[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Hi. do you maybe have a Item Filter which fits to your Build? Would be nice, if you can answer back :)

Nice Guide and Build , i will use it for this League first time

How this compares with https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3005581/page/9#p23746875 anyone played either and can give a hand to someone that didn't decided yet?

Elhazzared wrote:
I do hate the changes they did to hiero. Totems were never meta builds and while there is no doubt they can be strong, it's also fair to say that they suffer a mid life crysis in which you got a good starter build, you got a good end game build but it lacks something in middle, it's not exactly easily upgradable unfortunatly. So these changes come as a very sour surprise.

That said, I don't think, at least in FP totems that you are pushed towards the multiple totem gem.

Using that gem lowers the overall DPS, decreses massively the hit damage which affects very negatively what you can and cannot freeze as well as for how long and to top it off, makes the chest harder to colour with 4 off colour sockets.

So what you are gaining is the abillity to put 2 totems down at once which is a convinience for a really big penalty. But even then you are not getting much of a real bonus because since your new number of totems is now 6, you are doing 3 casts to put down all your totems. For one extra cast you put your 4 totems without using the multiple totem gem so it is way better to just keep the 4 totems instead.

Granted you lose like 1% mana regen, 2% life regen and 10% more damage due to having only 4 vs 6 totems, but overall it's still far more powerful and the difference is a single click.

I honestly just wish that GGG didn't treated totem builds so poorly and gave it a much deserved buff and perhaps some new uniques to make alternative builds for totems.

Your throughput DPS doesn't change much going from something like Increased Critical Strikes to Multiple Totems when we are starting at a base of 4 totems. That has traditionally been the issue, that the gem is basically a sidegrade in single target, while not actually being a clear speed buff because we used to place the same amount of totems per drop. Thing is, they changed the opportunity cost by just nerfing Hierophant's placement rather than actually making the gem any better. So, yeah, now you do get a faster ramp for clearing (in terms of DPS), just not in a good way.

It's not really a matter of actually having more total totems on the field, because Multiple Totems is a local totem maximum, so before we just used to run Frost Bomb as a Multiple Totems setup and were already at 6 total totems. That part of the equation hasn't changed really.

I am however concerned about both the chest coloring and the per-hit damage in terms of freeze being too punishing. It's something I'll play around with after league start; it's possible we wind up going back to the 4/2 split if the CC becomes too unreliable, though that problem is something you can likely brute force with investment in the long run.

Vegeto_Anima wrote:
Hi. do you maybe have a Item Filter which fits to your Build? Would be nice, if you can answer back :)

Nice Guide and Build , i will use it for this League first time

Sorry, I don't have a custom filter for this build. I personally just run Neversink's filter off Filterblade.
Yo we can skin our totems now.

Best league ever.
I know that some people don't like playing totem builds because they find them very boring, but one thing you can say about them is that they are absolutely boss destroyers. I played this same totem build last league and I think I beat all my records on just how many seconds I took every end game boss down. It was pretty awesome...

So once I heard about the Atlas changes and all the bosses we had to fight, I was all in :)
Wallach wrote:
Elhazzared wrote:
I do hate the changes they did to hiero. Totems were never meta builds and while there is no doubt they can be strong, it's also fair to say that they suffer a mid life crysis in which you got a good starter build, you got a good end game build but it lacks something in middle, it's not exactly easily upgradable unfortunatly. So these changes come as a very sour surprise.

That said, I don't think, at least in FP totems that you are pushed towards the multiple totem gem.

Using that gem lowers the overall DPS, decreses massively the hit damage which affects very negatively what you can and cannot freeze as well as for how long and to top it off, makes the chest harder to colour with 4 off colour sockets.

So what you are gaining is the abillity to put 2 totems down at once which is a convinience for a really big penalty. But even then you are not getting much of a real bonus because since your new number of totems is now 6, you are doing 3 casts to put down all your totems. For one extra cast you put your 4 totems without using the multiple totem gem so it is way better to just keep the 4 totems instead.

Granted you lose like 1% mana regen, 2% life regen and 10% more damage due to having only 4 vs 6 totems, but overall it's still far more powerful and the difference is a single click.

