[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Having some problems now with doing the higher level content I guess.
Sirus A4 went poop; partially because I did not want to spend 50C on a corrupted blood gem ... :)

But my DPS seems to peter out now I guess, money wise this league has been absolute crap. I did manage to get like 2 ex and ~500C, not a single ex drop yet ... Spent the ex and 150C on a 6L soul mantle because 6linking my own was turning into a mental breakdown waiting to happen.

The upgrade path of the mirror and then forward from that just isn't opening up. No monies ...

I vaporize anything map content wise, don't care about mods (tho no mana regen is poop). Bosses sometimes take some time but just plop totems and stand back is fine for me as well.

What should I do upgrade wise for my tree/equipment to move on DPS wise? Note I don't run the aura, it was an experiment and I'm just too lazy to remove the gem ^^
Quality on your DPS gems will help, as will a 20/20 freezing pulse. If you're going to use a shield, get +1 totems, or +1 gems. Otherwise, a second wand is almost certainly better, or at least take glancing blows.

Is your cold resist your highest? POB doesn't handle cluster jewels well, so I can't tell.
Achnod wrote:

Just crafted this new beast.
I honestly wouldn't be able to know how to make a better wand.

lovely craft sir :)
Balvi wrote:
NoImagination wrote:
Balvi wrote:
finally had been able to buy shield and belt and now i am skinned bare :D

now save up more for the jewels

First, congrats! Second, if we're talking cluster jewels, you're better off garden crafting them, it should be relatively easy to get decent ones.

thank you :)

oh really? may I please ask if you could advice witch crafts should i be using?

thank you

I wrote this without thinking about it very hard, but almost every keystone we want has a cold tag. We'll end up with cold resist often, but should be able to just take a jewel, aug cold and add/remove cold until we hit four keystones. Three shouldn't be a problem as long as we're prepared to keep a cold resist affix too.

This should work a lot better if we alt spam until we hit a rare/non-cold tag notable, then annul away the other mod. When I've finished making my boots, I might look into this with a bit more depth.
NoImagination wrote:
I'm new to POE and this build has helped me get a great start to the game. I'm level 90 and was following the no cluster skill tree from POB since it shows as having higher DPS. Am I missing something? not really sure where to go in the tree now.

Also, any suggestions on what to work to upgrade next? Have about 2ex to invest into the build, and I was leaning at getting a 21/20 freezing pulse.

Your character is private, so can't tell. POB doesn't seem to handle cluster jewels properly - for whatever it's worth, my hideout dps is 330k with auras on and nothing else.

I think it should be public now.

Anointing your amulet will help a lot. Your boots don't do anything for you, so they should be quite easy to upgrade. Quality on your DPS gems is a quick upgrade too. I think cluster jewels are a big gain, so it's probably worth starting to make the large one to start with.

After that, I think it's easiest to save for the Reflection.
Dofolo wrote:
Having some problems now with doing the higher level content I guess.
Sirus A4 went poop; partially because I did not want to spend 50C on a corrupted blood gem ... :)

But my DPS seems to peter out now I guess, money wise this league has been absolute crap. I did manage to get like 2 ex and ~500C, not a single ex drop yet ... Spent the ex and 150C on a 6L soul mantle because 6linking my own was turning into a mental breakdown waiting to happen.

The upgrade path of the mirror and then forward from that just isn't opening up. No monies ...

I vaporize anything map content wise, don't care about mods (tho no mana regen is poop). Bosses sometimes take some time but just plop totems and stand back is fine for me as well.

What should I do upgrade wise for my tree/equipment to move on DPS wise? Note I don't run the aura, it was an experiment and I'm just too lazy to remove the gem ^^

20/20 gems will help a lot
Also, if bosses take to long, I'd switch to medium jewel with cold conduction and Astonishing affliction. The shock really helps the dps
You could also go glancing blow + rumi + annointing arcane swiftness.
An other big upgrade would be awakened controlled destruction with quality, but it is expensive.

Just a quick question....which jewel socket do you take in the tree for a watcher's eye jewel or do you take out one of the unique jewels?
LarryD wrote:
Just a quick question....which jewel socket do you take in the tree for a watcher's eye jewel or do you take out one of the unique jewels?

Large cluster jewel -> Medium cluster jewel -> one of those slots. That's what I'm using at least.
NoImagination wrote:
Quality on your DPS gems will help, as will a 20/20 freezing pulse. If you're going to use a shield, get +1 totems, or +1 gems. Otherwise, a second wand is almost certainly better, or at least take glancing blows.

Is your cold resist your highest? POB doesn't handle cluster jewels well, so I can't tell.

Cold is 86, rest 85 :D
I got the FP at 19/20 for like 2C, figured that was cheaper then 20/20 my 20/0 one. Almost 20/20 that one now.

A 2nd wand, that's actually a good one. I can pile on some more crit stuff/dmg and get two +1s I suppose. +2 wands are ridiculous price wise ^^
Last edited by Dofolo on Jul 15, 2020, 3:20:02 AM

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