[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

KasperskyLabs wrote:
for anyone wondering for the 6th point in Merc Lab we take Arcane Blessing now since Conviction of power is useless.

This gives us 70% INC effect of arcane surge because of the Arcane Capacitor node and of course permanent Arcane Surge.

uhm, but you know that this is only arcane surge rank 1 instead of a 100 % uptime of a lvl 21 arcane surge with help of arcane cloak with 60 % improve via Arcane Capacitor?
Last edited by muhnie on Jan 13, 2021, 10:55:13 AM
KasperskyLabs wrote:
for anyone wondering for the 6th point in Merc Lab we take Arcane Blessing now since Conviction of power is useless.

I dont think so Conviction is useless, looks quite strong.
do you guys think Searing Bond should be considered to help with the holy flame totem leveling build? It got a decent buff and may help with single target while leveling. thoughts?
This should be a great build this league!! Looking forward to it.
Other than the 1 totem issue and a couple of other minor issues, it will be a strong build as always.....Plus I'm sure that Wallach will come up with other ways to compensate for any lack of damage due to the slight nerf...
Last edited by Mentoya on Jan 13, 2021, 12:28:46 PM
muhnie wrote:
KasperskyLabs wrote:
for anyone wondering for the 6th point in Merc Lab we take Arcane Blessing now since Conviction of power is useless.

This gives us 70% INC effect of arcane surge because of the Arcane Capacitor node and of course permanent Arcane Surge.

uhm, but you know that this is only arcane surge rank 1 instead of a 100 % uptime of a lvl 21 arcane surge with help of arcane cloak with 60 % improve via Arcane Capacitor?

ahhh crap I forgot about that my bad.
NoImagination wrote:
I think most people are overhyping on how easily Harvest will be viable.

Yeh, I think you're probably right. Being able to save 10 crafts means you can still get something useful done though. Getting totally perfect gear like we could in Harvest League is going to be super hard, but getting really great gear seems doable.

It's not clear to me how harvest spawns though, do we have any information? The skill points just seem to be bonusses to when it DOES appear. Will they be missions like with Einhar? Will they just randomly spawn on 10% of maps, say?

Ah, 5% is the current setting:


Also from Zana.
Asag wrote:
Mentalmike wrote:

Conviction of Power really raises my eyebrows. I like the changes but hate it at the same time. How do we generate power and endurance charges now that we have no method of generating by spawning totems? If we can retain passive generation this could really offset damage and utility loss.

Mana Regeneration, Mana (Mana Regeneration, Power and Endurance Charge Duration) Why bother to remove the charge duration?

Why you want to generate them? You have all time 4 charges up because its +4 to minimum charges, not maximum. And thts why duration is also not needed.

And when I read all those comments from doomsayers (not only about this build but on others too) I dont know if I should laugh or cry.

Like seriously, some things get minimal changes but even when build lose 2% of damage its anyway "buld dead, fuk GGG, unplayable!".

And about this specific build Im gonna play it as starter unless there will be some nerfs in patch notes. Hiero changes did not killed this build at all and I hope Wallach gonna update it.

Oh yeah i mis-read that. The biggest change in my eyes that I am concerned about is the loss of multi-totem and charge duration. However the + minimum offsets the charge issue. However still curious how we will gain the remaining charges from the passive tree.
Mentalmike wrote:
Oh yeah i mis-read that. The biggest change in my eyes that I am concerned about is the loss of multi-totem and charge duration. However the + minimum offsets the charge issue. However still curious how we will gain the remaining charges from the passive tree.

I don't personally invest into any additional charges in this build, so there's not really much consideration on my end. If you were trying to generate additional Power or Endurance charges, you will need to find some new means of generation, so in that regard the node is definitely less flexible than it was before.

As for Multiple Totems, there's probably not much getting around just adding the support gem to your primary links unless you're willing to gem swap for bosses, which isn't going to be that impactful anyway since we do not have very strong support gem options in our final link as it is.

To that end, I may just have the guide updated by tonight because I don't think there's a whole lot to consider within the Hierophant specifically. The slowest part of the guide update will probably just be the leveling section since the progression curve will be different with the Hierophant changes, but it will mostly be tweaking and if you've leveled this build before it isn't going to be very different. As far as looking at other Ascendancy classes, that will take some more time and won't be part of the guide update for now.
Wallach wrote:

To that end, I may just have the guide updated by tonight because I don't think there's a whole lot to consider within the Hierophant specifically. The slowest part of the guide update will probably just be the leveling section since the progression curve will be different with the Hierophant changes, but it will mostly be tweaking and if you've leveled this build before it isn't going to be very different. As far as looking at other Ascendancy classes, that will take some more time and won't be part of the guide update for now.

Just dropping by to specially say thank you to Wallach, for this build. I've always played totems (Dark Pact, Divine Ire, HFT, etc), but never thought of FP totems until I came across this thread a few leagues back. Gave it a try and never looked back. Your FP totem build has been (and will always be, unless GGG decides to break totems in the future) my league starter every league/event since then.

Also, it's a relief to read your thoughts on the nerfs pertaining to Hiero's ascendancy and that this build will still be viable. Thanks for the reassurance!

Can't wait for the updated guide. And thanks again, Wallach!
Im not sure if this interaction works or not without testing it but would Tulfall be a good wand early in the league before getting a nicer one

With the new Conviction of power giving 4 min power charges, if you invest 2 points in the tree to get to 5 max power charges you would only need to gain 1 power charge to gain a frenzy charge but then instead of losing all power charges they would go to 4

That way you would gain 15 Cast speed, 60 to 100 cold damage to spells, 45% cold damage (from 3 frenzy charges) and the 12 CS and 12 more damage from the frenzy charges themselves

For general maping it would not be a problem because you gain power charges by killing frozen enemies the only issue would be bosses which woold require a way to gain power charges (still trying to fidure out the best way to do this other than using power charge on crit)

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