Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

After trying out Wolcen in the time between leagues, i really apreciate again how much you guys communicate with your community and how honest you are.
It doesnt seem like you try to hide Bugs, you talk openly about it - for me thats one of the main reason to still spend money on supporter packs even though i mostly use the same armour reskin since 2 years.

In my opinion youre the best gaming company when it comes to being involved with your community and thats something very important to me, even though i dont like the build nerf - monster buff policy.

Thank you guys for being awesome
I know this league is tough, and I also know that I haven't had time to play enough to get to end game yet; but I really enjoy the concept of this league and I am worried that if the risks are nerffed too much then it just won't be as exciting (or rewarding)
Edit: Doublepost due to server lagg sorry
Last edited by KomodoOne21 on Mar 17, 2020, 7:32:56 AM
I really hope you don`t reduce the fog density . Its such a important identity for this league
I really hope you don`t reduce the fog density . Its such a important identity for this league
During our internal testing before release, we increased the length of time that Delirium encounters last so that players have extra time to pick up items as they go. Item filters help alert you to which items are important to grab, and we did intentionally compensate with extra time for you to do so.

It's not the time that is a problem - problem is, when you stop or backtrack - you are dead from unknown on-death forces and off screen projectiles.
Yet another we released a broken league . Woopsie hehe xd ty for your support .
chaotic neutral
This is my first post in this forum except bug reports, and I thought I should not post like this, but...

For those interested in why we use On-Death effects in content like this, it's because they are a viable way of making monsters that are killed instantly have an effect on players, and they aren't trivialised by clear-speed.

This is the worst, dumbest answer I've ever seen.

We confirm their death, we think it's safe anymore, but you think they still SHOULD threatens us because they couldn't live a good life. NO. Weak mobs should be killd instantly, because they are mobs. Stronger ones should live their life and threatens us, it's okay and it should be. Why we have to care about mobs AFTER THEIR DEATH?

And this isn't even a counter for clear-speed metas you've mentioned. You think slower players can avoid that effect? NO. This is just trolling everyone. And this mechanics needs speed against spreading fogs, so we focus on speed, but you're punishing that? Isn't this a contradiction?

And if you don't know, on-death is never fun without visibility and enough time to avoid, at least xxx bearers do.

Please don't make a mistake like this. This is completely wrong idea.
30% at most? My ass.
Full clear corrupted "hard" Hydra. No deaths.
Can't clear T16, almost "WHITE" delirium map, because get oneshooted. Even can't pass first pack of mobs, they shoot throught screen, 1 hit 6.5k hp. Great league. Skip until patch.

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