Corona virus


Wuhan's dealing with it is going to seem very quick in a year, Boem. It should already do so. I agree that it was far from flawless: the complete denial of the issue and the martyrdom of the very person who tried to warn them was absolutely reprehensible. If you check my older posts, which you no doubt won't, you'll see I was clearly condemning China's political handling of it. I still think they lied about the numbers. They were all terrified of pissing off Xi who could, if given the bad news, just take it out on them. That's the culture they have over there.

Not sure why people think he is a whistleblower and a martyr. Li Wenliang asked his chat group to keep the information to themselves. It was his medical school classmates that spread it online and circulated on the WeChat.

The local police investigated him and warned him he could be charged if engaging in rumor mongering. Neither him or his group of medical classmates was imprisoned or punished. His death is unfortunate but has nothing to do with that incident.

Li was one of eight people detained in Wuhan for “spreading rumours”, according to Chinese media. In a video, he said he was asked to sign a statement agreeing to stop illegal activities or face legal punishment. Nevertheless, Li decided to speak out about his experience because “I think a healthy society should not have just one voice”, as he told Caixin.

But go on, pretend 'detained' doesn't mean 'imprisoned' or 'punished' in China, or that 'asked' is somehow merely asking.

Li knew the risks before almost anyone in the medical community and he *still* got in there, did his job, died doing it. If you don't want to consider that a martyr, that's fine. But I do, as do many others. You do you. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Mar 14, 2020, 10:50:54 PM

This one's for Boem. Dr Campbell absolutely eviscerates China's delayed response, the three week cover-up, and notes just how much of this could have been prevented without it. -- REALLY excellent set of simulations as to what happens when you exercise social distancting/quarantine to slow transmission and allow 'recovery' to take over. Note that it doesn't take death into account, which, technically speaking, helps. Fewer dots, less transmission...

I didn't think i made a claim anywhere that discredits campbells assertions.

My judgement of biased analysis was directed at you, you are obviously aware of your bias under these circumstances but i thought i would add some vectors either way to not make it a totally dumbed down version of "she said, he said, hear me roar, ps my life is in danger".

I don't like this "let's give china credit" when they totally don't deserve it.

Just like i don't particularly like you and others make fun of capitalism and economics when it appears to me lazy poor man jabs that either are targetted at people without knowledge or deliberatly poorly formulated to trigger people who do know.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

Li was one of eight people detained in Wuhan for “spreading rumours”, according to Chinese media. In a video, he said he was asked to sign a statement agreeing to stop illegal activities or face legal punishment. Nevertheless, Li decided to speak out about his experience because “I think a healthy society should not have just one voice”, as he told Caixin.

But go on, pretend 'detained' doesn't mean 'imprisoned' or 'punished' in China, or that 'asked' is somehow merely asking.

Li knew the risks before almost anyone in the medical community and he *still* got in there, did his job, died doing it. If you don't want to consider that a martyr, that's fine. But I do, as do many others. You do you.

You can detained by the police and Held Without Charges even in Western Democracy. Something irrelevant or insignificant but an monstrous crime when China does it.

Boem wrote:

Just like i don't particularly like you and others make fun of capitalism and economics when it appears to me lazy poor man jabs that either are targetted at people without knowledge or deliberatly poorly formulated to trigger people who do know.



I can make fun of both capitalism and socialism if you like.
Last edited by awesome999 on Mar 14, 2020, 11:34:54 PM
awesome999 wrote:

I can make fun of both capitalism and socialism if you like.

The humor to be had with capitalism is the human element while the humor to be had with socialism is build in.

At least capitalism offers an inexhaustable source for entertainment.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
This is an amazing article explaining 'flattening the curve'
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Dude, I totally already linked that one. And yes, it is amazing, although lord knows if people haven't gotten it by now, they likely never will. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
How the heck did I miss it? Damn it.

You're right.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
The_Impeacher wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
If you're not scared yet, I think there's something wrong with you.
Why? If I get it I'm not dying, nor my kids. As you know, this thing doesn't kill healthy people.
You don't care if you become a carrier and infect a couple others who each infect a couple others until someone way down the infection line dies from it?
Don't move the goalposts. Of course I'd care, but I'm not scared that I might infect someone.

Semantically, the concept of fear depends upon the concept of danger, and in turn the concept of danger depends upon the concept of need. For instance, I just happen to think this world is a better place with Grinding Gear Games making Path of Exile, but I don't need this to be so, thus I don't view it as a danger to me if GGG goes out of business, thus I would not be scared by the prospect of that happening. So ultimately the difference between fear and worry is the difference between need and want.

There are things that COVID19 threatens that I would prefer to keep. But it doesn't threaten me, it doesn't threaten my family, it doesn't threaten the fundamental integrity of our basic social structures, and it certainly doesn't threaten human extinction. It doesn't threaten anything that I need to keep — it merely threatens some human lives.

This is not a hypocritical sentiment, which is why I pointed out from the very beginning that I have found myself unafraid of even my own death. Of course I'd prefer it if I lived, but when push comes to shove I know I'll find a decision that has merely a probability of my survival acceptable if I don't believe a higher probability choice can be found. I have accepted that someday nothing I have ever thought or felt will matter except as a means to a material end, that is, towards a change in this world that outlives me. I don't individually need to live (nor could I forever), you don't individually need to live (nor could we forever), but we as a species need to live.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is I don't really think Charan should be scared of this either. It's understandable, certainly, but not quite right, because if your own mortality is a danger to the meaning of your life, then there will ultimately be no meaning to your life.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.

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