Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Mods that are still actively trawling this thread, if there is one reply to represent the "rest of us" please let this be the one.

+1 for honestly laying it bare as it is. This is the reality for 98%-99% of your players. Print this reply below, and circulate it within the office and, scan it, and send it in your internal email!

GGG you dont have a "crafting system" its a "gambling system"

Harvest crafting allowed players like me, who doesn't have 500+ people paying me a wage to play PoE 18 hours a day, a chance to play (even if its only for a short time to play) some of these "mirror tier builds" and I say chance because you still need to get the base with the right influence or force the influence using other mechanics or an awakener orb. Like the double influenced gear that every streamer and every 200 ex item seems to have. I need an awakener orb. but I cant kill Sirus, because my gear isnt good enough and I cant do maps quick enough to get multiple exalted orb drops because my gear isnt good enough to breeze through higher tier maps. Oh and then I had to spend 3 hours messaging 37 people to change my 1 exalt into 100 chaos because no one could be bothered to trade with me, I wish there was a magical system that would let me trade both buying and selling without the need for me to wait around and beg 100 people to take time away from them playing to help me enjoy my playing...

but wait. I forgot the "close my eyes and use the exalted orb to improve my gear" crafting method that was really exciting in 1996 when I was 5 and didnt have a job and the 49 hours it took me to get that 1 exalted orb was inconsequential..... HERES HOPING

I got "3 physical damage reflected to melee attackers" I play a ranged build. maybe next week I can try again. I feel demoralized, sad, and like I'm wasting my time... oh and my wrist hurts because I tried to make my 5-Link chest a 6-Link that isnt a tabula and isnt corrupted because I got lucky and got a drop with decent rolls and I ended up clicking my orb of fusings 1136 times. its not a 6-Link and now its not a 5-Link its a 4-Link

I am SOOOO SOOOO glad this is what you, GGG, thinks is the IDEAL BALANCED system is.
Rene_2706 wrote:
Do you guys don't exalt slam?

is this the new version of "you guys not have phones?"


This its so true

░▐█▀▄▀▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▌░░░░░▐█▄░░ We Miss U Le Toucan
Some people here who play the game have jobs, family and they want to play a game to have fun. The game already feels like having a second job to a lot of people with the endless grinding and hoping to find a decent item to progress through the game. Harvest added something that enables players to make their items better. People who don't have loads of exalts to "close their eyes and hope for a good outcome". So Harvest proved to be fun. So why take the fun away? We want to play the game to have fun. It's that simple. I guess it's time to return to reality where price fixers determine the market and play the game like our lives depend upon it.
Videogames are supposed to be fun. Remember?
Stop nerf harvest
FazzDaud wrote:
I don't do crafting and I don't buy any godlike rare or have any attempt to. But most people here like to craft I guess. Making build to be more effective to grind more. Scale down the boss fight from 2min to 1sec if possible. It is their fun you know, I got nothing against it. I personally enjoy about 40 min of Sirus fight and gamble the last portal.

The way I see it is:
1. Cris don't want you guys to get 'ridiculous items' easily and somehow use discord to be more effective.
2. He is doing this before it's too late. It is for the long-term situation. Better to fix it now before POE2.
3. People are having fun with the current harvest and GGG decided to take away the fun. So, people are sad. Understandable.

Just my suggestion:
Do not entirely remove the modes stated. You can't just delete problems. Find a way to nerf those modes. If people still don't like it, perhaps they more prefer rushing their way towards their own end. You know, crafting the BEST possible item within FEW months. Idk, I don't do crafting.

Forgive me cause I'm bad at English.

Sincerely, how do you even know about all this topic if you just play in standard, are you for real?
maybe just delete harvest from trade league or something
Last edited by Illusiontde on Mar 11, 2021, 1:15:56 AM
[Removed by Support]
It hurts literally zero people for crafting to be like this. It's something to look forward to doing because you KNOW you have better chances of crafting the item you're looking for rather than just currency grinding to buy it.
People don't craft much before this because it's random and (surprising nobody) bricking your good items because you want an improvement isn't fun!
Being able to influence the outcome makes it fun. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 1:09:37 AM
I actually like the improvements a lot. Making Heart of the Grove fragment based is a plus and more encounters with the grove is a plus as well.
My fanworks thread:
My hideout showcase thread:

AI "art" isn't art, it's theft.
Nerf Harvest? Rly?

Ok, no more single stash tab/MTX.
You try nerf real money trade?
You try nerf bot farm?
You try nerf 0.1% player?
You try nerf discrod channel?

Ah. You only tryied this.

But what you do:
1) with this nert you not destroy real money trade. you give second life to real money trade. because item's price with 1 mirror of kalandra (300+ ex) it not accessible to most of player without real money trade.
2) With this nerfs, you give second life to bot farms, because they need more currency for craft old items. and they install new bots for this.
3) With this nerf you nerfed not 0.1% of player. You nerfed 50% of your community. Because 0.1% player have no real life or work. Because their work is playing in path of exile.
4) You give popularity of that discord channel, because they posted mirror service items. And with this nerf player's can't get this item's except of mirror service.
Righteous Fire forever.

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