[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

I'm kinda stuck doing tier 11-14 maps. Having problems with dps and dying 1 or 2 times every map.

Can someone take a look at my gear and see how should i improve my overall dps and survivability. I tried to improve my gears but current market of the items requires tons of exalted.

I'm currently trying to chromatic another soul mantle which is 6-link too.
I am new to totem builds and I have a quick question.

If POB says that FP has 80k DPS means
80k per totem or 80k per projectile?
handycandy76 wrote:
I'm kinda stuck doing tier 11-14 maps. Having problems with dps and dying 1 or 2 times every map.

Can someone take a look at my gear and see how should i improve my overall dps and survivability. I tried to improve my gears but current market of the items requires tons of exalted.

I'm currently trying to chromatic another soul mantle which is 6-link too.

check your mana vs life ratio ( your items have good life rolls which is good but maybe not enaough mana to cover 60/40 ratio)
6link should take care of dps ( just 125 chrome 3 green on the bench)
Geraki2019 wrote:
I am new to totem builds and I have a quick question.

If POB says that FP has 80k DPS means
80k per totem or 80k per projectile?

My understanding of this is that is DPS per totem.
Geraki2019 wrote:
I am new to totem builds and I have a quick question.

If POB says that FP has 80k DPS means
80k per totem or 80k per projectile?

per totem
handycandy76 wrote:
I'm kinda stuck doing tier 11-14 maps. Having problems with dps and dying 1 or 2 times every map.

Can someone take a look at my gear and see how should i improve my overall dps and survivability. I tried to improve my gears but current market of the items requires tons of exalted.

I'm currently trying to chromatic another soul mantle which is 6-link too.

Your helm could be better (enchant-wise), your boots don't have the 120% enchant and that's a good dps boost and you have no movement speed (ikes).Here are mine and they're borderline bad:

Your gloves and amulet are lacking as well. Cast speed is our best friend here.
And if you're having survivability issues, I would suggest getting a +1 totem shield until you can upgrade the other stuff.

QUALITY YOUR GEMS! Why are the gems in the Soul Mantle all level 20 and 0% quality?
Either blow some GCP's or trade them to a vendor along with 1 GCP for each gem to automatically put tham at 20% quality...NOTE this will de-level them to level 1 but you can re-level them in no time at all, that's what I always do unless I have a ton of spare GCP's.

And of course getting a 6 link will help as you already mentioned you're working on.

EDIT: another tip if you're dying a lot is to simply just slow down. Don't try to speed run a map. Drop totems and be on the move constantly.

Get an instant life flask and quality them up to 20%.

Last edited by Gulch on Jan 3, 2020, 8:30:58 AM
Just a general FYI because I always forget... annoint your rings for Blight encounters!
Good Day folks.

How well does this build do on just say a 5 link Soul Mantle and the 2 Kika rings. How is this in delves as well.

I like the look of this build as you can improve it later with the mirror and belt.

I was following another build of this type and he goes more power charges route and 2 void batteries. Which is way above my pay-grade. I am also not a fan to much of his support links. Which you can see in my character, but I could be wrong.

I ask this as I play on xbox and only a few hours a day. The economy on xbox is overly priced and not sure if I would be able to afford the mirror, essence worm, clear mind and belt. (But who knows I might get lucky)

I looked on PoE Ninja and a lot of the Freeze Pulse builds look the same is this the build those folks are following. I noticed that Wallach was on there at 8th position. I see as well the Delve depth but I am not sure if it is with this build or another they have played.

I just hit 55 last night and still have yet to put 7 skill points in my tree.
Going for my cruel lab tonight.

Any help you could give me would great.


Good Day folks.

How well does this build do on just say a 5 link Soul Mantle and the 2 Kika rings. How is this in delves as well.

I like the look of this build as you can improve it later with the mirror and belt.

I was following another build of this type and he goes more power charges route and 2 void batteries. Which is way above my pay-grade. I am also not a fan to much of his support links. Which you can see in my character, but I could be wrong.

I ask this as I play on xbox and only a few hours a day. The economy on xbox is overly priced and not sure if I would be able to afford the mirror, essence worm, clear mind and belt. (But who knows I might get lucky)

I looked on PoE Ninja and a lot of the Freeze Pulse builds look the same is this the build those folks are following. I noticed that Wallach was on there at 8th position. I see as well the Delve depth but I am not sure if it is with this build or another they have played.

I just hit 55 last night and still have yet to put 7 skill points in my tree.
Going for my cruel lab tonight.

Any help you could give me would great.


i just made the switch, 5L mantle and 2 kika is pretty cheap and provide i would say 60% of the potential of the build already (not counting really minmaxing stuff like mirror and others high end gears).

look at my char nailing down T14-15 with just a 6l mantle and 20c wand
Gulch wrote:
handycandy76 wrote:
I'm kinda stuck doing tier 11-14 maps. Having problems with dps and dying 1 or 2 times every map.

Can someone take a look at my gear and see how should i improve my overall dps and survivability. I tried to improve my gears but current market of the items requires tons of exalted.

I'm currently trying to chromatic another soul mantle which is 6-link too.

Your helm could be better (enchant-wise), your boots don't have the 120% enchant and that's a good dps boost and you have no movement speed (ikes).Here are mine and they're borderline bad:

Your gloves and amulet are lacking as well. Cast speed is our best friend here.
And if you're having survivability issues, I would suggest getting a +1 totem shield until you can upgrade the other stuff.

QUALITY YOUR GEMS! Why are the gems in the Soul Mantle all level 20 and 0% quality?
Either blow some GCP's or trade them to a vendor along with 1 GCP for each gem to automatically put tham at 20% quality...NOTE this will de-level them to level 1 but you can re-level them in no time at all, that's what I always do unless I have a ton of spare GCP's.

And of course getting a 6 link will help as you already mentioned you're working on.

EDIT: another tip if you're dying a lot is to simply just slow down. Don't try to speed run a map. Drop totems and be on the move constantly.

Get an instant life flask and quality them up to 20%.

Yeah, i think i'm used to doing speed runs on white and yellow maps.

I'll do those changes but the helm enchant are quite expensive and tough to get a good socket

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