[3.12] Hexblast IGNITE Trickster | Laser from the Sky, Chaos Ignites! | Hybrid or CI.

Burkill wrote:
DixuMixu wrote:
itsNovellum wrote:

Vulnerability isn't doing anything for you, it's only increases physical damage taken and physical DoT damage.

Vulnerability is actually one of the best curses for all classes currently.

Not Vulnerability! Punishment!

Should we be running punishment with dual/tri curses now?

The curses that help our damage are Flammability, Ele weakness, Despair and Punishment. So if you can get 4 curses, I say go for it. Should be easy enough to use them with Vixen's Entrapment. Despair you can get from Witchfire Brew.

Manually cast Flammability with alt quality that gives +5 max doom, so you get the most doom out of your one curse that you manually cast
SuckLord3000 wrote:
Can someone take a look at my char?
I feel like damage single target is starting to lack.

Ive toyed around with all combinations but the current one I'm trying is:

Blasphemy + Flamm + Witchfire for clear

Flamm manual for big dick blasts

Gear wise I think I have 'ok' things but already feeling slow down in yellow maps. Also sometimes feel like paper to mobs in heists.


Wands do nothing for ignite damage, take sceptre instead. Arcane surge also does nothing to ignite damage. You should also fix your passive tree, the Shadow starting point can save points if you follow PoB from OP.

Basically spell damage does not increase your damage. Check OP to see what mods affect ignite

You can check my character if you want ideas
Last edited by DixuMixu on Sep 22, 2020, 8:38:57 AM
Does anyone know if swift affliction ends up giving you more damage then added chaos damage?
More videos coming?
DixuMixu wrote:
SuckLord3000 wrote:
Can someone take a look at my char?
I feel like damage single target is starting to lack.

Ive toyed around with all combinations but the current one I'm trying is:

Blasphemy + Flamm + Witchfire for clear

Flamm manual for big dick blasts

Gear wise I think I have 'ok' things but already feeling slow down in yellow maps. Also sometimes feel like paper to mobs in heists.


Wands do nothing for ignite damage, take sceptre instead. Arcane surge also does nothing to ignite damage. You should also fix your passive tree, the Shadow starting point can save points if you follow PoB from OP.

Basically spell damage does not increase your damage. Check OP to see what mods affect ignite

You can check my character if you want ideas

yup I know re: spell damage. At the time, getting a wand with big + over time multi was the cheapest route. guess i'll see what I can do with scepters now.

will fix starting path, ty
What are people thoughts on a tree for going CI or low life?
DixuMixu wrote:

Should we be running punishment with dual/tri curses now?

No, punishment sucks compared to vulnerability. They're looking at the wiki which hasn't been updated yet, but vuln gives +20% faster ailment damage which is bigly.
DixuMixu wrote:

Should we be running punishment with dual/tri curses now?

No, punishment sucks compared to vulnerability. They're looking at the wiki which hasn't been updated yet, but vuln gives +20% faster ailment damage which is bigly.

That pseudo-cull applies to ignite damage too, no? I suppose we won't know which curses are best until PoB gets updated

Btw question, what are good anoint for amulet? Corruption seems nice, but are there better options for cheaper?
DixuMixu wrote:

Btw question, what are good anoint for amulet? Corruption seems nice, but are there better options for cheaper?

-Whispers is long term goal I'd imagine if using Vixens.
-Burning Brutality is great for damage(8% fire multi, ignite burns 8% faster)
-Arsonist is another option for damage(24% fire, 6% fire multi)

Is Eye of Malice a good unique helmet for us? I saw an occultist hexblast build using it, claiming that the "Nearby Enemies have 50% increased Fire Resistance" also scales the negative resistance thus providing more damage.

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