[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Rustoja wrote:
I see some people recommend using hydrosphere setup for cursing/exposure.
My question is why is it better then Frost Bomb?
As in Blade Blast, Puryfying flame and Sniper's Mark in Arcanist Brand, and then Frost Bomb + Hextouch and 2 Hexes.
Also, I was considering skipping Elemental Exposure, so I can Annoint sth else (I like Dynamo), and putting the whole thing into a wand with "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown". You guys think It's going to work?

The best start is to follow Wallach's OG setup. Most of us running variants are just testing and playing to our comfort, so they might not be optimal, and we may have missed details that Wallach considered while writing the guide.

As mentioned, Frost Bomb offers better Cold Exposure (15%) over Hydrosphere and other sources (10%). You'll find it difficult to get enough monsters cursed using Hextouch on Frost Bomb because of a couple of reasons. Firstly, there's a 2.5s-cooldown on Frost Bomb. You can't spam this like you can do Hydrosphere. Secondly (I'm not very sure about this), Frost Bomb doesn't curse the mobs within its range all the time. If I understand correctly (from posts explaining Frost Bomb's procs on Elemental Equilibrium), the skill's hits, and therefore Hextouch's activation, will only proc on the moment it is cast, and again when the explosion happens.

You mentioned Elemental Exposure, which might have been my fault. Firebird Wizard's meta this season in Diablo, so I slipped on that when I mentioned Elemental Equilibrium. In any case, I don't quite understand what you meant there. Which skill were you talking about for wand trigger?
I've taken another look at the notables in the Large Cluster Jewel. This time, I've plugged each one of the notables into POB (with Enemy = Shaper). I've put the increase in effective DPS for each notable under the column "%dmg inc" and some comments on notable notables.

Here's the link for a bigger image.

Here's a trade search for a good combination of notables if you find it convenient.

Has anyone tried to Leo or plain Exalt slam a triple notable jewel? How likely is it to roll "(1 - 3)% increased Attack and Cast Speed with Cold Skills"?
I don't think sadist or inspired oppression work.



why are you using a cinderswallow? i am pretty sure the recovery doesnt work when totems kill the enemies or did they change that?
shrinkmaster wrote:
why are you using a cinderswallow? i am pretty sure the recovery doesnt work when totems kill the enemies or did they change that?

Recovery doesn't work, but the crit chance does. It's good that you remind me, because Diamond flask is better for me now.

(Double hybrid is just testing something for 5 way legion)
Last edited by NoImagination on Apr 30, 2021, 7:40:06 AM
limevan wrote:
Rustoja wrote:
I see some people recommend using hydrosphere setup for cursing/exposure.
My question is why is it better then Frost Bomb?
As in Blade Blast, Puryfying flame and Sniper's Mark in Arcanist Brand, and then Frost Bomb + Hextouch and 2 Hexes.
Also, I was considering skipping Elemental Exposure, so I can Annoint sth else (I like Dynamo), and putting the whole thing into a wand with "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 8 second Cooldown". You guys think It's going to work?

The best start is to follow Wallach's OG setup. Most of us running variants are just testing and playing to our comfort, so they might not be optimal, and we may have missed details that Wallach considered while writing the guide.

As mentioned, Frost Bomb offers better Cold Exposure (15%) over Hydrosphere and other sources (10%). You'll find it difficult to get enough monsters cursed using Hextouch on Frost Bomb because of a couple of reasons. Firstly, there's a 2.5s-cooldown on Frost Bomb. You can't spam this like you can do Hydrosphere. Secondly (I'm not very sure about this), Frost Bomb doesn't curse the mobs within its range all the time. If I understand correctly (from posts explaining Frost Bomb's procs on Elemental Equilibrium), the skill's hits, and therefore Hextouch's activation, will only proc on the moment it is cast, and again when the explosion happens.

You mentioned Elemental Exposure, which might have been my fault. Firebird Wizard's meta this season in Diablo, so I slipped on that when I mentioned Elemental Equilibrium. In any case, I don't quite understand what you meant there. Which skill were you talking about for wand trigger?

I meant Elemental Weakness, Firebirds got to me too.
I want to trigger Frost Bomb (or perhaps Hydrosphere?) with Hextouch + Frostbite.
I'm not really interested with cursing monsters in maps, unless it's somewhat automated, like in the wand setup I mentioned. I'm just curious if anyone tried this, and what is their takeaway.
As for following Wallach I'm kinda at the point where I did all content, my gear is pretty good and I'm just looking for more QoL.
Last edited by Rustoja on Apr 30, 2021, 7:55:26 AM
Can anyone explain why essence worm ring + hatred is the best option?
We have no phys dmg., so only the +19% cold damage are the profit. Couldn't we get a rare ring with same damage, but life and res additional? Or other dmg mods, curse on hit etc?
Also, i guess lvl 21 hatred has no impact? If in essence worm, a lvl 20 hatred gets lvl 23 (+1 cold from wand) and to lvl 24, there is no impact. lvl 25 (with 2 +1 wands) would only be 1% cold dmg increase.

kkmonk wrote:
Can anyone explain why essence worm ring + hatred is the best option?

Watcher's Eye too, we don't want to reserve mana.
This build is really cool. I had followed your every steps literally until level 80, and found many things I had overlooked before. Thank you.

Though, I think the Immortal Call without CWDT is better for this build, because this build is not so tanky as you have mentioned. You need a moment to set up the totems when you meet the mobs, but if you meet heavy dealing monsters, you cannot endure the damage with the Steelskin, especially at the beginning point of mapping with weak gears. (This situation may have been arisen by my play style.)

I prefer following settings:

Immortal call > Increased duration > Second wind (3)
Cast When Damage Taken > Cold Snap > Bone chill > Sniper's Mark (4)

Last edited by Domaar on Apr 30, 2021, 9:30:30 AM
Do you know if PoB can calculate projectile speed in freezing pulse? I got the +30% projectile speed enchantment in my viridi's veil and the DPS is the same.
Last edited by haitike on Apr 30, 2021, 9:02:41 AM

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