[3.13] Archmage Blade Vortex Hierophant | 20k EHP 40m DPS | Depth 2000 Delve Tank

I'm trying to use the gse trick and I can't get it to work. I'm pretty sure I understand the mechanic behind it.

I made a little screencap showing me trying it, I already have huge BV aoe cause I love aoe and stack it everywhere.

First I show 10 stacks without the mine trick, then I try with. I get the timing right on the second try with 1 stack remaining after the mine pops my blades, but I don't get any buff to my tooltip or aoe.


Is it because I don't have +1 unleash seals? I don't see how that would make a difference because all unleash seals are spent on the first cast before spell echo repeats.
Last edited by Ithilir on Jan 30, 2021, 1:10:22 PM

Rare chests are not a bad option, we don't really need 10% MOM effect. In end game I have 9200 HP + ES and 9600 Mana(9000 with HH) so I don't need 60% MOM. Switching to rare armor, I have like 9200 mana (8500 with HH) so 50% MOM is enough.

I think you fell into a common misunderstanding of how MoM works. MoM takes damage from mana before life, and life only. It doesnt take damage from mana before ES. So you have to keep your ES amount out of the consideration when considering how much MoM you want.

Assuming you're like 5k life 4.2k es 9.2k mana, with 50% MoM you're basically wasting 4.2k of your mana from your ehp pool.
Last edited by RudyBaby on Jan 30, 2021, 1:42:08 PM
Ithilir wrote:
I'm trying to use the gse trick and I can't get it to work. I'm pretty sure I understand the mechanic behind it.

I mention at the end of that section, that the trick will NOT update the tooltip dps. And the animation will update only if you hit a speicifc new radius breakpoint. In your case, your original BV already has at least 33 radius which is the largest the ingame BV animation can show. No amount of increased aoe (I've tried adding like +250% aoe from supports and tree) will increase it visually, but your actual hitbox does increase.

So what you did in that clip did work :)
Damn, thx a lot! I had no idea here was a cap on the BV visual effect, my radius is like 37 lol.

I'm doing a version of archmage BV with CI, stacking insane mana to pump up damage and ES to ~8k

I might respec into this, seems way more well-rounded. I just have some bad experiences with Indigon in the past, it can be a very finicky item to use.
I'm still getting pooped on by monsters my damage is very good I have the doriyani now, but I still get killed it is working on my nerves..
Hello, thanks for the build, the build is really strong, i was farming t16 rare maps with lvl 72 fresh from gearing up, its really a strong build but didnt match my play style, so i will sell my build/items, if anyone interested i invested quite a bit into it.

If anyone interested pm me ingame or dirscord Akagami - Allan#0258, thanks
By using Anomalous Archmage you at 18% you convert exactly 50% to cold, then using Divergent trinity to convert Some of BV's phys into a random element lets us sustaion trinities res stacks even on a single target with ease.

You're missing new elemental penetration gem, that's just slightly below pen value vs non-awakened lpen, but applies to all elements, and will surely be BIS.

Let's have more in-depth look though:

Trinity can give us 50% more dmg + 20% pen in single slot at max resonance and free shatter + ignite for cinderswallow. Is it the best though? It would be absolutely bonkers if we could get it _without_ converting half of our skill to cold.

Detailed thoughts:

Normally without trinity max dps supports for bosses would be
conc effect (55%) + awk lightning pen (42% p) + divergent spell echo (60%) + awk controlled destruction (49%)
For trinity:
conc effect (55%) + ele pen (33% p) + divergent spell echo (60%) + trinity (50% + 20% p)

For clear : divergent spell echo or controlled destruction is swapped for unleash, conc effect can be swapped for either arcane surge/inc AOE depending how much dmg you need.

Awakened lpen is 42% pen.

20% pen from trinity + 33% from ele pen = 53% pen on trinity setup, so trinity is 11% more on pen, provided it's pen applies to both cold and light on max resonance, wise-oak like (not entirely clear from wording).

For bosses - trinity slot slot competes with awk cd, so it'll have just 1% more dmg and 11% more pen (barring 130% vs 140% mana cost difference / presuming you can support max breakpoint for your mana already).

Edit: wave of conviction becomes gimped. Not only can't we proc lightning exposure reliably without wrath anymore, but it's even if we could - it's only half as effective.

Conductivity is replaced with a weaker curse - ele weakness, and there's no point in awakened hextouch anymore.

But then you lose ability to use wrath.

On face value it's 5% loss with zealotry, but watchers eye mods for wrath are better and more flexible. There's both ES leech as a budget option and 15% pen vs 10% pen on crit on zealotry or 10% inc damage taken on consecrated ground (much worse option overall).

