Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

Removing the mana cost % increase items will kill most archmage builds, except for some weird niche indigon builds. It could also hurt stormbind, unless the flat mana cost increase is fairly high.

You could cut the damage of archmage in half as a nerf and leave the mana cost items alone. The main problem is too much damage, not using the support to its maximum capability.

There are better options for fixing archmage, but it is too close to a new round to do a bunch of advanced stuff. I will post my ideas for fixing it in the suggestions thread.
By nerfing DW to make players use 2H is making me think that 2H are still bad.
Madace wrote:
KGabQr wrote:
More nerfs, More we quit :D

Thats not true at all, not according to the numbers.
That is true, what he and the other 99% meant was

More nerfs, more we play for free and don't support
Diablo_4_ever wrote:
Madace wrote:
KGabQr wrote:
More nerfs, More we quit :D

Thats not true at all, not according to the numbers.
That is true, what he and the other 99% meant was

More nerfs, more we play for free and don't support

So how are more and more people playing the game and the company that makes it keeps on growing? Don't act like the people complaining here are any kind of majority. They are very vocal but also very much a small group of people.
Koheleth wrote:

But only for 2-4seconds. ;)
GGG, good hard work there. looking forward...

but, many people are right: game is perfect and super fun, when everything is fast, when u can dualwield and kill everything quickly, and now we understand you wanna balance, but eliminating "fun factors" like speed and dual weelding is not lucky solution,.
herald stacking KEKW
Do not understand the strategy of making the builds weaker and the game harder... Are you planning only for a few people to play the game GGG? I hate how it is impossible for a normal player (one with a work and a life) to reach lvl 100 or kill top bosses in the game. Instead of making it more accessible for all, you make it for the players that are pro. Well, not every one is, and have no meaning to be a pro. I would like to be able to do all of the content without having to take time off from work or spending nights playing. How about you make it easier? and all the pro players can go play hc if the do not like "how easy" the game is? If all the nerfing goes on I will stop playing the game as there won't be any sens in making a character which can not go beyond yellow maps. Reconsider what you are doing GGG. No tall players are spending life onn your game but would like to play the whole of it not just the (terrible) story and maybe a few white maps.
Loving these changes, loving the reactions to them even more :'D

Can't wait for harvest!

Come on and slam and welcome to the jam!

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