Corona virus

If so, the I don't think Iran and China would be the only ones. Turkey aswell might not have accurate numbers, considering the strong traffic from infected regions. My guess is that a lot of cases were/are mistaken for other illnesses (did I spell that right?) Unless specifically tested for Covid-19.

As for the EU and USA being "woefully incompetent"... while there is certainly some truth to that, not all of the blames lies with them. Quite a few cases are known where people who were infected and KNEW about it didn't report that fact, spreading it to a large amount of people. Quarantine can only do so much if you don't even know that there are people who should be quarantined.

I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Johny_Snow wrote:
Meh, I've gone through some pneumonias in my life and its not like the side effects leave you immediately even when you recover.

Same. Even after the fever and full-body fatigue were gone, I wasn't fully 100% for quite a while afterward.

The blame game was inevitable; China and the USA have been at some sort of war for years. But hopefully it remains a global shouting match, and won't affect the communal effort *too much*. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Oh, the USA won't be satisfied by only blaming China. Latest news I got is that Trump blamed the infections in the USA on Europe. I wonder who's next... just what the hell is wrong with that guy... if Europe failed as miserably as he said it did, then sure it would've been possible to prevent people from getting to the USA sooner. I thought closing borders washis specialty...

Seriously though. If Europe failed and reacted too late, then the USA were even worse in that regard.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
And that's why I think the President of the United States (I refuse to say his name) will become increasingly irrelevant. People are going to get tired of his fear-mongering and blame-placing because that shit takes energy...and you know what else takes energy? Not succumbing to a pandemic. And which do you think the average person is going to focus on: the disease threatening their daily lives, or some potential foreign threat they've been told is behind it all?

It's a foregone conclusion, at least in this thread, that the US is in for a reckoning, on so many levels. I'd rather not harp on the details, though. That's not going to save any lives. It's not going to do any good. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
People put way to much emphasis on the orange man.

He isn't in control right now, not a single president or state official is, the experts behind the scenes are working overtime currently and they are pretty much dictating the course of action right now.

Politicians only get a say in when they will implement the policy's handed down to them currently, but beyond that i don't really care who is in charge currently because not a single one of them has the balls to take responsibility for these events if it goes side-ways.

The blaming game is innevitable, but i rather they get to it after we get a vacine and then exploit the whole "drama of politics" to pull people back in.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Boem wrote:
People put way to much emphasis on the orange man.

He isn't in control right now, not a single president or state official is, the experts behind the scenes are working overtime currently and they are pretty much dictating the course of action right now.

Politicians only get a say in when they will implement the policy's handed down to them currently, but beyond that i don't really care who is in charge currently because not a single one of them has the balls to take responsibility for these events if it goes side-ways.

The blaming game is innevitable, but i rather they get to it after we get a vacine and then exploit the whole "drama of politics" to pull people back in.



Take a look at the administrations response in 2009 to H1N1 and the commentary. Protip: It wasn't good. Thanks Obama.

*everyone needs to relax, and this isnt directed to you Boem, just a piggy back to your commnets.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Mar 13, 2020, 11:00:30 AM
I have lost all patience for what seems like Covid-19 apologism by way of comparison to a disease that we've faced every year, have developed significant defences against. All. I'll say it for the last fucking time: if I get the seasonal flu, I. Will. Not. Die. If I get Covid-19, I very well might.
So you've lost all patience for the perspective of the vast majority of people, because you're the 1%.
I'm not asking any of you to empathise, only to take a little time to imagine what this feels like, when someone compares something that might kill you with something that barely bothers you for a week at most. Use whatever fucking analogy you want. I won't take refuge or comfort in analogies with this one.

I don't see how I can make this any clearer.
In other words, you aren't asking us to empathize, only to take the time to empathize.

You're correct, that is clear. I did as you asked: I spent a moment, but nope, couldn't quite do it.
you are not a statistic, your loved ones and friends are not statistics. Someday we will be, but not right now. Right now we're people fighting a world war
Societies don't fight wars, soldiers do. Our general public at this point is not fighting the good fight against the virus, they're hoarding items in a consumerist haze while obsessing over the latest CNN headlines (10/10 and 23/25 top stories virus-related) and mistaking their concern for virtue.

But you agree with that, don't you? You're trying to be on the receiving end of that concern. But me, my concern isn't with the potential victims, because victimhood is not an indicator of virtue. My concern is with the people trying to save other people from this disease; my concern is with the soldiers.
We win not by killing it but by figuring out how to live with it. This is not an enemy that is easy to demonise because it's a force of nature.

All of this makes it much harder to romanticise, to inspire courage to rally against.
It's very interesting that you consider it easier to demonize your fellow man than an inhuman (pseudo-)organism of radically different physiology, and that despite a condition that would have surely killed you by now if not for human artifice, you see forces of nature as the good guys. I find it easy to demonize what you are reluctant to, and reluctant to demonize what you easily do.

Thankfully, most people don't feel the way you do. The foreign nature of the virus is what easily unites our communities against it, even if the majority lack the skills to contribute directly to the fight.
And that's why I think the President of the United States (I refuse to say his name) will become increasingly irrelevant. People are going to get tired of his fear-mongering and blame-placing
His fearmongering and blame-placing? Possibly soon, definitely sometime. But fearmongering and blame-placing in general? Oh, not by a long shot. I sometimes wonder what form the press will take in the future, but I never worry that demand for the service they render will ever disappear from the Earth.

Let's not kid ourselves — you like fearmongering and blame-placing yourself. Just not that particular brand of it. More Greta's style, I'd reckon.
It's a foregone conclusion, at least in this thread, that the US is in for a reckoning, on so many levels. I'd rather not harp on the details, though. That's not going to save any lives. It's not going to do any good.
Technically I agree, but I predict directionally opposite from how you envision — that is, UK 2019 elections style.

But hey, no need to get in the weeds on that one. Time will tell, and may the best forecaster win.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Mar 13, 2020, 12:56:49 PM
We already know who´s responsible.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I'm still smart and need to be right but I have children and loved ones and I'm scared too because I know my country's not ready for this but can't quite admit it yet.

It's okay, Scrotie. We know. Take care of yourself. Oh, and don't assume I'm talking to you again, because I'm not. You're a lost cause as far as I'm concerned. Have been for ages. But you're still a human, and one I've known for years. Your death would sadden me. I hope it doesn't come to pass, even though mine is currently far more likely.


Today was supposed to be my buck's party, a day-long affair arranged by my oldest friend, a mixture of nostalgic outdoors suburb-hopping and, I suspect, a nice restaurant dinner. Covid-19 aside, it's also pissing down rain, I woke up with a migraine at 10am and slept it off until now (almost 4), and two of the groomsmen have regular colds (they've been cleared). So that thing was doomed utterly, it seems.

POTUS' declaration of emergency was so overdue the markets overreacted the other way and spiked hard, which is less a sign of hope and more an indication of how desperate for hope people are right now.

Not much else to report. As I said, just woke up. Time to see what's going on. Take care folks. Enjoy your Delirium. Wash your hands. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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