Diablo II: Resurrected

MagosX wrote:

according to Diablo lead Rod Fergusson and principal designer Rob Gallerani, the code and asset loss wasn't really as bad as the Schaefers remembered.

It would make it very difficult for Blizzard to do a Diablo 2 remaster because all the assets we used are pretty much gone. They'd have to make them from scratch.

the original art assets actually weren't vital because they remade "every single asset in the game," Fergusson said. Resurrected lets you switch between the classic graphics, which are untouched, and a completely new 3D engine. The cutscenes have been entirely remade as well.

Diablo creators: It is difficult to make a Diablo 2 remaster because all the assets we used are pretty much gone.

Blizzard : IT IS SO EAZY.

LOL. Doesn't matter if they can just remake everything.

D2 only have two options, really: Either they greatly improve over the original game or it will burn just like WC3 reforged did

As great of a game D2 was, lets not fool ourselves, it pales in comparison to PoE, even with all the warts PoE has

That game from 20 y ago have many serious flaws: The end-game was nothing more than rushing to wathever boss you could handle for as long as your patience holds. Runes were the main currency, but anything above lem dropped about as often as mirrors until a patch that came almost a literal decade too late(just remember how valuable the forge quest were and all that work for a rune that could not be above gul...). The 1.10 patch made the game much more fun, but also made it umbalanced as hell(dont bellieve me? Just glance at the price of torches: A pala or sorc torch is very valuable, even if its 10/10. A necro/sin/barb torch on the other hand is pretty much unsellable unless its 20/18 minimun). Infinite life leech also made melee OP, playing the game on many builds was just click on monsters and facetank everithing the game trow at you, for melees there was just 2 state of life: 100% or 0% since life leech was instant and the damage output was insanely above defence marks, it was simple, tedious, but super fast and super safe. The 2 button selection system and binding F-keys to change the right click worked decades ago, but it is a terribly dated interface and compared to any recent game, it really shows its age

No, D2 cant compete with modern games if it turns out to be just a graphic update and dont improve over the game from 20y ago. It was amazing for the standards we had back then and even players who still play can tell it aged quite well, but on many aspects it really shows it age

Considering blizzard north that was behind the original 2 diablos left blizzard long ago, i just dont bellieve they have the competence to take what D2 left and improve it on the important spots(and considering how D3 turned out, i dont bellieve they can even improve it at all)
This isn't supposed to make D2 last longer, it's just a bunch of quick money and adding native mod support to the game. Median XL is gonna get nuts when they're not just hacking the game and running an assload of separate scripts to make everything work.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
LV9999Majin wrote:
This isn't supposed to make D2 last longer, it's just a bunch of quick money and adding native mod support to the game. Median XL is gonna get nuts when they're not just hacking the game and running an assload of separate scripts to make everything work.
There isn't going to be any mod support for D2R. ActiBlizz announced shortly before the beta that there will be no TCP/IP, effectively killing modding.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
I read the opposite. *googles for a few minutes*

Yeah just looked in to it again, that's messed up. I was really hyped for Median XL to get ported at some point. Don't really see what the point in making it was then, I can't imagine they're profiting much off it.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
Bunch of people on Blizzard forums talking about PKing "ploot" noobs, if blizzard really caves to them on this issue.

I'm kinda hoping they actually do put ploot in, because the game is gonna be a troll's paradise. There's gonna be a raging firestorm followed by a massive deluge of zoomer salt. How could I ever miss being apart of something that sounds that fun?
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Sep 14, 2021, 7:30:48 AM
Blizzard forums: looks like someone's setting the dumpster on fire
MrSmiley: (drools with anticipation)

Eh. With age I've gone from "I don't want to see but I can't look away" to simply not looking.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Hm, preinstalled a week early. Strangely exciting. Acts 4 and 5 should look impressive going by what we have seen of 1 and 2. 3...well, jungle is jungle. Little stabby shits are little stabby shits. Not looking forward to any of that but it's part of the experience.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
As much as 3.15 flopped for me personally, I want GGG to do better and POE to continue to improve. That said, repetitive leagues, heavy handed nerfs to builds, lack of build diversity, etc. are all bringing the game down on top of their hod awful speghetti net coding that somehow lags way more than games which are seemingly more intensive than GGG (4 brand new leagues a year is a TON of content — small bugs and unoptimized code has been piling up for years and years and now the game just way laggier and CPU/GPU than it has any right to be given the graphics and assets it uses).

All this to say, I’m super excited for D2r, for a lot of reasons. The game engine should be simple and streamlined and highly functional (unlike PoE… hard to enjoy even the best leagues with constant performance issues), not to mention new. The game is 20 years old - even with all the updates and new coding it should still be easy to run. Cross platform progression is a huge seller for me since I have kids and locking myself away in the pc room isn’t always possible, but my switch is can be played on the couch and blizzard actually has made d2r VERY nice to play on switch. Not to mention future ladder characters and the possibility of themed seasons.

So, I’m hyped for d2r. It might not kill PoE but I honestly think next leagues player numbers might be bricked by a good 10% to 15% compared to normal (POE players love doing highly repetitive stuff, d2r could hold some players attention for awhile given their obsessive nature). IMO would be a good time for GGG to finally just bite the bullet and do a performance and balance league rather than doing new mechanic.
In addition it looks like they are interested in some post launch content. Very curious to see what this looks like, but really doesnt appear to be a one-shot deal, which is super exciting.

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- Abraham Lincoln

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