[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Tojara1 wrote:
Planning on start this build tomorrow for league start (a bit late... I know)

Is this build ok for this? I want to kill bosses, complete atlas, etc. Never really reach late game after Elder non endgame.

Then I would like to move to the fire variant for zoom zoom if I keep playing that much.

Or is it better to get a currency farmer first and then move to BV?


BV works fine as a league starter/currency farmer but so do tons of other builds, it's mostly about playstyle and if you want to play BV. The build will struggle a bit with Maven/Sirus until you have a bit more invested, but for map bosses/shaper guardians/shaper it'll be a breeze.

100% you can start this build and then swap over. I planned to use this as a currency farmer then build an aura stacker but I've farmed about 1.5 mirrors worth of currency and am having so much fun I'm just sticking with it haha
good build, but glascannon ... bv sucks, cause u have to be in melee range

uber elder is a pain, sirius as melee too...

if u dont hit sirius in last phase, he get no stacks and its not that funny...

the build makes a lot of damage, is a fast mapper, but boring as hell^^... ill make the 36 challenges, and then never touch it again :D
Thanks everyone.
I'll start with it and then made a bosser if necessary but I'll like to play a fast build once.

I'll come back later when I die too much hahaha
Can anyone help with my character, got most gears/gems/jewels done, still feel the lack of damage against Sirus and Shaper and quite squishy indeed. Cannot gain any experience at lvl92 for being one-shotted constantly. Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/LGLCQtFH.
Foolmaster wrote:
Pookieroar wrote:
I was thinking about going from a sporeguard to a carcass jack. It seems like the resists + flat life would be nice, along with the huge buff in AOE for clearing. Would there be any downside? You'd lose out on the contamination, but given this build speedy speeds through maps, it doesn't seem like it'd trigger very often. In exchange we get big aoe, and extra resist to help get capped. Am I missing anything?

I would vote carcass is quite a bit nicer than sporeguards. Explode +1 curse life > +5 Skin of the Lords > Kintsugi/Carcass > Explode > +4 Tabula > Sporeguards/Random Life Res Chest > +2 Tabula > Tabula

Carcass will feel pretty darn good if you swap to it I think. Also the explode chests would need a glove swap so you can ignore those mostly haha

Go for it and report back :)

Would it be possible to use some points to get Whisper of Doom and get Asenath's Gentle Touch Silk Gloves for the explode?
I was wondering...I decided to go with a defensive chest piece....and I was debating if I should go for Hyrri's Ire or the Kintsugi, which one would be the best option?

Damage is far from a problem in this build.

For the Plague Bearer...it might be strong or not, but personally, I always forget to use. What could I use instead?

Thanks guys...being very helpful this thread

YagoDanti wrote:
I was wondering...I decided to go with a defensive chest piece....and I was debating if I should go for Hyrri's Ire or the Kintsugi, which one would be the best option?

Damage is far from a problem in this build.

For the Plague Bearer...it might be strong or not, but personally, I always forget to use. What could I use instead?

Thanks guys...being very helpful this thread

Kintsugi is generally considered the stronger defensive chest, but they synergize different. If you are mostly following this guide, Kintsugi will be a bit better, but both are fine.

Plague Bearer falls off lategame due to the amount of DPS we are doing, and how little Plague adds. If you are chain farming T16's, it's time to drop it. Generally people put in withering step if you're running 6 auras (no space for it before) or you can put in enduring cry/second wind or cast on death/portal, whichever you have space for and want to use. Endu is good for bossing, death portal is good for speed farming and not worrying about dying in glasscannon
Wobbly wrote:
Would it be possible to use some points to get Whisper of Doom and get Asenath's Gentle Touch Silk Gloves for the explode?

Yeah using points to path to Whispers of Doom is always the best choice, then annoint Dire Torment (or whatever you need) and use Asenath's for the 2 curses (despair + temp chains) and explode.
Hi, guys need help ! Just swap from BB/BF build to this, my current eq is not finished but i think would be possible to run t16 FAST and clean. But my enemies dont wanna PUUF., dying slowly, spend some last ex's and im little bit f** right know :(

Im sorry, but i cant just reroll back to BB/BF. Maybe when i got some more currency i will try back, want BV build so much :)

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