Zealotry doesn't really have any good budget mods, but it does have a possibility of 2 damage mods. Good luck getting that.

For wrath we have some both cheap and relatively affordable endgame eye options like es leech or 15% pen with wrath in just a single mod, which do actually exist with 10% mom and don't cost a mirror.

Also on large cluster jewel a lot of notables get crippled by having half cold.
Vengeful commander is out as it doesn't affect zealotry.
Stormdrinker (8% lpen + 0.8% es leech) and scintillating idea(5% lpen) are bad when combining lightning / cold. We can't actually pass up scintillating idea because of max mana, so we're actually locked in to a lightning dmg cluster...

So overally it's about equal at best, and worse if you have right cluster / watchers, as that easily surpasses slight pen advantage.


With cold conversion trinity setup is much less attractive, because of losing ability to use wrath and potent lightning pen cluster notables efficiency, eventually losing out to full lightning variant.

For budget option, damage-wise, on clear / when you don't usually cast wave of conviction, until you get a couple of this points:
1. awk lightning pen l5
2. awk controlled destruction l5
3. awk hextouch + ele weakness
4. 15% lightning pen wrath + 10% mom clarity watchers eye
5. stormdrinker + scintillating idea on cluster
trinity in setup _will_ be much better, both damage-wise and from shater. Non-awakened pen/cd gems alone will put it miles ahead. But later as you check out those points - it will be overshadowed everywhere.
It also immediately loses if you cast wave of conviction / on boss as you can't really use it efficiently with half cold and no wrath anymore.

_If_ you somehow manage to get it going _without_ converting main skill : there're some clunky ways like casting flame dash with another trinity linked, or less clunky but not reliable : cwdt some flame or ice spell, reliable but high investment : cyclone + cwc +...

Edit: actually having another trinity in flame dash links seems to do the trick quite well for keeping the resonance, so that looks like the answer.

Or to actually benefit from full conversion(we can't use eternity shroud after all, but we still can benefit from "elemental as extra chaos" whenever we can get it - e.g. atiziri's promise becomes _much_ more powerfull) - it's a BIS support.
Last edited by WrongBlight on Jan 31, 2021, 11:08:33 AM
RudyBaby wrote:

Rare chests are not a bad option, we don't really need 10% MOM effect. In end game I have 9200 HP + ES and 9600 Mana(9000 with HH) so I don't need 60% MOM. Switching to rare armor, I have like 9200 mana (8500 with HH) so 50% MOM is enough.

I think you fell into a common misunderstanding of how MoM works. MoM takes damage from mana before life, and life only. It doesnt take damage from mana before ES. So you have to keep your ES amount out of the consideration when considering how much MoM you want.

Assuming you're like 5k life 4.2k es 9.2k mana, with 50% MoM you're basically wasting 4.2k of your mana from your ehp pool.

Thank your for explaination.
Regardless, there's up to 15% damage from mana before life https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ritual/dgVo7PsJ
on chests from elevated shaper mod, or 10% from normal, so a rare chest should ultimately be an option, and even potentially beat CoD on survivability.

Incidentally both crusader and shaper also have a mod of up to 18% increased max mana.
And ofcourse crusader has explodey.

One issue is that the mana roll on rare chest is far lower than Cloak. Also theres 4 desirable prefixes for the chest: Life, Mana, 10% MoM effect (shaper), Explodey(crusader). Depending on which 3 you choose, its either a big loss of dmg or big loss of ehp.

Bringing life into the equation is not fair though, as CoD doesn't have it.
And then if you actually choose 15% mom + life + mana it might still beat cod on survivability, having all prefixes to choose from for flexibility.
Last edited by WrongBlight on Jan 31, 2021, 7:00:36 AM
WrongBlight wrote:
Regardless, there's up to 15% damage from mana before life https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ritual/dgVo7PsJ
on chests from elevated shaper mod, or 10% from normal, so a rare chest should ultimately be an option, and even potentially beat CoD on survivability.

Incidentally both crusader and shaper also have a mod of up to 18% increased max mana.
And ofcourse crusader has explodey.

One issue is that the mana roll on rare chest is far lower than Cloak. Also theres 4 desirable prefixes for the chest: Life, Mana, 10% MoM effect (shaper), Explodey(crusader). Depending on which 3 you choose, its either a big loss of dmg or big loss of ehp.

Bringing life into the equation is not fair though, as CoD doesn't have it.
And then if you actually choose 15% mom + life + mana it might still beat cod on survivability, having all prefixes to choose from for flexibility.

I had time testing with the explode chest and it totally doesn't worth it, it even crashes my game with harbringer so I sold it already. It doesn't help clearing either because mobs die with 1 hit anyway.
Last edited by cutiechuchu on Jan 31, 2021, 11:52:53 AM

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