Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Removing Harvest as it is is sad.
It would be better to raise the overall difficulty of the game.
Even with Deterministic crafting it was hard to achieve perfect items even more with the new Maven orb.

Nothing more frustrating than spending valuable currency into crafting to get random mods which are not deterministic.
Random mods often ruins the outcome of the item.
Im really disapointed.

There is a problem with the end game being spamming tft? Solve the problem! There is alternative, idk make craft tradeble like beast, make them drop as currency like exalts (even with lower drop rate than now will still be very nice!), there is plenty of ideas, ruining harvest isn't the solution.

Harvest isn't redundant with others way to craft, all other ways are useful in some way. Harvest is just the endgame of the crafting.

Nobody close is eyes and Exalting an item hoping to not ruin an item, that a stupid way to craft that only 0.001% of the players, who have thousand of exalt available, use...

Its too "easy" to have perfect items and you fear that players get bored with perfect characters? Well, you still need thousands and thousand of exalts to do so, that maybe true for empyrean and ~10 others players, but why would you want to change the game for so little amount of players? I don't even think those players want this change...

Having harvest help a lot the casual-mid hardcore players to have decent gear, removing it just harm a lot of the player base for no reason. For those who don't use harvest and don't care, just think. What you buy is heavily balanced by what the top end player can craft. Quick exemple, during heist on week 6, an basic 6l explo chest with shitty stats was 10+ ex, now you find them for 2ex... Off course that gonna affect you!

Will the game still be fine? Sure, it was fine before harvest and during ritual so its not gonna sudently be a bad game. But removing one of the best implementation of the last years, and for bad reason, is stupid. This isn't gonna make the game better.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Why are they trying to sell this quote as something good? Like what the hell, i can counter times when i yolo exalted something by one finger. Middle finger to be precise because of course it was trash mod.
Ok, so I will not return in POE. Harvest was what drove me to stay in this league as long as possible. Now RIP.
Last edited by TrueMintCat on Mar 11, 2021, 1:44:21 AM
Why are you balancing an important element of the game on one person's whims?

Should you not look at the general consensus instead of one person's impractical idealism. Ever thought, maybe the majority of your player-base dont care for that asinine reason to slam an ex for garbage 90% of the time?

They need to do a community poll on a pinned thread regarding the harvest changes. I am sure the overwhelming majority of players would want to keep it as is.
bitskipper wrote:
Natilo wrote:
I actually like the improvements a lot. Making Heart of the Grove fragment based is a plus and more encounters with the grove is a plus as well.

*those improvements are great yes.

The issue with the add/remove is that they have low risk - you just buy more or farm more harvests until you get the roll you want. I get it.

On the other hand, without any way to target remove, a low tier life roll basically bricks an item. *maybe you could get lucky salvage it with annul if you got super lucky, but I drop less annuls than ex. Can't afford to try. Also I might have spent 15ex just getting to the point where I was ready to aug life...

I could imagine being ok with a craft 'bricking' my item with a bad roll if the original item had been quicker and cheaper to craft up in the first place. If the (currency in trade / crafts in ssf) rolled in fast enough, and I could take a few more shots in a reasonable time frame... fine. But they don't. Spending all that time and saving all that currency just for one shot to hit a 1/500 mod and more than likely flush my time down the toilet, nope not interested.

The reality is the 'deterministic' add/remove is just a bandaid for the peasant class, over the stupid currency drop rates and the insulting mod roll tables. I could accept a bit more gambling in my crafts if the chances weren't so astronomically set against me...

What they really need to do is rebalance mod rolling around ilvl. an ilvl 86 item should have a way higher chance of rolling tier 1 and 2 mods, and should NEVER roll anything less than tier 4. This would be for drops, orbs, harvest, everything. Make monsters drop less stuff, but better stuff. It would reduce the dependence on crafting and item filters, and it improve the chances of getting something decent out of an orb (even though I'd still never use one).

So many people crying about these changes. Stop, please stop. These are good changes, Harvest is a chore. Go farm main stat on diablo if you want this type of progression.
Another skip league it is then.

I like it, Harvest is currently OP ^_^
Rest in peace.

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