Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

yes!! i am glad they are doing something about this absurd power that should not be present in the first place
So we still trade with discord?

Filinomen wrote:
You have owned my soul for a long time Chris and today you have finally released it.Thank you.

See you next league.
WARNING: Do not give GGG money. Never forgive the content creator priority uncovered during 3.14 Ultimatum league.
GGG got caught giving content creators in game advantages, only when caught would they tell the player base they were doing this. This will continue, but more slyly.
Imho remove Harvest for now, focus on performance and bring harvest back later.
Such a good news (No. Thanks Chris for making this game worse.)
uglym wrote:

You guys should just have removed the ability to trade the crafts.
Would have solved most, if not all of the issues it had.

hard to accomplish without removing trading items, but I guess they could make it 1 portal only and remove the horticraft station.
That way you would have to trade someone your item before the seller even knows what he will get in the harvest
So you left Heist in its current state where its still spitting out shit tons of money and then take out the most enjoyable mechanic IMO.

Just take out the tags of mods where you feel its to powerful to target.

I had the most fun ever in POE in Harvest and in this league.

Tbh without even crafting a set of gg items having the option to make my gear better over time felt so rewarding that option will be gone now.

Really doubt ill have long time motivation next league but will have to see.
Finishing my gear is what keeps me going rn.
so harvest is still terrible to interact with, and now also has worse rewards.

wrong way round GGG, the crafting should be there but with a system of access that is engaging and fits within the game organically. People didnt like harvest, they liked being able to get items without having to participate in awful trading, nerfing it to be a crappier crafting bench will just make it obselete.

This persistance with the vision that PoE is a game about item acquisition is a fantasy, PoE is about building a character and items are just a part of that.

Not that I really have a dog in this fight, I already don't use harvest because I refuse to interact with elements of any 'game' that are not fun. game=fun, in case anyone has forgotten. I already have a job, I don't need a second virtual one.
Nerfs were needed, but this was heavy handed.

Removing annulments by itself would have been a big change, not being able to craft on influenced items at all is taking things a little too far.

Augments shouldn't have been able to hit influenced mods aside from add influence in the first place. They probably shouldn't be able to hit T1 mods at all honestly, much like the crafting bench is less powerful but deterministic, harvest could be a go between, where its more powerful than bench with a bit more randomness, but less powerful than meta crafting with exalts.

This disproportionately hurts casual/average players, and top end crafters will still be sitting on the TFT discord for hours buying crafts to make mirror tier gear.

The seed ratio change is going to lead to frustration, why not reduce the number of seeds and increase the number of monsters per seed? Picking a plot for a particular roll, and seeing none of them is going to be a bad experience.

I don't want a path to deterministically create mirror worthy items, but it's nice having a constant source of rolling for small upgrades or working on side projects while mapping. Otherwise the game quickly devolves into selling all crafting materials to buy finished gear without gambling.

Very disappointed in this direction as a long time supporter.
I do agree that nerfs were needed, but this is a bit too much
So yeah, make crafting available for 1% of the players.....again

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