Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

nomorats wrote:
though it's clear that necro is dead (again) with this patch, i really don't see much bow improvements.. looks more like a bow nerf to me.. idk..

we dont know how mobs armour will be increased and how much pure physical minions damage will be decreased because of this, because they cant use phys penetrate skill tree nodes. but yep, this sucks.

we dont know if slave drivers spectres will be nerfed, but i assume they will be nerfed. if no, they will be as strong as during blight league, you just need to get +1 spectre level boots, thats all.
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate on Dec 10, 2019, 8:44:53 AM
I like the nerfs. Powerplayers will come ahead of all the nerfs and the casuals will go under. The difference should be huge and the nerfs are goin in the right direction.
Spectral throw buff? :(
the last years GGG forget the real meaning of RPG game. POE is not e sport game. For the real fun base this game is more a hobby, we are just trying to relax and find answers how to make better our characters. now the 90% of players they try to deposit a few "ex" and they are waiting freak streamers to see how to play after updates. Poe is the best action rpg game not only because it's free, but for the stability that offer you one free game. you don't need to play all day. That's why we are playing all those years. "POE 2" its good opportunity to fix this. give us challenges at leagues and give the stability at standard soft-core that deserves one rpg game.
ps the death penalty is great, but only when you are not playing well, not for the connection problems, please do something for this, it's a bad joke
ineffablebob wrote:
General rebalancing, sure, it's needed. I'm not sure why the focus on making the leveling process harder, though. This game has a super-high barrier to entry already due to complexity. Why make things more difficult for the newbie?

Poe doesnt care about newbies. Thats why D4 will have 5times the playerbase of poe. For how long, we will see.
POE2 is the death of the causal Poe player, you have been warned....GGG likes to forget the playerbase that is the bread and butter of the income they obtain, remember this warning when it drys up.

Summoner build - was way too OP AND too cheap early on. I was assuming a major nerf. Somewhat glad it did, sounds fair. (sad for my "king of summoners" build)

craft multi mod - What i want to know about multimod is, what happens to all crafted gear already ingame? Will it automatically change to 3mod rule? Confusing and stressful.

ARC - Does this mean (finally) we'll have a ARC build comeback with decent DPS? Will it ressurect my Enks ARC witch?

I'm ok with nerfing and balancing. It's just this "Flavour of the month" theme regarding builds that kinda pisses me off. Like, from the get go, you know every single league there's an OP class, OP build, OP ascendancy. Makes no sense to me. It's clearly stating: "If you dont wanna be trolled, either by frustation or currency/gear cost, do the build everyone's doing atm."
Adambjjoz wrote:
Why are they buffing all the enemies and bosses while nerfing bows/bow-skills and all player defences, heading into a bow themed bossing league?

As it is, bosses give no reward or loot of value, nor any reason to interact with them outside of needing to for getting more master missions.

Do the people making these balance changes actually work with the people designing the new league?

Also, why are we still kicking melee while it's down. It's dead already.

Melee dead? I don´t think so. What i´ve read about bow skills most of them got huge buffs not sure what u are talking about. And even when they buff enemies u didn´t play the game yet. You can´t know how the changes will affect the game.
Calm down.
saragart wrote:
Make it slower, make it harder, nerf, nerf, nerf... that's all I hear since exilecon.

Can we enjoy a build for two leagues before nerfs so I could start a league with no b.s.? Not everyone is a streamer and plays for living to try 5 builds in a league. Its just frustrating that so much shit has to break every league. I mean multimod, supported by, point blank and minions?

I'm not inspired for weekend to be honest

Couldn't agree more with this post and its 100% to the point. What's happening to GGG and POE? Is this a dictatorship now [this league you will play bows, next league you will play Witch...and if you don't you pretty much fuc*]? Every single time we begin to enjoy a build [or class], it gets nerfed to the ground. Most of us may be lucky to pick up 3 exalts during the league so multi modding for us mere mortals is simply a thing that will not happen [unless you have shit loads of cash to go buy currency online]. Yet I do agree some of the multi mods on some weapons simply made them way too strong and powerful so nerfing a bit is the right thing to do]. And these insane items then go up for sale for insane currency like 70exalts or something stupid - so how can a casual player ever afford 20 to 100 Exalts?]. Making looney changes and dictating what players should play, in my honest opinion, is utterly wrong. These changes may be ok for people that play in groups or for the 1% of the top players [groups normally carry a healer with shit load of auras granting phys and elem damage reduction whilst grating shit load more damage to party members]. For single players that play POE on their free time, like in the evenings or weekends, these insane changes to boss life and resists are just going to be way too much for some - and will hurt the enjoyability of playing this game for many. With Diablo 4 on the horizon I think Chris needs to take a step back and look at how these changes are affecting the majority of 'normal' players.
ormvråken wrote:
I mean sure, reduce zombie damage by 90% and it's still a viable damage source, but increasing armour of the enemies will do nothing against the broken builds that deals a lot of damage but it will further cripple the already struggling builds with lower damage.

In softcore you can throw in 10 extra damage nodes and then you are good to go again, but it's not as easy to do so in hardcore. Limit the upper power of the builds with several million dps instead of dropping the 200k dps builds to sub 100k dps.

This is most likely the core reason for this change though, make hardcore hard again.
Beef to the Dorgeshuun

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