Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Chris said that next league gonna be great, well at least not for me! Bye guys, have a nice playtime until you gonna regret that. And that will happen sooner or later. Karma will back to you!
There hasn't been a more disconnected developer move in the last 10 years besides War3 Reforged. Curious choice to remove the reason why player engagement has stayed higher than average later in the league.
This must be an almost-in-season April fools joke.
Hey! GG! Go watch Path of Matth video about those changes.

All check this, ne especially nailed it how stupid the exalt-slam argument is.

This is becoming endemic outside the world of games too, it feels. The big fish all go scot-free and do whatever the hell they please and some poor sods are made into "extreme examples" to keep the bulk majority in check, cowering behind, unsure of anything!

Welsteadbtw wrote:
I really dont understand how GGG team thinks, people are duping items left and right and getting thousands of exalts to RMT with it, that shit was never solved, also, harvest is really rare to encounter in map and getting good crafts thats worth anything are even more rare, how in 7 hells did you think its op?, and before you complain about 3rd party like TFT discord, make your own in-game AH so players dont have to go to 3rd party sites, are you like out of ideas? hire me ill give you some lol.
Boo booboo boobooboo boo boo


Is this really what you want? Because i don't think its what most of the players want.

- People still have to rely on unsafe discord trading to get anything done with Harvest.
- Base crafting system will still be a terrible non option for everyone.
- Craft storage limit is still miserable. So trading crafts unsafely is the ONLY WAY to make Harvest feel satisfactory.
- The average player not using discord will feel the weight of this change the most.
Last edited by Zophronios on Apr 15, 2023, 3:08:34 AM
Please rethink this change ggg,

after leagues of playing as a gamer I finally managed to get a nice item that I could afford to craft and that I am proud of to have crafted myself. I have a lot of fun this league because of the harvest mechanic in combination with delve, essence, currency crafting etc.

The crafting options in harvest as it is now are random enough to get mirror worthy items.

If you want to limit the extend to which the discord server is needed to trade those crafts - implement an "craftstoring orb" thats as rare as an exalted orb - then you can imprint harvest crafts onto that orb to trade to other players.

Please reconsider the drastic nerf to harvest.
BNightwolf wrote:

Why do you need the best items to enjoy the game?

Legendary items are there for your deterministic needs. Rare are there to ensure you will always have something better to look forward to.

You do not need to gamble to enjoy the game, just gather your currency and trade for your item needs.

What you fail to comprehend is: the more time you put into the game the more you should get out, you want the reward curve to satisfy your limited time, at the cost of making the reward curve unsatisfying closer to higher end.

This is bad for streamers, this will cause worse player retention per league.
Sadly what is good for the game, will not always feel good, like bitter medicine.

Because I like taking my characters to the maximum power level they have, and the only way to achieve that in this game is via rare crafted items.

I don't fail to comprehend that the more time you put into a game the more you should get out of it. I agree with that.

What I do not agree with, and what you clearly fail to comprehend, and something that flew completely over yours and GGG's head, is spending an unrealistic amount of time of farming.

Your response is shortsighted and insipid, you do not realize that simply grinding just to gather more exalts just to trade, isn't that interesting nor enjoyable.

Nor do you realize how long it takes to be able to actually gather enough mats to trade for something you really want.

I don't intend to play for years just to make one character perfect on standard. I also don't expect to consistently make the best char in 1 week, but I at least expect to have one really strong character by the end of a league.

I don't care about streamers, they are the top 1%, not only due to knowledge, but because they also have the time to play this game to the point they can farm and create perfect items.

The experiences of as streamer, or the 1% do not reflect reality for the rest of us and the game should not be balanced around such a small demographic.
Last edited by Destructicon on Mar 11, 2021, 3:39:37 AM

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