[3.13 UPDATED] gr0bbs | Poison Blade Vortex | Budget Viable | Endgame 50Mil+ DPS | Video Guide

Rezechs wrote:
N3llx wrote:
Still confused on Cold Iron Point. How does this dagger boost the build's damage? Or do you HAVE to get the DoT increase corruption?

Blade vortex is a physical gem

But the majority of the build's damage is the poison, is it not? So why would +3 levels to BV affect the build's damage in any significant way.
Nickums wrote:
0AsteriXXX0 wrote:
Rezechs wrote:
Is the golden rule not used? If im thinking correctly it would allow 100 stacks of poison on me and an additional 76 on the enemy if i chuck 176 poisons applied recently on pob the dmg is insane.

I can confirm that is insane, i have max 94 poisons stacks, and 100 on me, realistic it is that you can apply that amount on a boss, and the damage scaling from that according to PoB in my case jumped from 15M to 25M.

I've been hearing people mention using using golden rule for insane damage, but where are we getting poison immune to survive poisoning ourselves?

Wait how does Golden Rule increase our damage? Which skill gives extra damage on poison stacks?
Hey there, new player here. Dumb question incoming, thanks for your patience!

Guide says:

Cast when damage taken level 1 . Steelskin level 10 . Stone Golem MAX LEVEL . Blood Rage"

CWDT level 1 "can only support skill gems requiring level 38 or lower." Should I only level Stone Golem to 3 and Blood Rage to 11? (for now, obviously)

N3llx wrote:
Rezechs wrote:
N3llx wrote:
Still confused on Cold Iron Point. How does this dagger boost the build's damage? Or do you HAVE to get the DoT increase corruption?

Blade vortex is a physical gem

But the majority of the build's damage is the poison, is it not? So why would +3 levels to BV affect the build's damage in any significant way.

Poison scales off the initial phy and chaos damage of the hit. Gem levels increase BV's flat phys damage.
N3llx wrote:
Rezechs wrote:
N3llx wrote:
Still confused on Cold Iron Point. How does this dagger boost the build's damage? Or do you HAVE to get the DoT increase corruption?

Blade vortex is a physical gem

But the majority of the build's damage is the poison, is it not? So why would +3 levels to BV affect the build's damage in any significant way.

Poison scales off the initial phy and chaos damage of the hit. Gem levels increase BV's flat phys damage.
poison stacks scale off noxious strikes ascendancy allowing more stacks
PoB shows him using cherrubim's, do we not use sporeguard anymore?
Ohhh, didn't know this, thank you! So, Cold Iron Point is good, have a corruption with increased DoT is just icing on the cake then.
Hey guys,

I’m currently sitting at around 17 ex and wonder how I could minmax the build.
What would you suggest for boots and belt? Are there any good influenced mods I could get?

I got all the items suggested in the build already and Sirus killed like 5 times already :)

The build ist pretty much the best build I’ve ever played, I might go for 100 this league with it, currently at lvl 94.
Ehryzona wrote:
Hey guys,

I’m currently sitting at around 17 ex and wonder how I could minmax the build.
What would you suggest for boots and belt? Are there any good influenced mods I could get?

I got all the items suggested in the build already and Sirus killed like 5 times already :)

The build ist pretty much the best build I’ve ever played, I might go for 100 this league with it, currently at lvl 94.

annoint double curse cause ur temp chains not working, or even worse - despair.

stygian vise with jewel to gain phasing on kill can potentially free a flask slot for atziri for example?

cluster jewels are untouched at all? for ring: hunter ring can have posion duration i think?

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