⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

Chromino wrote:
Soulstrike628 wrote:

oh i know, and the amount of work and thought you guys put into it is amazing. i'm still having those random deaths that chunk off 10% exp at a time, so its suuuuuuper frustrating. end up turning the game off for a breather because i get so close to level, and than having a death, and sets me back

Hi soulsttrike628,

the "Fullblock"-edition is by far the most tanky edition. Use this while you are not full-levelled, the 9M damage are more than enough for all content.

In your set-up fullblock would add a lot ehp. Take the block-mastery instead arcane will and righteous army and switch out glancing blows.

Do you have ingame only 23 unreserved mana like pob shows? That is not enough to trigger divergent frostshield probably. Or does it otriggers almost alltime?

Take also a look into the updated spoiler "flasks": in scourges are too many ignites, take in ignite-immunity on one flask.

For almost all content 5M damage are enough. You need more damage only for endgame encounters like UE, the feared or simulacrum waves 25-30. Level some more with increased defences.

lol no no, thats definitely not accurate. i have 160 unreserved. here is my POB


i have a defiance banner slotted in, but im not using it yet, maybe thats why its showing 27 unreserved
Last edited by Soulstrike628 on Nov 21, 2021, 5:03:36 PM
Soulstrike628 wrote:
Chromino wrote:
Soulstrike628 wrote:

oh i know, and the amount of work and thought you guys put into it is amazing. i'm still having those random deaths that chunk off 10% exp at a time, so its suuuuuuper frustrating. end up turning the game off for a breather because i get so close to level, and than having a death, and sets me back

Hi soulsttrike628,

the "Fullblock"-edition is by far the most tanky edition. Use this while you are not full-levelled, the 9M damage are more than enough for all content.

In your set-up fullblock would add a lot ehp. Take the block-mastery instead arcane will and righteous army and switch out glancing blows.

Do you have ingame only 23 unreserved mana like pob shows? That is not enough to trigger divergent frostshield probably. Or does it otriggers almost alltime?

Take also a look into the updated spoiler "flasks": in scourges are too many ignites, take in ignite-immunity on one flask.

For almost all content 5M damage are enough. You need more damage only for endgame encounters like UE, the feared or simulacrum waves 25-30. Level some more with increased defences.

lol no no, thats definitely not accurate. i have 160 unreserved. here is my POB


i have a defiance banner slotted in, but im not using it yet, maybe thats why its showing 27 unreserved

Hehe, I am advanced in messing up pob's or pob is bugged sometimes with manareservations.

160 unreserved mana is a bit much! Try to reduce it to 60-100 to get more es with the ascendancy radiant faith.
Chromino wrote:

Hehe, I am advanced in messing up pob's or pob is bugged sometimes with manareservations.

160 unreserved mana is a bit much! Try to reduce it to 60-100 to get more es with the ascendancy radiant faith.

right. with 1 more skill point i can move some stuff around and fit in defiance banner but have enough unreserved mana to run everything without issue, so im kind of stuck a little. need that extra point, but dying when trying to get there.

im 82% into 92, so a few more maps without any stupid deaths, and ill be good to go :)
@chromino @monik390 - thank you both for all the advice and guidance!

FINALLY hit 93 lol


here are my important stats (at least according to POB)(I'm guessing this is calculating flask use also)

capped ele resist
capped block
ES: 6952
AR: 77410
Phys damage reduction: 90%
EV: 25348
Chance to evade: 95%

Full DPS: 8,609,184.2

As always, im sure there are places to improve, but i think maybe things start feeling good from here on out, and i dont have many more of those random deaths lol
Last edited by Soulstrike628 on Nov 21, 2021, 10:46:57 PM
Soulstrike628 wrote:
@chromino @monik390 - thank you both for all the advice and guidance!

FINALLY hit 93 lol


here are my important stats (at least according to POB)(I'm guessing this is calculating flask use also)

capped ele resist
capped block
ES: 6952
AR: 77410
Phys damage reduction: 90%
EV: 25348
Chance to evade: 95%

Full DPS: 8,609,184.2

As always, im sure there are places to improve, but i think maybe things start feeling good from here on out, and i dont have many more of those random deaths lol

M, that pob has much noise.

Here's your fixed: https://pastebin.com/qXcSBaZS
7.7m dps, 75% evasion w/o Vaal Grace. It indeed gets to 95% when VG is up tho.

Honestly, I somehow can't understand how and where you got your one-shots with your ES pool. I had a lot less and barely died unless I got into smth too rippy. Well, whatever.

Congrats, Things seem good for you.
Yo guys. Actually, i have a little problem with my ES and DPS. On lvl 81 i have only 4.1 k ES by full geared by this guide, and so little dmg on ball lightning and not so much cast speed. I have speedcasting and 13% increased speed cast on my gloves, have Onslaught, but its really not fast like in guide. My spiders dmg is good, but its not great on ball lightning. What should i do with it? :( Virulences is 50 all the time. May be need to up lvl to take some points on poisoning?
Yo guys. Actually, i have a little problem with my ES and DPS. On lvl 81 i have only 4.1 k ES by full geared by this guide, and so little dmg on ball lightning and not so much cast speed. I have speedcasting and 13% increased speed cast on my gloves, have Onslaught, but its really not fast like in guide. My spiders dmg is good, but its not great on ball lightning. What should i do with it? :( Virulences is 50 all the time. May be need to up lvl to take some points on poisoning?

Change "critical strike afflictiction" (the former poison support) to "chance to poison" and 2 passives "serpentinespellslinger". In maps you get 50 virulences fast, but singletarget you need the optimized set-up.

Take in different flasks and you get amulet and skin of the lords cheap. On page 50 of the thread are all tradelinks listed:


Last edited by Chromino on Nov 22, 2021, 3:54:53 AM
hi guys, thx Chromino for the build!!

any advice for simulacrum 30 waves and "The Feared" with "bosses released all at once?

thank you
ThoryX wrote:

any advice for simulacrum 30 waves
thank you

- Stun immunity/interruption avoidance.
- All ele ailment immunity/avoidance/reduced duration.
- Iron Reflexes/Ghost Dance/Max block without Glancing Blows.
- At least 10m dps.
- Flasks according to added damage on the wave (i.e. ruby flask if monsters deal 90% extra physical as fire). Priority: Fire > Lightning > Cold.
- 100% curse reduction.
- Burning ground small pantheon.

Video of my 1st wave 30 completion: https://youtu.be/dIUzsHghogw

2 days ago deathless run was achieved with the same setup.

Build overview link is in the description under the video on yt.

I didn't try the feared yet.
Last edited by monik390 on Nov 22, 2021, 6:50:47 AM

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