[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)


My ammy has 36% increased cold damage and yours has 22%, if you call that a "small increase" then so be it.
Mine has 4% more cold penetration as well which isn't a lot but it all adds up.

ohhh thats cool it affects more than just the damage, I have enough dex so I made the change. I went ahead and got a crit jewel on top, now I just need the hextouch and doom cast.

Thanks for the advice :)
Berserk is a good manga
Last edited by yhuwgnlkpxi on Mar 15, 2021, 6:08:06 AM
I saw that you leveled as Freezing Pulse this time. Is it still better to level as holy flame or was leaving as freezing pulse pretty easy as well with the changes?
I just wanted to say Thank You for great and cheap build. I was finally able to kill Sirus A8 and Uber thanks to it.
Gaiagear133 wrote:
I saw that you leveled as Freezing Pulse this time. Is it still better to level as holy flame or was leaving as freezing pulse pretty easy as well with the changes?

I didn't really, I just had enough currency to switch at second lab even on league start.

LOPOLER wrote:
I just wanted to say Thank You for great and cheap build. I was finally able to kill Sirus A8 and Uber thanks to it.

Great to hear, glad you enjoyed it and congrats on the progress!
aortisan wrote:
Can anyone offer me some advice? I seem to lack damage and survivability, stuck at level 95. I feel like I just get one shotted or I do poor damage.

Not sure what I did wrong or am doing wrong I seem to be just stacking deaths from out of no where. Maybe I should use two wands again rather than shield and helm????

I have a little bit of money but I see no overall changes when I upgrade like when I bought my reflection.

I will check your build once I get home, but at first sight I can see that both your steel skin and your cold snap can’t be triggered by your CWDT, so you are losing so much defenses
CWDT 1 - Cold snap 7
CWDT 17 - Steelskin 19

Only the base level of a gem counts for level requirment. All +gem levels are only a plus. If so, then our gems would need too much dex or str to be used in our build.

Ok thanks. Any other advice for me? I just bought a cast speed/cold dmg watchers eye, I'm planning on getting a better helm but it seems really expensive.

Hello DmRoses!

Sorry for the delay answering you, but it’s been a very busy week for me.

By the time I checked your build there were no small upgrades you could do to it.
So what I did when I was at your spot was spending all my currency in 1 item at a time, so I made sure it was the best possible upgrade each time.
I then bought a pair of cheap boots with very high fire and lightning resistances so I could freely remove other pieces with upgrades not suffering with resistances.
Then, I bought a +1/+1 base wand and crafted it as it was the biggest upgrade for my build.

Checking your gear now, I would probably start with an awakened helmet and then follow this order:
1- Helmet
2- Wand
3- Gloves
4- boots
5- I'd leave amulet for last, as that one is amazing and I changed it mostly cause the cold resis was a wasted spot on it.
6- I haven't checked your clusters as it depends on the rest of your gear. I needed to put some %ele resis on it, and removed culling strike since I crafted it on my gloves.

Buy a lab enchant base helmet and craft it following Noimagination guide. Just avoid the maven orbs steps for your 1st helmet as it would be so expensive per try.

Remember to do every craft on craft of exile first. So you test odds and possible prices.
The good thing about crafting your gear is that you can still sell the pieces you are not happy with.
After I crafted most of my gear, i still go some benefits out of it. And it will be more if I sell the last piece I've been using for some time now

I went from around 600k dps to 1,6m dps in around 1 week of crafting.

This is what I crafted for reference:

Last edited by aortisan on Mar 18, 2021, 4:46:46 AM
Builds great, just have 1 question;

Do we benefit from on hit effects such as "blind enemies on hit" from a Brutal Restraint passive notable or "curse enemies with frostbite with 40% increased effect" on a redeemer wand?

Thanks =)
Hey aortisan mind sharing how you craft a +2 wand?
JCOH35 wrote:
Builds great, just have 1 question;

Do we benefit from on hit effects such as "blind enemies on hit" from a Brutal Restraint passive notable or "curse enemies with frostbite with 40% increased effect" on a redeemer wand?

Thanks =)

The answer to that is a bit complicated.

The general jist of it is that yes, those effects work. However, you have to pay special attention to the wording to see if there are specific conditionals.

For example, "when you hit" means those effects are not going to trigger when your totems hit, since it is specifically looking for you to hit something. "Your hits" however will work with totems, because while your totems aren't "you", they are using your skills and thus their hits are also "your hits".

Also, you have to double check what kind of effects are being triggered. For example, totems inherit all of their offensive stats from you; stuff that would buff them as a separate target with some kind of offensive stat will do nothing, since they don't have their own offensive stats to modify. You have to be the one that is granted those offensive stats to have them apply to totems. Totems do however have their own defensive stats separate from yours. While they benefit from the effects of Power or Frenzy charges that are on you, they cannot gain those charges themselves (nor would they have any impact even if they could, since as I mentioned before they don't have their own offensive stats anyway). They could however generate Endurance charges, and don't benefit from your Endurance charges.

So, yeah. Some things work, some don't. It mostly comes down to whether the effect says "when YOU (do X thing)" versus just "chance to (do X thing) on hit/crit", and then double checking that whatever is actually triggered does something useful.
Last edited by Wallach on Mar 19, 2021, 11:13:25 PM
EDMOSES wrote:
Hey aortisan mind sharing how you craft a +2 wand?

I was looking for complex guides on how to do it with fossils. But even if the chances were a lot higher, the cost per try was so expensive.
So I bought an already fractured wand with +1 cold, and spammed “essence & scour” till I got the other +1.
It took around 25 of them, I was even lucky enough to also get a crit mod.
So I just harvest remove a resistance I got and added the other crit.

Another way could be essence it, fill the suffix leaving a prefix open and harvest add a caster mod. But if you fail and remove/add caster, you can lose your essence spell dmg.

Probably more experienced crafters can help you.
This is my 1st league trying end-game crafting (and probably my last, with the upcoming harvest nerf)
Last edited by aortisan on Mar 20, 2021, 7:04:05 AM
Thanks @Wallach for the clarification, I just went with a +2, hatred wand to be safe;

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