Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

so sad to read this, im by no means a pro crafter or something. but i finally was able to kinda craft what i needed, welp now its gone. welp back to playing 2 weeks a league in poe.
Just remove harvest already... you know you want to and we know it

This is why we cant have nice things

Still not getting why having perfect items is a bad thing
Also id like some perfect items cause mine were not that
First time posting on the forums; I wish it was under better circumstances.

GGG--these changes seem likely to significantly limit build diversity. I understand your desire to reduce the dependency on third-party hubs like TFT, but gutting the harvest system isn't the solution.

Please reconsider this decision. Sending you guys/gals hugs and support!

Good changes, keep it up GGG 👍
Developer of "Awakened PoE Trade"
GGG don't ban this account :)
Love this!
Harvest was too strong.
Thanks GGG
Just reduce chances of strong mods to appear or add an ifluence tag "harvest" preventing to trade that items (let players harvest craft only for themselves), don't delete them!
I don't want to play without this great tool helping to make your equipment better. Ofc I can slam exalts on items but why I have to do it in 2021? Am I playing PoE of 2010? The game must evolve so the Harvest is the key mechanic to transformation into PoE 2. It doen's mean PoE becomes more casual, there are a lot of hardcore content to prove it.
Thats lame, for once I was able to craft good gear w/ out having to pay an arm and a leg
Players also expressed frustration that the most effective way to get the best items in Path of Exile was to join a discord channel and try to trade for these incredibly crucial crafts.

Finally they fkn acknowledged it.
Second-class poe gamer
I don't get many exalts a league, and you're telling me how exciting it is to use them?
Again, only pro crafters of this game will be able to use the system, while we'll be struggling to get a decent item.

You're only making the gap bigger, and make it harder for the non-pros to play this game... And what about the SSF?
You nerf the best mechanic in the game, well, time to skip the next league

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