Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

BrendanW wrote:
x7yr wrote:
You offer super expensive microtransactions for players favourite build in this case minion mtx and you nerf it to the ground the next season after a buff.dont you feel bad about it ? what a shame

i feel your pain

That Development Manifesto JUST about BALANCE of MTX SHOP
ebawer123 wrote:
Revert multimod change, worst change ever.

This kills build diversity along with bow/stave and other quirky multimods like spellbows, spwllclaws, etc. This is a very poorly designed change which should be eliminated asap. It's not even about multimodding 450 pdps weapons, it's about killing many other neat combos like bows for summoners, claws for CoC and spellcasters, dexbows and many other combinations which are not attainable for 99.9999% of population without multimodding. Many other niche crafts for niche builds which are already generally weaker then metatrash.

Powerful niche items should not be easily attainable. With this change you're not losing the ability to create niche items, you're losing the ability to create 'perfect' niche items easily. Don't get that confused.
Parabola01 wrote:
bouboubibi wrote:

High end hardcore players won't be impacted.
It's a huge blow to guys like me, the slightly above-average players (in terms of time played).
I've played quite a lot in Legion (compared to what I'm usually able to play), and I remember that finally being able to craft that multimoded pseudo-7L exquisite blade felt like a tremendous achievement.
I guess I'll probably never get an equivalent item in the future.

The vast majority of players will not be impacted at all, because the only thing this changes is one's ability to Annul off a bad Regal, and an item with 4/6 targeted stats is going to be good enough.

"Good enough", maybe...
Nowhere near as good as it was before, that's for sure.

An other aspect about this change is the impact on the economy. Since the good old alt-regal-annul is pretty much dead, it's clear that chaos spam will be widely used as a crafting method from now on.
I expect chaos prices going through the roof, and alts prices going down the drain.
Not sure what to think of it though...
GGG Strategy
add skills mtx
nerf this skill
Incarcerated wrote:
Kayrigan wrote:
The "Can have multiple crafted modifiers" mod has been changed, now granting "Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers". Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost compared with rolling an item of relative power. We'll be keeping an eye on the modifier to see if further changes are required.

i love it, i was tired of seeing nearly perfect weapon for 0 cost, thanks GGG !!

Eh, most crafted items cost at least 6 exalts to craft, not counting getting the item base and thousand of alterations to spam on it.

2ex for the multi it self, 1 or 2 ex per other mod (+2 socketed gems, Ele Pen etc)

Also not counting buying Imprint monsters or the time it takes to farm Einhar to get one. A good crafted item can be a real money (and time) sink.

You also have to farm Syndicate to get most of the mods (dangerous as F) and then defeat the Pale Council.

I think this investment should pay off.

This 'investment' is something i can afford within a week or so of playing if i tried and I'm not playing that much. No, it absolutely should not be providing people with perfectly rolled items 1 week into a league.
The MM nerf is absolutely justified and so are the other changes. Reading these comments is discouraging for me as I can see that GGG are trying to rein in the OP insta-shaper-kill meta which trivialises content that they worked hard on to make difficult and rewarding.

Stop whining and wait to see the patch notes/play the league before you threaten to quit and stomp your feet. It's a free game. The beauty of it is that you can TRY it before you make your mind up instead of acting as a spoilt immature crybaby when you have absolutely no idea of what the exact changes actually are and how they will feel when you are playing the game...

"spoilt immature crybaby"
Wow, that was mature, GG
though it's clear that necro is dead (again) with this patch, i really don't see much bow improvements.. looks more like a bow nerf to me.. idk..
Should be:

- Minions now back to 3.7 power but thanks for buying all that minion related MTX /finger

- Thinking about going back to Cyclone? Unless you use Voidforge, don't bother. Seriously, removing the "supported by" on 2h is such a dick move GGG.

- Multi-modding already cost multiple exalts, which most casual players will never be able to afford, but we're going to nerf them into the ground anyways.

Casual players used to have attainable goals. Come 3.9, the currency requirements for clearing end-game content will be again unattainable for 95% of the player base. Once again you prove ya'll are just "shoved into a locker in high school so this is how we get payback" nerds.

Never playing again.
ahh i like the smell of nerfs in the morning. the mele nerf is btw the best. enter the new penetration stat! ib4 physical penetration support gem
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!

Can we please stop calling it a balance manifesto ? I get why you do the meta tweak every 3 months, but please for the love of kitava just own it and call it what it is.

General rebalancing, sure, it's needed. I'm not sure why the focus on making the leveling process harder, though. This game has a super-high barrier to entry already due to complexity. Why make things more difficult for the newbie?

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