I honestly just wish that GGG didn't treated totem builds so poorly and gave it a much deserved buff and perhaps some new uniques to make alternative builds for totems.

Your throughput DPS doesn't change much going from something like Increased Critical Strikes to Multiple Totems when we are starting at a base of 4 totems. That has traditionally been the issue, that the gem is basically a sidegrade in single target, while not actually being a clear speed buff because we used to place the same amount of totems per drop. Thing is, they changed the opportunity cost by just nerfing Hierophant's placement rather than actually making the gem any better. So, yeah, now you do get a faster ramp for clearing (in terms of DPS), just not in a good way.

It's not really a matter of actually having more total totems on the field, because Multiple Totems is a local totem maximum, so before we just used to run Frost Bomb as a Multiple Totems setup and were already at 6 total totems. That part of the equation hasn't changed really.

I am however concerned about both the chest coloring and the per-hit damage in terms of freeze being too punishing. It's something I'll play around with after league start; it's possible we wind up going back to the 4/2 split if the CC becomes too unreliable, though that problem is something you can likely brute force with investment in the long run.

This is the exact thing i was worried about when i first read the Patchnotes. Clearwise this nerf is fine cause we still got shit tons of damage and with multiple totem support we remain our 2 totems per cast. What really got butchered was the topend damage of the build not in overall dps but in damage per single hit which got the freezes against highend bosses going. The investment in gear to counter that will be be be higher then before and the sad part is you probably wont notice the nerfs in leveling and midgame but in the endgame.

Imagine you do 10 boss Maven and you dont freeze constantly.
I really hope we can counter the nerfs with gear, since we got basicly 50% more casts now per second with 2 more totems cast speed on gear is not so good anymore. You need the stats that carve deep into bosses and get our hits higher like resistance penetration and critical strike multiplier.

Gonna try standard first today and change the gem setup in Soul Mantle to the new situation and try some endgame bosses with it. To make sure the new Hiro doesent suck with good gear.

On the positive side doing cassia blighted maps will be even easier then before cause now we can cover 3 directions with totem.
Last edited by MasterLoki666 on Jan 15, 2021, 4:19:08 AM
In Harvest I was > 500k hideout tooltip dps and I wasn't freezing the absolute top end bosses anyway - even if I killed them in three hits or whatever - so I doubt this would have made a difference for the 10 boss Maven fights.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jan 15, 2021, 4:52:05 AM
NoImagination wrote:
In Harvest I was > 500k hideout tooltip dps and I wasn't freezing the absolute top end bosses anyway - even if I killed them in three hits or whatever - so I doubt this would have made a difference for the 10 boss Maven fights.

I want to see your pob cause before flask even with 250ex in the build i never passed 250k tooltip and i perma freeze shaper.

Ok nvm i've POB your character... it's insane. Never saw a 5.5M/Per shaper dps. DAMN SON, only the watcher eye should be 140ex, how did you achieved that gear? crafting and dropping a mirror?. I'm jealous :D!
Last edited by NoStRoMoSs on Jan 15, 2021, 5:12:32 AM
Harvest was good for this build!

Though I got the Eye for ~15ex and couldn't believe my luck.

Re: freezing - I'm thinking A8 Sirus. Even the top conquerors weren't freezing as far as I recall, though perhaps that's because they died quickly.
Last edited by NoImagination on Jan 15, 2021, 5:14:09 AM
Iam sitting at 503k hideout tooltip dps with the old setup and auras activated.
Freezing Pulse cold damage is at 41262-62083.

With that setup i could solo and permafreeze pure Chayula in a 6 man group.

With the new setup and switching to a +2 projectile Soul Mantle for more dps then a +1 gem one i am at

317k hideout tooltip dps with auras activated, obviously 50% more dps on the lower hit side to that number cause now there are 6 totems instead of 4 totems.

The cold damage on Freezing Pulse now says 26074-39249.
So yeah overall damage wise it wont make much of a difference but like i said the max hit number per cast takes a HUGE hit.

Oh and the higher mana multiplier on multiple totem support sucks !
Last edited by MasterLoki666 on Jan 15, 2021, 5:22:25 AM

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