Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

So from this what player base are you trying to help,
As a player who is newer to the game but now working on pushing a build by making items that specifically help me current harvest is great. This harvest change leads to one thing and that is buying gear with currency as I dont know how to max x gear when I need x mods. With the targeted remove, add, rem add I can work on getting an item that works for me. for example right now my belt is t2-3 on three res which is high enough for my build only thing I still need is rem add life which I know will be a +life or a percent life. or a helmet I'm working on will need to specifically add mods in a correct order to make the item I want. without harvest in its current state I would never have access to these items. All that your going to be doing is making the gap much larger between decent players and the elite players.

IMO crafting needs a way to deterministicly add and remove mods. if you really want to make it harder instead of a add cold, fire... make it a add elemental mod. or remove elemental mod.
The people who were getting mirror gear before will still get it but the rest of us will be weaker. and end up just buying the gear because it's easier. Trading on a discord well its playing the odds. If I get a harvest and it has crafts I wont use for my build someone else could which them buying it let's me work on my own items. Truly want to nerf harvest cut the spawn rate by half from what it currently is, or you could make it where you can only craft items inthe garden. This was the first league where I have bought multiple bases for 2+ ex because it's the right lvl and has the influence. helmet used reforge def to get good prefix then bought many reforge keep prefix until I had a removable suffix. net maybe craft prefix cant change would be faster but would first need to find that prophecy. now to get two aug chaos and an Aug cold to have chaos res, cold res, reduced chaos res of near by. Targeted crafting maxes sense given mod tags. if you really dont want harvest to make good items take out everything but reforge items. there a play get to have an item that might have mods they can make use from but it's likely shit.

GGG I think you are making a mistake going in this route of development and I think the player base will agree
Path of Math. Harvest Nuke.
Last edited by yahoo on Mar 11, 2021, 2:08:34 AM
Hahaha, i'm glad i stopped playing, this thread tells me it was a good decision. Poe is going in the worst direction possible, good luck to thoose who try to make them rethink their game politics !
Good job on killing harvest twice now, GGG. Clearly this was the best play you could have done.

Classic GGG only catering to the top 1%. Good to know I can take a break and not play next league if this is the case.
Last edited by Dr_Beard on Mar 11, 2021, 2:21:36 AM
[Removed by Support]

Last edited by Kane_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 2:09:46 AM
Not a good news, you nerf harvest and the only one which ll be affected are the casuals and not "pro" who don't have the time to farm & farm again.
And no changes to crafts store limit?
Give Us more than 10, if You take away so much powerful crafts!
I can FLY!
Wow this is shit.

I bought last supporter pack in December 2017 and it looks like it's not gonna change any time soon. 😂
Last edited by Rywin on Mar 11, 2021, 2:13:31 AM
Even i, who didnt liked Hervest crafting, will miss Harvest crafting. Hitting perfect items with more then triple T1 stats is still very hard...

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