Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

I hope GGG listens to the community and keeps Harvest like it is. This will really hurt playability and fun for the casual player.
Just remove the beastcraft for imprinting/splitting items and keep harvest as it was. The beastcrafts are the reason people print gg gear.., with these harvest nerfs you simply ruin the chances for casual and/or SSF players to craft their endgame gear..
Notice how this Tenzarin_MyNameWasTaken guy keeps posting the same one-liner BS every 10-15 replies? Worst troll I've ever seen. I advice you all to ignore and report him.
My most hated game.
My most favorite game.
Such is the duality of man.
Dradge wrote:
As usual, Fun was detected and had to be removed.

I have a suggestion: How about you fix the atrocious performance of the engine, instead of shadow nerfing drops and crafts mid-league and now this...

It's honestly ridiculous where your priorities are

This, this and again, this.
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0 drop gang -

<a href="">11-Mar-2021 - The day Poe destroyed Harvest, the day poe officially died</a>
Last edited by Daehak on Mar 10, 2021, 10:00:05 PM
I'm just glad that most of the people replying in this thread will have to learn how to play the game instead of using the item editor now.

most people probably have some life outside of poe...
Trebien75 wrote:
Hey. I understand you guys want to make the game hard, but your "philosophy" it's worse than Karl Marx.

It's not worse than Karl Marx, its making the game better.

With no item editor the game will get better again.

I play on ps4. No black Market of discord. Basically SSF. I spent 200 Zanas to craft a single item. How this makes the game better?
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● Antagonistic
Removal of the item editor is so good for this game. It is going to thin the herd and make poe the best game ever.

are u a robot?
please just delete harvest
I feel like this Harvest nerf only punished casuals. Theres still going to be a discord for the rarer seeds, and the normies who have limited time to play are messed over. This current league was the most fun I've had because it actually made my builds more possible to complete while still being challenging. I also think they did too much to harvest in one patch, I wish they slowly implemented these changes while hearing more feedback. You can still use beastcrafting to basically print money early/mid wipe for the people who know what they're doing, so I feel this harvest nerf only hurts the average player.

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