. Yes, there would be balance problems, but putting your effort into that would give players long-term goals and a constant source of things to accomplish.

And if you put your creative brains to it, I’m sure there are many other possibilities, beyond preying on gambling addictions and allowing a few players (and botters) to dominate the game and remove the fun for everyone else.
Take my advice. I'm not using it.
Today is a sad day.

So in the future it will be Gamble again insteed of crafting -.-.

Yeah sooo hyped for the next League.... Totally Not!

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