Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Seems like a panic reaction and an ill-conceived reflex born out of ignorance of how people play the game. Players don't love slamming exalts, or TFT endgame. Fix that instead of harping on about the supposed virtues of non-deterministic crafting?
"Some mods that had overly-deterministic behaviour have been removed. These include all annulment mods (other than the ones that remove a mod that isn't of a specific type before adding one of that type), and all type-specific divine mods.

Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing mod that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item."

If u apply ALL of this changes Harvets simply die. Can apply one alone, specially the anulment...but not all, Specially the crafts on influded items, i hope just talk about the "Exalted" or "Anul/Exalted" craft, not the "chaos" specific atribute, if you delete this option simpli kill Harvest.

Thats my poin.

I dont use any external chat, or program for craft in Harvest, just use the "tools" of this game can offer, like Guild or many friends crafts, nothing more. And Craft for my self PJ's. And it is my sincere opinion, it is a SERIOUS MISTAKE

Destroy the dreams of millions people just because a few (like 1% basically streamers and many players) one abuse from this mechanic is not fair, i see this misstake a long of time, in TOOO MANY games, pls dont do the same.
Last edited by arbitre on Mar 11, 2021, 4:08:26 AM
ya, it looks like we are stuck with old crafting again, after this one i think i will take some time off from PoE and not buy new support packs as whale i normally do.
If the developer's are so concerned about us not having to close our eyes and slam an item with an exalt orb and see whether or not we made it better or ruined the item, then maybe they should increase the exalt orb drop rate a little bit to counter this harvest nerf since they didn't go the account-bound route when harvest crafting on an item.

This is the reason that the game has such poor player retention after a few weeks-1 month after league launch specifically because most players don't get unlimited currency at their disposal up until this time, and when they know they'll have to metacraft from now on, they'll usually have to pick out 1 maybe 2 key items in their build to work on, but when the rng is so heavily weighted against them and they lose all their currency as a result, it's like a huge disappointment, and so the time is reached where grinding out another boat load of exalts just isn't their cup of tea because it takes so long to get enough to work with in the 1st place.

Most people will just opt to not continue playing because they realise that their dream of actually competing in end-game content is shattered, and no matter how hard they try with the current state of their gear, they know deep down that it just isn't worth the stress anymore, so they'll either go to standard and play their more established characters that can handle endgame better, or if they don't play standard at all, then they'll just leave the game entirely.

I just hope GGG knows what their doing, and does some things outside of harvest to counteract this decision other than increase harvest occurences and what they listed as the changes to offset these nerfs. If they really want to offset them, then an increase in exalt orb drop rates, however small, will at least take some of the sting out of this, and perhaps give some players hope that even if they slam an exalt orb and crap their item, that it can be a timely fix with a bit more grinding that doesn't take the rest of the last 1-2 months of the league to gather all the currency needed to do it properly.

this league I crafted every single item I have, and it was a blast.

But no , just nerf everything because you watched few streamers with god tier items...

It sucks that game is clearly being balanced around top 0.1% of player base.
GGG:Our problem with all of this can be summarised with the following thought: "Why would I use a regular Exalted/Divine/Annul Orb when I can get one through Harvest that has a deterministic result?" wow ,so ,why not just combine them together.

why not just combine them together,such as when you use a remove/add craft,you cost a annul and a exalted orb.
Flexcube wrote:

I'm starting to wonder why you started with the Harvest league at all? The explanation that you were not aware of how is powerful Harvest crafting tool is a little ridiculous. After all, you've been making this game for years and you haven't been so aware? [Removed by Support] But OK, Harvest was over and there was no problem.
In this league, you introduced Harvest again and again you were not aware of the fact that Harvest will allow you to craft good items ?????
Get rid of this Harvest now and just remove it from Core Game. At the moment, for players of my kind (SSF), Harvest is not unusual. If you play for a few hours a day or at all, your entire Harvest does not matter to us anyway, because we are not able to receive anything valuable in such a short time. This change will affect a small group of players, usually streamers who play 18 hours a day.
Just remember who supports you and from which group of players do you get the most funds?

Stop trying with Harvest again. You can see that you are not doing well.

100% agree, you have developed this game for years. But doing the same mistakes over and over. Remember when ZiggyD interviewed with Chris Wilson before Harvest League, Chris said "We will be regret about introducing this league". So if you have restricted item philospy like this, why do you even think making crafting easy??????? No1 asking about maven orbs, i thought all this craft system for maven orb which is your latest lore remember! why would i even use that orb my GG item if i will completely brick it?
I'm really Sad about this changes..
I like harvest crafting.. cuz otherwise i dont get any good items..
I dont get any Mirror Tier Items with harvest but i nearly get some good stuff to farm well.. and without i will never kill "Sirius" or "Maven" again :-(

before you make changes on Items or Crafting Systems..
Improve the Game Performance...
now i have a good Build for Farming 100% Delirium
but the Game always crashes to Death... and my system is only 9 month old... think about this before changes on Gameplay..
Just make the item with applied harvest non-tradable, that's it. That would have solved that TFT issues. But no, once again we are nerfed in most painful way.
There once was an exile who found a map of infinite doctors.
Instead of all the fluff, and the "I feel it's too easy to get mirror tier items", give us some stats, how many people have mirror tier items through Harvest, if it's more than 1% I'd be surprised.

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