Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

So 0,01% of people go on discord and trade crafts so harvest needs to be nerfed.
I don't play all that much these days but I don't think I've found more than a couple of good crafting options while doing all T16s on standard.
I was trying to craft a sword and have made literally 0% progress... but I guess harvest is OP according to GGG. If a streamer abuses a mechanic it needs to be nerfed.
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Not another penny for GGG until this is back in game.
It's 4pm in NZ.

I wonder if there will be a mitigation post or if GGG will just ride this out.

People will have forgotten in three weeks time, right?
Literally hoping most of the entire playerbase skips next league and let them have a taste of their own medecine. Harvest is the reason why so many people were able to even see at least a mirror worthy item. Nice buffs to Harvest as if anyone is looking forward to getting it after this stupid nerf. Also, Oshabi can disappear because her items are useless anyways was getting tired of actually seeing her so much. Honestly, I don't know anyone that enjoys slamming an Exault and closing their eyes. You guys should try playing this game sometimes to see how much Exaults actually even drop.
Instead of solve a problem (the trade of harvest craft) you guys ruin harvest. Why put a secure way to trade the harvest when you can just nerf it to the sh*t?
Right now we are going back to play monopoly with the trade mafias. GG
The only people defending this are the one who can't sell those overpriced items.

Chris craft his own mirror item whit the currency he manage to farm alone.

This is never going to happend, and i really doubt any member of GGG play the end game.
Very bad news for us SSF people.
Guys, GGG has made up their mind and it is too late for them to change anything now anyway. Lets just see how many players playing in the new league and compare. People may just forget all about Harvest and focus on the new league mechanic come next month. Or that the new league mechanic may complement the new Harvest in some ways. I am confident the player base will not drop and people will continue to play POE.

heiji17 wrote:
Hey can I get a refund for all the MTX I bought this league? If you guys are going to make this game unplayable for the average player I might as well just not play it. Doing this instead of fixing your stability issues is actually hilarious. Makes me think you don't actually want people playing for more than a couple weeks every league.

The game was playable before harvest and will be playable after this nerf, good luck in diablo 3 we wont miss you here.

Diablo 2 Remake, you mean, and then Diablo 4, because it's coming soon.
I for sure won't spend another $ on POE, was actually saving up for the Harvest supporter pack, LOL. The fucking irony, right?

Yeah, but it is Blizzard Soon (tm)
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." - Harvest Manifesto 3/10/2021

So unbelievably inane it has to be memorialized.
124 pages in such a short time. Amazing.

I hope this change comes with some real changes to trade. It is extremely outdated in its current form.
awful changes. i don't like the idea of trading in a discord all day to get 100 chances at the perfect harvestcrafts either, but there are so many better ways to approach this than nerf it into the ground into uselessness. soulbinding/making gear untradeable after using a harvestcraft on it, removing the horticrafting bench, or even making annuls/devines unable to be stored would be an improvement over this. i'm not a long time player, but harvestcrafts were a big pull for me to try playing again this league. i dont have the time to farm and grind currency to either trade for end game gear, or buy mats to RNG craft it, so this is a huge blow to my drive to get into poe. i don't want to have to be forced to make the limited time i do get to play as currency-efficient as possible, just to feel powerful.

really hope they'll reconsider going this route but i'm not holding my breath

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