[3.13] Archmage Blade Vortex Hierophant | 20k EHP 40m DPS | Depth 2000 Delve Tank

Do you mind checking my build? I'm trying to carefully follow the low-end build but pob still shows i still have 2m dps. is there something i should fix?
Awesome af build, started this in 3.12 and now again.
Now with harvest, is it worth it to just fuck it and go for explodey while grabbing MoM from the tree? Or will it be better to go for asenath gloves instead maintaining cloak?

Would love to get some form of explode for clear, hence.
Last edited by drigorin on Jan 30, 2021, 1:13:33 AM
Great build, been having fun. Damage is off the rails.

I've felt really squishy at times however, and been relying on a life flask for all boss encounters/metamorphs etc. Going to take the suggestion earlier and spec in doryani's lesson in a cluster. Currently at the point in the upgrade tree to get bottled faith, so I think I should have the important pieces together by now.

Edit: Alright I have reached immortality with Doryani's lesson
Last edited by fte on Jan 30, 2021, 4:06:16 AM
Do you mind checking my build? I'm trying to carefully follow the low-end build but pob still shows i still have 2m dps. is there something i should fix?

Apart from setting stuff correctly in pob (mana spent recently, exposure, ~10% shock), I see several issues with your tree.

You're spending FIVE POINTS to get 40 dex? Unnaceptable, fix your gear for more dex.
You're pathing the wrong way to the Unnatural Instinct jewel socket.
No added flat fire damage to proc ignite for Cinderswallow.
I see youre in the process of filling out your cluster jewels? Once you fill it with a couple good jewels that should help. Levelling up archmage support is also big.
drigorin wrote:
Awesome af build, started this in 3.12 and now again.
Now with harvest, is it worth it to just fuck it and go for explodey while grabbing MoM from the tree? Or will it be better to go for asenath gloves instead maintaining cloak?

Would love to get some form of explode for clear, hence.

One issue is that the mana roll on rare chest is far lower than Cloak. Also theres 4 desirable prefixes for the chest: Life, Mana, 10% MoM effect (shaper), Explodey(crusader). Depending on which 3 you choose, its either a big loss of dmg or big loss of ehp.

The explodey dmg on this build is not the best to begin with (no ele conversion). If you still really want explodey I'd say Asenaths over rare chest.
RudyBaby wrote:
drigorin wrote:
Awesome af build, started this in 3.12 and now again.
Now with harvest, is it worth it to just fuck it and go for explodey while grabbing MoM from the tree? Or will it be better to go for asenath gloves instead maintaining cloak?

Would love to get some form of explode for clear, hence.

One issue is that the mana roll on rare chest is far lower than Cloak. Also theres 4 desirable prefixes for the chest: Life, Mana, 10% MoM effect (shaper), Explodey(crusader). Depending on which 3 you choose, its either a big loss of dmg or big loss of ehp.

The explodey dmg on this build is not the best to begin with (no ele conversion). If you still really want explodey I'd say Asenaths over rare chest.

Rare chests are not a bad option, we don't really need 10% MOM effect. In end game I have 9200 HP + ES and 9600 Mana(9000 with HH) so I don't need 60% MOM. Switching to rare armor, I have like 9200 mana (8500 with HH) so 50% MOM is enough.

With rare armor, you can get frenzy charge on hit, so 12% dps, free up slot for resistant so you can craft damage on rings, cap chaos resistance to 75%, etc. We also don't need Cremator cluster and switch to another Magnifier/Towering threat...

Here are my combo so far
Last edited by cutiechuchu on Jan 30, 2021, 6:42:02 AM
RudyBaby wrote:
drigorin wrote:
Awesome af build, started this in 3.12 and now again.
Now with harvest, is it worth it to just fuck it and go for explodey while grabbing MoM from the tree? Or will it be better to go for asenath gloves instead maintaining cloak?

Would love to get some form of explode for clear, hence.

One issue is that the mana roll on rare chest is far lower than Cloak. Also theres 4 desirable prefixes for the chest: Life, Mana, 10% MoM effect (shaper), Explodey(crusader). Depending on which 3 you choose, its either a big loss of dmg or big loss of ehp.

The explodey dmg on this build is not the best to begin with (no ele conversion). If you still really want explodey I'd say Asenaths over rare chest.

Thank you so much Rudy for the detailed explanation! I'll heed your advice, just one last question.

Should i follow the pob of your CURRENT character? Or still refer to the pob given in this thread (as I know it isnt updated to current)
Hey @zZDeathAngelZz how did you craft your gloves?

Did you use the awakeners orb and prayed for the high mana roll? Because there is no way to get mana from harvest that i know of
Souse03 wrote:
Hey @zZDeathAngelZz how did you craft your gloves?

Did you use the awakeners orb and prayed for the high mana roll? Because there is no way to get mana from harvest that i know of

I bought it from trade, probably he doesn't need mana, then I gamble and remove a mana regen suffix, gladly it hits.
So tweaked this a bit,

By using Anomalous Archmage you at 18% you convert exactly 50% to cold, then using Divergent trinity to convert Some of BV's phys into a random element lets us sustaion trinities res stacks even on a single target with ease.

because our hits are so big, we always chill and freeze (if using greater spell echo jank to crit)
this removes the need for corpse consumption elsewhere and trinitys damage is huge

The down side, because our damage is split, pen is harder, i use frost bomb because the life regen reduction for maven bosses is real nice.

Other Minor changes are going for min indigon to hot 2000 mana spent recently, and i run vitality to get life gain on hit on my watchers eye

Edit Pastebin: (with gear from original pastebin)
https://pastebin.com/V09gGdma 43 M dps
Last edited by Whitelock on Jan 30, 2021, 8:20:07 AM

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