Diablo 4 does not have a chance to compete....

Different stroke for different folks. Not everyone enjoy PoE the way you and I do. Too complex and time consuming is a very big no to the crowd. As a filthy casual myself, if not for the passion and great mentors of my old guild that adopted me since the very first days, I may have quit after Ambush. You know it's isnt good for a game when players need to watch youtubers, streamers, guides and alt tab for cheat sheets to play efficently. Not even counting all the 3rd party programs and websites that's near essential for this game.

D4 will do fine. Heck, even D3 is fine for some people. Hop in, do the content, have fun with your friend then out. Just in a few hours. And that's all people with kids and family, friends and jobs want. That's sadly the part I'm heading too. PoE was never designed for casual.
We compare D4 that doesnt exist to PoE 2 which doesnt exist either.
Let them do their own thing, I suppose. While I think GGG's product is superior, I don't see it as a reason to ridicule Diablo.


you mean: "do their shit" ??? XD XD
theres no match to PoE !!!!

POE RULES !!!!!! no pants for ever !!!!
yeah gonna be hard to compete with ~11k players during a pandemic ;)

poe2 better be amaze balls
Last edited by teksuoPOE on Jan 9, 2021, 2:41:58 PM
D4 for casuals, PoE2 for nolifing

Best case scenario for both to thrive successfully while minimizing competition.
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
teksuoPOE wrote:
yeah gonna be hard to compete with ~11k players during a pandemic ;)

poe2 better be amaze balls

The pandemic has lasted for nearly a year. Where do you get your 11k from? Don't tell me you are using the last 30 days of a "average minus" league, which lasted 30 days longer than it should?

People still thinks "taking a break at the end of a league" reflects something onto the game. I really don't think it does.

That said, when it comes to numbers, D4 will knock PoE out of the park.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz on Jan 9, 2021, 2:55:56 PM
Let us not forget that Lilith in the Diablo-verse is somewhat of the incarnation of desire and lust.
Maybe Diablo 4 will have some form of sexual content, that would be epic!
teksuoPOE wrote:
yeah gonna be hard to compete with ~11k players during a pandemic ;)

poe2 better be amaze balls

What pandemic? The one thats goes for over a year now and barely anyone gives a shit about it anymore? I sure dont have more time because of it, nor anyone who I know.
MaxEXA wrote:
We are reaching a level of customization that is not only never matched before but was simply never thought of being possible.

And these clowns at blizzard show these items and skill tree


Comparing two different games with completely different game mechanics, engines, and intended player experience is... invaluable if one wishes to spend one's day lol'ing at forum threads. :)

D4 will make bajillions of monies. Legacy will fans will just auto-buy it with no questions asked and it's certainly going to appeal to new Diablo players with all the hype it's going to get.

D4, once the Day1 patches hit and the Week2 cleanup patches are done, will very likely be "fun to play."

Many players will enthusiastically engage with the game for years.

Diablo 4 is not Path of Exile.

Both IPs have thoroughly demonstrated they can exist in the same market at the same time.

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