Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I really think the sentiment of harvest making other crafting options unvalid is a greatly flawed one, to me harvest combines extremely well with essences, beastcrafting, fossilcrafting and the bench. It doesn't replace any of them, but makes them all better, I played a dex-stacker this league and yes, I have some bonkers items, most of which I crafted with essences and harvest, with crafts me and friend combined. And pushing towards better gear kept me motivated to play longer than I do in most leagues.

That said, I greatly enjoyed harvest, but I also spent most of the league running circles in atoll, which obviously is a problem. I think harvest should be on the uncharted realms-tree, or maybe even progress beside the atlas and not be locked down to any specific region, cause to me, it is the true end game grind.

I also think a good way to balance harvest would have been to introduce some kind of crafting durability, as in a limit to the amounts of crafts you would be able to use on the same item. That would make getting the insane stuff a lot more rare I think. And you should be able to mathemagically control exactly how plausible it would be to make an item by adjusting weights, maybe even make rarer and stronger crafts take more "durability" off the item.

Another thing I would have liked is having harvest while leveling, being able to target-craft an upgrade while leveling in harvest was very nice, and a feature I missed now in the comeback.

Also, Oshabis fight should have better rewards, maybe spawn a couple of crafting stations with random crafts that has a high chance to be higher tier stuff.
Sarciss wrote:
surio wrote:
Sarciss wrote:
Not sure this is the best way to deal with the harvest issue. There were many smart options on reddit and in this forum too.
However everyone needs to stop going wild lol. They literally state they wanna find a sweet spot for the future. If its too bad/has too low impact now they can simply rework it for the next next league.

After all the original harvest league should have never happened they way it did...

My friend,
We didn't start the fire!


* Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear is a powerful, risky and exciting way to improve it.

* This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

If those two don't stir a reaction in you, I don't know what to say to you.

and since we are in page 180+ it might be a good idea to revisit page one! And further, it states:

So in 3.14.0, we're making some changes. The first three are direct nerfs to Harvest, and the second two are improvements. It's also worth noting that Harvest Atlas passives have been adjusted to accommodate these changes.

Previously, every seed in a patch granted an instance of that seed's craft. Now, only some of the seeds do (so you're getting far fewer of the crafts that were overwhelming people with their quantity). Higher-tier seeds are closer to the 1:1 ratio from before.
Some mods that had overly-deterministic behaviour have been removed. These include all annulment mods (other than the ones that remove a mod that isn't of a specific type before adding one of that type), and all type-specific divine mods.
Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing mod that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item.
The chance of encountering a portal to the Sacred Grove in a map has been increased by 60%.
The Heart of the Grove encounter is now a map fragment that sometimes drops from Tier 4 Harvest bosses, instead of randomly appearing in place of a normal Harvest grove. This allows you to trade the encounter if you don't feel up to it, and it means that finding The Heart of the Grove when you are in a map with difficult mods doesn't lead to an impossible encounter.

Overall, this is undoubtedly a heavy nerf to high-end Harvest Crafting, but we strongly believe that it is in Path of Exile's best interests going forward, and that there are still a lot of compelling Harvest crafts that make the grove worth running at any point in map progression.

That's right, it is emphasised again and again, it's been decided, the nerf is in, it's going away, etc. All statements are affirmative and not about "finding a sweet spot for the future" as you claim. And we're the ones that are "overreacting"? Come now, my friend, we're the most reasonable ones in the room at this point.

Look, i understand both sides. Harvest was ridiculous, it kinda makes anything else feel obsolete. Ive participated in many harvest-threads, not gonna bring up every argument again. I feel like having the trade crafting restricted in some smart way would have been the best move. What makes harvest so OP is the craft trading, its almost underwhelming in SSF currently - so that shouldve been the point to apply a "fix".

But all the leagues right now or a testing field to some degree to balance the game for PoE2, with so many more 6links the game will get a pretty big balance overhaul i guess. These harvest changes are not set in stone forever and they can always make changes to the system if they feel like its too weak.
If it turns out nobody is really using harvest next league anymore (plus maybe a dip in player retention) i'd say chances are big that they overhaul it again.

Look, "harvest got abused"? By who? and how many? If it's some vokal minority, find a way to curtail them, not everyone else, who saw minor but very good improvements in their game. In this discussion, both baby and bath water are getting thrown out. I refuse to be a guinea pig for someone else who is literally throwing spaghetti on the wall to find out what sticks. And at this point, they're taking the players for granted with all this, and sometimes when players ragequit, they'll ragequit sufficiently long enough. Not the best. They have badly misread the room
Removing targeted Anuls seems fine but I think remove/add should stay. I really hope they reconsider some of their changes before 3.14
I like playing builds that can do every map mod.
Last edited by Mazino_Urek on Mar 11, 2021, 4:27:02 AM
Great changes, good job.
This is literally the worst scenario in terms of 3.14 balance patch...

What a bad decision.

So you are nerfing harvest, let's see:

- Less powerful seeds -> this doesn't resolve the problem that you have a limit of 10 crafts stores. You still need to go on discord to sell them.
- Remove some of the deterministic crafts like annuls or divines -> well we gonna be using annuls again, but divine really? I didn't craft a divine seed on an item at all and I think nobody does.
- Improve more spawn of the garden -> this is a good thing
- Drop a fragment for the garden boss, we don't care about her at all


So in essence you reduced the amount of good crafting and removed the deterministic annuls and divine... you didn't fix shit about harvest to honest.

We want to be able to sell our harvest crafts without going into discord and trade our item with people that can scam us! You have something implemented in the game already, it's called bestiary orb, make something for crafting as well, so we can sell our crafts via trade!


You need to remove the split beast if you want to fix crafting, not nerf harvest!

Also, we don't use exalts for crafting as long we will have the harvest, or we can obtain via trading our items already crafted for us!
This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

What percentage of your player base do you actually believe have experienced that, or any similar positive experience from using an exalted orb for the purpose of personal crafting?

I personally have not. I have however had a similar positive experience from using Harvest in a way that will likely no longer be possible.
Ellanth wrote:
Maybe im wrong and you can actually clear EVERY content in full Unique but then pls let me know those builds!

What is current meta? Spin + spin + spin -> BOOM BOOM BOOM

With this harvest changes even more Spin+boom builds gonna be meta because no other build diversity be able to clear the messy end game content (aka A9 bosses,delirium,deep delve, T16+ maps)

I think BF BB with 2x cold iron point, carcass jack, atziri boots and then some easily crafted rare gear.
I personally think it'd be alot better to nerf harvest by adding crafting cost, that way you wouldnt have an abundance of currency floating around because its not getting used.
Yes, finally. Good job, GGG great change, absolutely perfect.

You are following the design philosophy, perfectly. Path of Exile game isn't for every one, its a hard cruel game. And it should be that way. And if the normies/casuals are getting a bit riled up, so be it, but it is good for the long term of this beautiful, glorious game.

Thank you GGG, you have shown you are willing to lose a bit of your casual player base for the betterment and the longevity of this game.

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